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Family of Kidnapped Louisiana Woman Kills Abductor in Daring Rescue

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The family of a kidnapped Louisiana mother tracked down and killed the father of her child in the abandoned house where he was allegedly holding her prisoner, authorities said.

Bethany Arceneaux, 29, of Duson, La., was abducted in the parking lot of a daycare where she was picking up her 2-year-old at approximately 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Lafayette Parish Sheriff's Department Captain Kip Judice told ABCNews.com.

Witnesses saw the suspect, Scott Thomas, allegedly force Arceneaux into his white Buick LeSabre, before driving off, Lafayette Police Department spokesman Paul Mouton told ABCNews.com.

Thomas, 29, of Leonville, La., is the father of Arceneaux's child, Judice said. The woman had a restraining order against Thomas, but Judice said he did not know when it was filed.

The child was left behind in the woman's car, and was later taken into custody by the woman's mother, Mouton said.

Later that evening, law enforcement officials found Thomas' car near an abandoned sugarcane field in a rural area of Lafayette Parish, La., Judice said.

One of Arceneaux's shoes was found in the car, while the other had been left in the parking lot of the daycare where she had been last seen.

Authorities searched the sugarcane field Wednesday night and all day Thursday, but to no avail, Judice said. The cane towers as high as eight feet tall and was "a brutal search area" for officials, he said.

It wasn't until Friday morning, when Arceneaux's family members conducted their own search in the same area that they came upon a secluded, abandoned house behind a cluster of trees.

The house was directly across the street from the field where Thomas abandoned his car, but only the home's roof was visible from the road, Judice said.

"[The family] converged on a piece of property about a mile from where the car was found," Judice said. "One of the family members heard what he thought was a scream."

Arceneaux's cousin approached the home, kicked in the door in and entered, Judice said. Inside, he found Thomas with the woman. Thomas then began stabbing Arceneaux, and a confrontation ensued.

"The cousin, who was armed, began firing several shots at Thomas," Judice said. "After a couple of shots, [Arceneaux] was able to get free of him and they escorted her out of the house."

Arcenaux suffered several stab wounds and was taken by ambulance to Lafayette General Medical Center, where she is in stable condition, Judice said. It is not known if Arceneaux had been stabbed before her cousin found her inside the home, officials said.

Meanwhile, officers who heard the gun shots fired surrounded the home, Judice said. Upon entering, they found Thomas' lifeless body on the ground. He had sustained several gunshot wounds.

Thomas' cause of death is not known, Judice said. An autopsy on the body will be conducted by Lafayette Parish Coroner Ken Odinet, but it is not known when it will take place.

ABC News' attempts to reach Odinet were not immediately successful.

Thomas did not own the abandoned home, Judice said. At this point, there is no known connection between Thomas and the property's owners.

Arceneaux told investigators that the home was the only place she remembers being held hostage, Judice said. She said she had not eaten or drunk anything since her abduction on Wednesday.

No charges have been filed against the man who shot Thomas, and it is unlikely that the man will be charged, Judice said.

"In the state of Louisiana, you have a right to protect yourself and others from imminent bodily harm," he said. "We believe at this point, based on evidence and statements collected, that this guy was acting in defense of Ms. Arceneaux and thus, was within the state law."

ABC News' attempts to reach Arceneaux's family were not immediately successful.


man that could have gone SO FUCKING BAD at the end there. It actually seems like the sort of thing that would have ended badly if police negotiators got involved, but we'll never know now.


It's a good thing she had family to support her and not give up on their search for her.

It's so unfortunate when there are DV victims that don't have that support. :(




get some go again
good thing the family found her because it looks like that guy was planning on killing her.


man that could have gone SO FUCKING BAD at the end there. It actually seems like the sort of thing that would have ended badly if police negotiators got involved, but we'll never know now.

Or she may not have been stabbed at all. Like you say, we'll never know.

Whatever, I won't shed any tears for him. Pretty dumb of the police to miss the house, because if you abduct someone, they're more likely to be in a house than a corn field. Sounds like they were still pretty close, so perhaps they were going to get around to searching it.
God damn that's an incredible story. Good for the family, and it's a shame the police didn't do a more thorough search. Could have saved that lady a day of who knows what kind of abuse.

The Real Abed


Upon entering, they found Thomas' lifeless body on the ground. He had sustained several gunshot wounds.

Thomas' cause of death is not known, Judice said.

I don't get this part. At all. Like what?



I don't get this part. At all. Like what?

What's not to get? A dead body could be shot post-mortem or someone could have several non-lethal gunshot wounds to be later killed by a blunt force impact to the head. Until an autopsy is carried out, we only have the family's word to go on.
Thank God for this guys terrible knife or bad stabbing ability. Because both the Woman and her Cousin could had being death. Lock his ass up.



After the estranged boyfriend of Bethany Arceneaux kidnapped her on Wednesday, the victim’s family chose not to rely on local police to find her.
In a scene out of a movie, they discovered her ex-boyfriend, Scott Thomas, torturing Bethany in an abandoned home in Duson, Louisiana on Friday. Arceneaux’s family then shot Thomas dead to prevent her from being killed as he stabbed her, family members told KLFY television.

While I don't advocate taking things into your own hands every time, it seems the family made the absolutely correct decision in this situation. Its very possible that had they relied on the police, she would be dead right now.


The guy started stabbing her because the family found him. Maybe nothing would have happened if the family had not interfered.
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