Lately we (myself and my wife) are enjoying Karaoke Revolution and Singstar so I'm looking for new co-op playing ideas for us. I'm thinking about buying Mahjong set and some board games. Are there any board games I should look for?
Do The Mario said:Trivial Pursuit,
Its great fun to play when drinking, were you have a drink when you get questions wrong a delegate drinks when you get it right.
iapetus said:Playing two-player, or more? And are you genuinely set on board games, or are card games worth mentioning?
stonedwal said:Monopoly
ToxicAdam said:Are you people forgetting that he is playing with his ** WIFE ** who could probably care less about strategy or card games. I'm not saying that some women don't enjoy these games, but most don't.
I am also someone who plays alot of games with his wife, and the only board game I have found that we keep playing is Scrabble. But since that isn't an option (unless you can find Scrabble in your native language), I'm not sure if you can find a good 2 player board game, since most are geared for 4-8 ppl.
Ignatz Mouse said:If it were still in print, I'd say Cosmic Encounter.
Fxp said:What about Diplomacy? I played it in the University once, interesting experience, though it was so long ago I might be missing some fun-killing aspects of that game.
iapetus said:Have you played the cut-down version, Simply Cosmic? I've tried playing it a couple of times, and it just didn't seem to work well at all - seemed horribly unbalanced, impenetrable and dull. I'd consider giving the full game a chance if someone who's played both could say that they felt the same about Simply Cosmic but enjoyed Cosmic Encounter...
Edit: And, of course, check out
Do The Mario said:Trivial Pursuit,
Its great fun to play when drinking, were you have a drink when you get questions wrong
Damn right. Candyland is crazy! It is utter chaos. You could be four spaces from the end and then get slapped all the way back to Mr Mint, then get saved by that sweet ass white queen. Hellz yeah.DonasaurusRex said:candy land
For three plus players, there is no board game better than Puerto Rico. Other highlights include Settlers of Catan and Carcasonne.