Not sure if this thread idea's already been done. Probably, but here we go. My moment would be from what is conveniently enough my favorite overall comic book movie - X-Men 2, the moment being
The whole scene was a great moment in the movie and in comic book movies in general. Plus, it had Rogue running (or should I say bouncing) around barefoot in a thin nighty. What's not to love? Anyways, I'd love to hear GAF's take on this and any other great scenes. Thanks.
the invasion of Mansion by Striker's troops. To me, it really epitomized the core conflict of the movie by having the mutant's very sanctuary violated by their oppressors. From the opening of the scene where we see a young mutant say "hi" to one of the troops only to be shot with tranq-darts, to Logan having his bit switched to crazy mode upon having the battle brought to their home, to that pivotal encounter between Logan and Striker, and finally the conquest of Cerebro.