Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
There was this quality to fantasy media in the 70s and 80s.
It all really felt dream-like and mystical.
A good example is a movie like Legend with Tim Curry. That whole atmosphere was dream like and fantastical. Same goes for movies like Neverending Story.
Dungeons and Dragons felt dark and mysterious. The comic store would have all the rpg books in a dark corner of the store with a table. It felt like it was a ritual area or seance.
I keep thinking of fake wood paneling walls, 'The Trees' by Rush playing in the background and so on.
That animated Bakshi stuff like Wizards or The Hobbit were representing.
It all felt so authentic.
Now it's all mainstream and even worse, woke. Gone is the dream-like quality and mystery.
It all really felt dream-like and mystical.
A good example is a movie like Legend with Tim Curry. That whole atmosphere was dream like and fantastical. Same goes for movies like Neverending Story.
Dungeons and Dragons felt dark and mysterious. The comic store would have all the rpg books in a dark corner of the store with a table. It felt like it was a ritual area or seance.
I keep thinking of fake wood paneling walls, 'The Trees' by Rush playing in the background and so on.
That animated Bakshi stuff like Wizards or The Hobbit were representing.
It all felt so authentic.
Now it's all mainstream and even worse, woke. Gone is the dream-like quality and mystery.
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