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Fallout 3. Bethseda.

Chopin Trusty Balls

First casualty in the war on idioticy.
Bethesda Softworks to Develop and Publish Fallout 3

July 12, 2004 (Rockville, MD) -- Bethesda Softworks® announced today that it will develop and publish Fallout 3 -- a sequel to the highly popular Fallout role-playing game franchise. Bethesda licensed the rights to the Fallout franchise from Interplay Entertainment Corp. (OTC Bulletin Board: IPLY) in a deal that awards Bethesda exclusive worldwide rights to the Fallout franchise on the PC, home consoles, handhelds, and other media, with the option to develop and publish additional sequels.

“We’re extremely excited about this opportunity and what it means both for Bethesda and for Fallout fans around the world,” said Vlatko Andonov, president of Bethesda Softworks. “Fallout is one the great RPG franchises. Millions of Fallout games have been sold worldwide, and fans have been eagerly awaiting the release of a Fallout 3 title. Bethesda’s proven expertise in this genre, building on our experience and the tremendous success we have enjoyed with our cutting-edge Elder Scrolls® series, will enable us to create the next chapter of Fallout that is worthy of the franchise.”

Originally released in 1997, Fallout places a player in the role of a Vault-dweller, who ventures from his secluded, underground survival Vault into a post-apocalyptic world of mutants, radiation, gangs and violence. The game has been widely hailed as one of the outstanding role-playing games and video games of all time with its unique gameplay, style, and setting.

Commenting on this development, Interplay Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Herve Caen said, “This is a good agreement for both companies and for gamers. Although several parties had a high level of interest in licensing Fallout, we are most impressed by Bethesda’s execution of role-playing titles. Bethesda is an ideal steward of the Fallout franchise.”

Fallout 3 will be developed by Bethesda along with the next chapter of The Elder Scrolls, both under the direction of Todd Howard, executive producer of The Elder Scrolls. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind® won every national and international award of note in 2002, including Game of the Year and RPG of the Year, and is one of the best-selling games ever released on Xbox.

“We are overjoyed,” said Howard. “Fallout is one of my favorite games, and we plan to develop a visually stunning and original game for Fallout 3 with all the hallmarks of a great RPG: player choice, engaging story, and non-linearity.”

Future announcements about the release of Fallout 3 will be made as work on the title progresses.



I did a serach for Fallout and Bethseda! Bah! Now I see I've been spelling it wrong all this time! CURSES!
Interplay said:
Commenting on this development, Interplay Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Herve Caen said, “Yay! Money! Now my kids can finally soothe their distended bellies and perhaps retain some of their teeth!”

Anyways, this could be awesome or terrible. No BIS people could very well mean that Fallout 3 will be a travesty of gigantic proportions. OTOH, Bethesda's a pretty decent studio IMO, so it could also equal teh roxxor. Interesting, nonetheless.


I wonder how long it will take for the game to be finished though, since they're developing Fallout 3 alongside the new Elderscrolls game. I mean, these probably aren't small games we're talking about. And considering the bugs and other mishaps that appeared in Morrowind...I hope they take their time.
Well, since Fallout 2 shipped with some horrifying bugs, Bethesda is a nice choice for Fallout 3. ;)

This news has me excited. Fallout is my favorite game, and Fallout 2 was awesome as well. Having the next title in the series developed by a respected RPG powerhouse? This is great! :)


So Fallout 3 is coming to the Xbox?

But it's not by the people behind the origional Fallout and Fallout 2 is it? I guess it's a basic enough formula to make a good and open ended sequel. Lets hope Bethesda makes some wise choices.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
SteveMeister said:
Target platform and game design have yet to be determined. This all JUST happened like in the past couple weeks.

Ah, so it's coming out this Fall then? :p


I'm sure you guys know my stance on the Fallout games...but let it be known that Bethseda is the only company aside from Black Isle that can give Fallout 3 the quality bug testing it deserves


Well they'll hire some bug testers and then case closed :p

Well anyway Bethstsssssdseda is great. I am happy they hired them to do the job. The game will rock.


I played Morrowind in 3rd person perspective 90% of the time. No problem mate they'll have some cool options for all of us :D


I think bioware has a really good idea with their new game Dragon Age, exploration with a view ala kotor and combat with a view ala baldurs gate. The best of two worlds.


They better not dumb down the game or simplify it so that they can put it on consoles... I'll be PISSED.
Bethesda needs more modelers / artists / animators. It was painfully obvious in Morrowind how few they actually used. Of course most PC based developers suffer the same problem.
Making a First Person Fallout game wouldn't be fallout. That'd be like Fallout FPS. It *has* to keep SPECIAL and turn-based combat, plz.


Anyone who would be excited about Bethesda getting to help work on this game... has issues. They need to learn to get their own shit right first. Morrowind was a cool game, but the bugs that were, still are and will continue to be in it are completely unacceptable, on PC or console.

Also, I feel Elder Scrolls would be better suited to an MMORPG. That way, the style of play is enhanced and they can't pretend to ignore their customers like they do now.
dude morrowinds models suck ass

look at this guy

he did 100x better with LESS polys then again he was hired by epic to do the new UTs modeling so :p



My new model on left (502 polys), Bethesda's original head on right (644 polys).


Hang out with Steve.
ZombieSupaStar said:
dude morrowinds models suck ass

look at this guy

he did 100x better with LESS polys then again he was hired by epic to do the new UTs modeling so :p



My new model on left (502 polys), Bethesda's original head on right (644 polys).

Rhedd used textures in a more efficient manner than the artists were required to do for Morrowind. Basically, Morrowind's face textures had a lot of empty space so that even texels on the back of the head were the same size as texels on the front, while Rhedd's (really his wife, Allie's) textures used more of the space for the face and stretched the texels on the back of the head. In retrospect, obviously a much better idea. :)

On the Xbox, the 64MB limit really hit hard, and that required a further reduction in texture resolution AND cutting out half of the frames of animation. Ouch. Had the game been developed specifically for Xbox from the beginning, rather than ported halfway through like it was, it would have turned out visually much better.

But at least the TESCS lets people like Rhedd & Allie and others to replace the outdated artwork.
Fallout3 being made by an outside developer is just bleh. As long as it has amusing random encounters and a fallout-isk story I'll be happy

the tardis, the aliens with the elvis picture and the crazy car salesman all made my dad


SteveMeister: Do you guys have multiple internal dev teams now?

I certainly hope the next Elder Scrolls game will not be put on hold because of this?


Hang out with Steve.
Rhindle said:
SteveMeister: Do you guys have multiple internal dev teams now?

I certainly hope the next Elder Scrolls game will not be put on hold because of this?

I'm not entirely sure what the plan is yet, although I'm certain there'll be a lot of shared people & technology, if for no other reason than it makes sense. This is brand new news -- most of us only heard about it a couple weeks ago, and it only became finalized last week. I do know that both franchises are extremely important to the company. The idea was not to replace or displace The Elder Scrolls, but rather to expand our product line with complimentary franchises. So The Elder Scrolls and Fallout will both be developed internally for sure, but I wouldn't expect to hear anything more about Fallout for quite some time.


I was on elderscrolls.com yesterday and realized I have nearly every ES game released:

- First TES game I purchased was Redguard, pre-owned. Recently found the disks, haven't tried playing it again but I did beat it back when I had the original 3dfx card.
- Purchased Daggerfall a long time ago (still haven't beaten it - the last dungeon 0wns me)
- Purchased Morrowind when it came out, and the expansions
- Downloaded TES: Arena when Bethsoft released it for free

That just leaves Battlespire.



SteveMeister said:
I'm not entirely sure what the plan is yet, although I'm certain there'll be a lot of shared people & technology, if for no other reason than it makes sense. This is brand new news -- most of us only heard about it a couple weeks ago, and it only became finalized last week. I do know that both franchises are extremely important to the company. The idea was not to replace or displace The Elder Scrolls, but rather to expand our product line with complimentary franchises. So The Elder Scrolls and Fallout will both be developed internally for sure, but I wouldn't expect to hear anything more about Fallout for quite some time.
Ah, that makes sense. Bethesda does need to diversify their portfolio, and if they can do that through expanded internal development, so much the better.

As long as we get a new ES game at some point in the next 3 years, I'm happy. I will say that at this point the ES/Morrowind name probably has a lot more draw than Fallout, so hopefully they can pull it off without impacting the ES development cycle.
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