FANTASIAN Neo Dimension | Review Thread

Thick Thighs Save Lives

NeoGAF's Physical Games Advocate Extraordinaire
You better put that digital drawing down or else!


Lokaum D+

Don't sleep on this one people, I played the whole thing on Apple TV and for those of you who have been waiting forever for Final Fantasy to go back to it's roots, THIS is the game you've been asking for.

Turn Based Battle System ✅
Story by Hironobu Sakaguchi ✅
Music by Nobuo Uematsu ✅
PS1 Pre-Rendered backgrounds ✅
Old School FF Character Archetypes ✅
glad this is a "indie" game, if this was a SE main release it would never met sales expectation for sure.


Late October Surprise
Don't sleep on this one people, I played the whole thing on Apple TV and for those of you who have been waiting forever for Final Fantasy to go back to it's roots, THIS is the game you've been asking for.

Turn Based Battle System ✅
Story by Hironobu Sakaguchi ✅
Music by Nobuo Uematsu ✅
PS1 Pre-Rendered backgrounds ✅
Old School FF Character Archetypes ✅
No multi language localization 🚫
thicc_girls_are_teh_best thicc_girls_are_teh_best , probably worth noting for physical collectors that this seems to be a limited release.

NGL amid everything this game kind of drifted from my mind, I needed the reminder. Thanks! 👍

It looks like you've tagged the wrong thick* user :messenger_grinning_sweat:, but yeah, good shout on that.

I've already secured my physical pre-order. :messenger_sunglasses:

I'm glad they screwed up the tag; reminded me about the game and you got the heads-up all the same. Win-win 😁
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Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Wtf @ the price, Square sabotaging Sakaguchi for making a better JRPG than FF's been in aeons despite a far lower budget and smaller studio or what?

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
It definitely feels like old school Final Fantasy. The dialogue is simple and short with Nintendo style red text highlights on key words. Font is quite large. Gives everything a very relaxed and easy to play vibe. Battles have nice shortcuts on LT and RT buttons so that also feels quite cozy. Music is definitely simplistic so far, nostalgic. Graphically looks interesting. Character models are nicely animated 3d set over pre-rendered backgrounds. Some broader shots look bland but interiors can be detailed. Only weird element so far is the camera angle hops around a lot between static shots. A minor annoyance but not a deal breaker. Not much story yet but they already dropped a few breadcrumbs that could be interesting.


Lack of ultrawide support is mind boggling considering this launched as an Apple Arcade game.

Holding off or now. At least it's Steam Deck verified.


Sounds too old school for me. Not really a bad thing, but not good for me right now.

Might tinker with it and put it on the back burner.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
The Demengion is crack for JRPG fans. What a simple but fantastic quality of life feature. Skip the crap battles constantly in your face, but give you much larger, more difficult battles instead that are more interesting. And you get to manage the meter and turn it off or on and stay in control of it.

Clearly some Lost Odyssey influence as well with the story delivery being in text / visual novel format.

The trees look cool up close. Like a model train set.

FFX vibes.
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Switching to hard mode. The game has all the status effects and elemental weaknesses you'd expect and monster scanning. So far been a bit too easy on normal to where you can ignore most of it.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
10 hours gone and it was effortless. I don't say that about JRPGs too much these days. Feels like this is the closest we'll ever get to a spiritual successor to FF VIII, IX or X.

Pre-rendered is clearly still the way to go for some of these games. I wonder if this hitting console will convince some indie devs to try and mimic this style. 30 people made this in 3 years.

I didn't realize how smart the camera pans were as well. It preserves the ability to have set cinematic angles but allows you to make bigger areas instead of a load screen every 3 seconds like it used to be on PS1 or PS2. They really put a lot of thought into making this game.
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I utterly hate the movement in this game. It does not jive with how I want to control it at all, and the camera is constantly shifting screwing up my directional inputs. I actually hate that far more than the massive amount on DoF that you can't turn off.

Baring these two things, I mostly like it, but nothing special I would say. I am ~20hours in. My next game is Trails through Daybreak and I am finding my desire to finish the game so I can move on increasing. For me 6/10, ok but just that (so far).

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Some of the dialogue is pretty funny. I genuinely like all the characters. Cheryl is hilarious.

P.S. game just dropped some great story in a big chunk. It just keeps getting better.
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The nicest person on this forum
Some of the dialogue is pretty funny. I genuinely like all the characters. Cheryl is hilarious.

P.S. game just dropped some great story in a big chunk. It just keeps getting better.
I 100% agree, the characters are super charming and english voice acting surprisingly good.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Starting to get challenging with a maxed dimengion. Using taunt makes me hold my breath when I see 16 enemies ready to attack.


The nicest person on this forum
That Poison warm boss something, I’m really liking how each boss takes specific tactics to beat.
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Started this today after finishing Dragon Quest III HD-2D last night when coming home from a Christmas dinner (it was a perfect Christmas game).

Already enjoying it very much, love the characters and backgrounds. UI feels like itwas a bit too much left over from the mobile roots maybe. Also normal difficulty might be a bit easy I feel.
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Started this today after finishing Dragon Quest III 2D-HD last night when coming home from a Christmas dinner (it was a perfect Christmas game).

Already enjoying it very much, love the characters and backgrounds. UI feels like itwas a bit too much left over from the mobile roots maybe. Also normal difficulty might be a bit easy I feel.
Definitely recommend hard mode if you're a JRPG vet. Backgrounds are more bland early in the game but improve.

Perfect holiday game for me. Very nostalgic vibe.


I played this on the Apple TV around launch. Absolutely loved it. Felt like an old school Final Fantasy, with some new mechanics. The box to catch random battles was a good idea. Boss fights were very challenging, don’t remember if there was difficulty settings on ATV but I struggled quite a bit. The backgrounds were amazing. The ATV version had stutters when moving between screens, is that corrected now?


The nicest person on this forum
Already enjoying it very much, love the characters and backgrounds. UI feels like itwas a bit too much left over from the mobile roots maybe. Also normal difficulty might be a bit easy I feel.
Because in original release it didn’t have difficulty option but in consoles they added normal because some people found the game too hard.


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
Going to try the demo tonight and possibly purchase Friday.

I mean it’s the gooch and nobou. How could it not be amazing?

SF Kosmo

Better than expected, to be honest. I have been on a bit of a JRPG kick lately, so I might be interested, though I have less nostalgia for the 32-bit Final Fantasy era than most.


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
Anyone play this on the Deck? Seems like it only has a "high" and "low" setting no matter which version you're playing vs standard PC or the deck. Seems it's a locked 60 FPS and max visuals?

If that's the case I may go steam deck for this one and skip ps5.
Honestly I’m playing the game and to me it’s worth price, it’s really good.

Other than it’s UI it doesn’t feel like Apple game.
I wanted to pull the trigger so bad yesterday on in…good thing is I don’t care about the UI in games, so maybe I will give this a shot as a lifelong JRPG guy. Thanks!


Neo Member
Started this today after finishing Dragon Quest III HD-2D last night when coming home from a Christmas dinner (it was a perfect Christmas game).

Already enjoying it very much, love the characters and backgrounds. UI feels like itwas a bit too much left over from the mobile roots maybe. Also normal difficulty might be a bit easy I feel.

The first few hours are too easy; the difficulty clearly escalates gradually (so you can get used to its systems). It’s when you reach the open part and all the mechanics come together that the game becomes one of the toughest and most in-depth RPGs out there, even on normal difficulty (a difficulty I never played, but I’m watching a friend play, and it still maintains a certain level of challenge).

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Wiped on a major boss 3x. I'm pretty close to dropping down to Normal. Game is great but very difficult at times. Anyone know if there's an achievement for hard mode?

I'm on Vam. Got them down to 10k HP but the swords just keep increasing.


The nicest person on this forum
Wiped on a major boss 3x. I'm pretty close to dropping down to Normal. Game is great but very difficult at times. Anyone know if there's an achievement for hard mode?

I'm on Vam. Got them down to 10k HP but the swords just keep increasing.
No kidding, the first half is not bad but the second half the bosses can be brutal.

In one of the side quests which I need to bring that thunder bird's eggs I fought him before in the main story so I thought he wouldn't be that tough but not only hits like fucking truck but also you are already edge of the cliff so if he fully charges I'm dead.
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
No kidding, the first half is not bad but the second half the bosses can be brutal.

In one of the side quests which I need to bring that thunder bird's eggs I fought him before in the main story so I thought he wouldn't be that tough but not only hits like fucking truck but also you are already edge of the cliff so if he fully charges I'm dead.
I had a little trouble with the bird during the story but managed to brute force it. Only after I finished I realized they were hinting that I should spam taunt as the "distraction" so the lightning goes to you instead and doesn't charge him up. I didn't try it but that's my theory. But yeah, game is tough. I know you usually play JRPGs on hard mode so if you're having trouble I might just drop to normal lol.


The nicest person on this forum
I had a little trouble with the bird during the story but managed to brute force it. Only after I finished I realized they were hinting that I should spam taunt as the "distraction" so the lightning goes to you instead and doesn't charge him up. I didn't try it but that's my theory. But yeah, game is tough.
In main story you had Zinikr which not only he can taunt but also guard which I can use tank those strong attacks.

In the side quests not only hits MUCH harder but also you already on the edge, you can't effort him get fully charged.

At this point of the story I dont have Zinikr or Ez and Leo can also use taunt but no way he can tank those strong attacks like Zinikr can.

I know you usually play JRPGs on hard mode so if you're having trouble I might just drop to normal lol.
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Beat him on hard 4th try. I'm still in it. The key was group attack up buff. Its a huge boost actually, feels like almost double damage. Then at the end when the blades increase even more under 10k health I just only attacked the boss to sprint to the end and ignored the blades.

This is a truly great game. Having a blast.


Neo Member
Beat him on hard 4th try. I'm still in it. The key was group attack up buff. Its a huge boost actually, feels like almost double damage. Then at the end when the blades increase even more under 10k health I just only attacked the boss to sprint to the end and ignored the blades.

This is a truly great game. Having a blast.

Congratulations! I was about to advise you to equip armor with “Survival Instinct” (which lets you survive a fatal blow by leaving you with 1 HP), in case, in the final stretch, the boss used the swords before you defeated it, so you could survive the attack and finish it off right after. In any case, it’s a pretty useful strategy for some bosses later on.

PD: The buffs with Ez and the debuffs on bosses are essential in this game. But even more essential are abilities like Concentrate, Desperation, and Charge; using them is almost mandatory to overcome the bosses.
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