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Fallout 3 refused classification by OFLC (Australia)


Just so you know, I have the best avatars ever.
The_Dude said:
Why does drug use warrent an RC for games when an MA15+ rated movie can contain it?

Because movies are for adults, and games are for kids, obviously.
This still blows my mind. The adults in Australia are that stupid that they can't decide what games to play and not to play? I mean seriously who ever runs that rating board has got to get their head out of their ass.

Let me ask you guys a question is pornography sold in Australia?


Just so you know, I have the best avatars ever.
Blu_LED said:
This still blows my mind. The adults in Australia are that stupid that they can't decide what games to play and not to play? I mean seriously who ever runs that rating board has got to get their head out of their ass.

Let me ask you guys a question is pornography sold in Australia?

To be fair, this has really come down to one person - the Attorney General for South Australia. The OFLC is just doing their job, but the legislation allowing R18+ games is being blocked by one out of 7 AGs, which is enough to keep it from happening. Until he retires, anyway.

And yes, we have porn. There are restrictions against any kind of violence in pornography, however - you can't, for example, even have a story section with someone being punched, followed by non-violent sex. It's a bit odd.





alistairw said:
To be fair, this has really come down to one person - the Attorney General for South Australia. The OFLC is just doing their job, but the legislation allowing R18+ games is being blocked by one out of 7 AGs, which is enough to keep it from happening. Until he retires, anyway.

And yes, we have porn. There are restrictions against any kind of violence in pornography, however - you can't, for example, even have a story section with someone being punched, followed by non-violent sex. It's a bit odd.
There's a bunch of subject matter that gets porn banned here if they contain any of it too.

And sadly, all the people who actually raise concerns about the lack of R18+ rating for games somehow gets drowned out by family and Christian groups. Those people are seriously retarded.



Can't really blame the OFLC for this one, it does appear that they had no choice, whether we agree with it or not.

The question is, does anyone believe Bethesda will be able to edit the game in order to release it here? I for one doubt that very much.

Say hello to plenty of importing/downloading of this game in Australia...

Edit: My first post....in 6 months. Hah.

Witchfinder General

punched Wheelchair Mike
Blu_LED said:
This still blows my mind. The adults in Australia are that stupid that they can't decide what games to play and not to play? I mean seriously who ever runs that rating board has got to get their head out of their ass.

Let me ask you guys a question is pornography sold in Australia?

It's illegal to sell XXX pornography in Australia outside of the ACT (Australian Capital Territory).


Can we eject SA from the Commonwealth? Only state in the country with absolutely nothing going for it at all save for luddites and rampant incest.


Trucker Sexologist
So he started out with:

a)Adults should be able to read, see and hear what they want.
b)Minors should be protected from material likely to harm or disturb them

and then spent two pages explaining why b outweighs a to the point where it doesn't even need to be on the letter. He also says, "Ultimately, it is up to the parent to decide what is fit for the child." and then justifies government censorship because the parents can't be trusted to do the job. He says cinemas can control access to movies and not games but I assume Australia has DVDs. It's maddening.

Personally, I think stunting a child's mental and emotional growth by sheltering them their whole lives is far more psychologically damaging than exposure to R rated material. But that's a strawman because the issue at hand is government censorship, not parenting. It is not the government's job to parent people's children, and it is certainly not the government's job to parent its adult citizens.

Michael Atkinson said:
I am concerned about the level of violence in society and the widespread acceptance of simulated violence as a form of entertainment.

Benjamin Franklin said:
Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.


Just so you know, I have the best avatars ever.
Kipz said:
Was going to get on PC anyhow but still FUCK YOU South Australia

I was tossing up between PC and 360, but looks like that choice has been made for me now.

I didn't vote for the guy, just so you know. Which electorate does he represent, anyway?


Blu_LED said:
Let me ask you guys a question is pornography sold in Australia?

Yes and it's funny because magazines like Picture have full frontal nudity but aren't restricted, 6yr olds can buy it if they want.


Ok I'm confused about that letter you got back Rlan.

Point A of classification code conflicts with B, C & D. The letter states that games and films are classified under the one unified guideline, however later points out specifically, that both games and films are rated differently? Doesn't this undermine the entire point of a unified system to begin with then? Furthmore, not a single argument put forward in regard to the lack of an R rating for games makes any sense when considering the fact there is an R rating for video's and film. The letter specifically states that games with extreme sex (whatever extreme sex is), violence and other controversial matter should not be shown in video games as there is no need for it and that developers should be able to produce games with out such content; but that could also apply to any movie or film rated R. How is this any different for games? Saying films can be monitored is a cheap cop out, once a film is available in store it's no less available to a minor than a video game.

That entire letter produces nothing more than backward arguments for a law that is essentially backward in itself. The classification codes conflict one another, the government has intoduced a policy to unify the rating system but at the same time acknowledges each medium is rated differently and then goes on to say that while controversial content in games should not be tolerated, it has no explanation for the fact that in other mediums it is acceptable.
Ha ha, Australians.

We can get all the violence we want in America and all we have to worry about is crazy lawyers and angry talk show hosts.

Constitution FTW!


Spotless Mind said:
:lol Good ole Austria. I'm glad i don't live in that backwards nation.

Wrong country mate~

Backwards Nation? WTF? Have you ever been to Australia or Austria before? Stupid cunt.


massive bear, tiny salmon
Death_Born said:
Ha ha, Australians.

We can get all the violence we want in America and all we have to worry about is crazy lawyers and angry talk show hosts.

Constitution FTW!
Yes I'm so jealous if only australia had a constitution :biggestmotherfuckingrolleyesever:


and then spent two pages explaining why b outweighs a to the point where it doesn't even need to be on the letter. He also says, "Ultimately, it is up to the parent to decide what is fit for the child." and then justifies government censorship because the parents can't be trusted to do the job. He says cinemas can control access to movies and not games but I assume Australia has DVDs. It's maddening.

It is quite bizarre...

I am all for education and educating parents that they need to make better decisions about what their kids are doing on gaming consoles/pcs etc, but to suggest that the best way to tackle this is to completely block everyone from accessing an R18+ rated game, a rating available to other media, is ridiculous.


So basically, if they replace the images of needles and pills and such to random happy faces, and instead called them stuff like "XTERMINATORS", the problem would be solved?


Rlan said:
This was not me, but a friend. This was the response Michael Atkinson had for him.
Looks like his office get plenty of correspondence about the R18+ issue. Just look at the date, it looks like they had a response pre-printed but without the day of the month, then they just took a copy of it, scribbled down the day of the month when they received the letter, perhaps fed it through the printer again to print your address and sent it out.


hirokazu said:
Looks like his office get plenty of correspondence about the R118+ issue. Just look at the date, it looks like they had a response pre-printed but without the day of the month, then they just took a copy of it, scribbled down the day of the month when they received the letter, perhaps fed it through the printer again to print your address and sent it out.

Actually it does specify a few things that were in my friends letter, so it's not so copy and pasted as you may believe.

He got this a few days ago though - it could have been sent out friday last week and that'd be about right.


Kipz said:
Yes I'm so jealous if only australia had a constitution :biggestmotherfuckingrolleyesever:
The uneducated people from what I can only presume to be the United States who come into threads like this to troll are mind-numbing. Probably doesn't even know what a constitution is, just that his country has one :lol


Death_Born said:
Ha ha, Australians.

We can get all the violence we want in America and all we have to worry about is crazy lawyers and angry talk show hosts.

Constitution FTW!

Pretty sure Australia has a constitution.

What we do not have is a Bill of Rights. But hey, my government didn't just grant immunity to telecommunications companies for performing warrantless wiretaps. Lot of good that old Bill of Rights is doing.

Witchfinder General

punched Wheelchair Mike
We are going backwards, however. We are a Nation that keeps sliding away from liberalism into intractable conservatism where our rights are eroded by state and federal government on an almost daily basis.

You know what's the sad thing about that? The vast majority of voters want it that way.

Comfort for conservatism.

Brave New World.
Witchfinder General said:
We are going backwards, however. We are a Nation that keeps sliding away from liberalism into intractable conservatism where our rights are eroded by state and federal government on an almost daily basis.

You know what's the sad thing about that? The vast majority of voters want it that way.

Comfort for conservatism.

Brave New World.

Crazy hey, we are becoming the ultimate nanny state and it is very disturbing to me. Hopefully our generation will be able to undo some of the damage in future, but I'm not too confident.

Dead Man

Rlan said:
This was the response Michael Atkinson had for him.

That is some of the most specious logic, the most patronising arguments and the most ridiculous attempt at justification I have ever seen. Tonight, I'm ashamed to be in SA.

Easily gotten around because of the miracle of THE INTERNET and the WORLD WIDE ECONOMY but bloody hell that is poor. One more import to the list.

Edit: What the fuck? Because Morphine is named and it has pictures of a pipe next to one of the drugs? I have a hat that says Morphine, better ban it! How about you poll me and my 'reasonable adult' friends about how concerned about it we are. I'm really fucked off now. Patronizing shits. Are the OFLC board running around looking for morphine to hit up? Is my friend who is on long term pain treatment with... morphine going to abuse it? Fuck you.


Adults are allowed to drink alcohol despite the risks that children can and do obtain it.
The same goes for cigarettes

... and they (Government) appease their moral conscience by taxing them at a higher rate.

I dont buy the argument that adults should miss out on games because some of them are unsuitable for children who might get to see them.


RandomVince said:
Adults are allowed to drink alcohol despite the risks that children can and do obtain it.
The same goes for cigarettes

... and they (Government) appease their moral conscience by taxing them at a higher rate.

I dont buy the argument that adults should miss out on games because some of them are unsuitable for children who might get to see them.
I read somewhere that children are allowed to smoke, just that you have to be over 18 to purchase cigarettes. :lol

idahoblue said:
That is some of the most specious logic, the most patronising arguments and the most ridiculous attempt at justification I have ever seen. Tonight, I'm ashamed to be in SA.
Get the fuck outta there, we need to kick that desolate state out of the federation. Also cut it loose from the mainland and shove it on a course towards Antartica.


Just so you know, I have the best avatars ever.
hirokazu said:
Get the fuck outta there, we need to kick that desolate state out of the federation. Also cut it loose from the mainland and shove it on a course towards Antartica.

Exeter Hotel > you.


MrHicks said:
holy shit WTF
This is true, everything classified X18+ can only be legally sold in the ACT. This is why all the porn mail order companies are based in the ACT, and why all the adult bookstores have an R18+ sign instead of X18+. It is legal to possess X18+ material in every other state and territory, just not to sell them. supposedly anyway, you'll find that in practice though, adult bookstores everywhere will sell X18+ material anyway - nobody seems to care, and the law doesn't really seem to be put into practice much.

I don't remember the reason for this, but rest assured, it's something really dumb.


I feel like the laws in Oz are getting worse. The two things I care about, weed and video games, are getting harsher penalties and a woefully inadequate ratings system, respectively.


Neo Member
ATF487 said:
I feel like the laws in Oz are getting worse. The two things I care about, weed and video games, are getting harsher penalties and a woefully inadequate ratings system, respectively.

The laws stay the same. That's the problem.


Has problems recognising girls
Looks like the game was banned over drug use themes, particularly over the in-game drug morphine.
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