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Fear and loathing in the white house

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"Only John Kerry would declare the country to be in scientific decline on a day when the country's first privately funded space trip is successfully completed," Schmidt said



force push the doodoo rock
How is a rocket new science? we should be beyond that sort of thing. anyway. thats besides the point.


Matlock said:
Hunter S. Thompson sold out!
Pffft... HST has never sold out. He even said he would never sell out for money... but maybe for a plane. Maybe.

But yeah, the Fear is strong in the White House now. Soon, Dubya will be treading waters that only Nixon has treaded before him, drinking cheap gin and raving to portraits of Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon himself, kneeling to pray to busts of George Washington with John Ashcroft at his side. And it will all be too late, too late. Because the buzzards are closing in, and they smell wounded prey.

This election season is NOT going to be pretty if you are a registered Republican. My friend Jen told me the other day that she can't even admit to being a registered GOP member anymore without feeling like she needs to take a bath; she feels betrayed, sold out from her fiscally conservative ideals by half bright, stupid macho cowboys from Texas and the midwest. I told her that I could understand her dilemma but that she would still go up against the wall when the Revolution comes. She normally would have slapped me for such talk, but she just nodded sadly like it was a matter of course now...
Uh, the rocket was completely privatly funded and had nothing to do with the government at all. Unlike the stuff these scientists are talking about. Nice try guy.


What a fucking joke...

The major complaint is with stem cells, and Bush's campaign calls Kerry a liar because a PRIVATELY FUNDED spacecraft broke through the atmosphere during the same week. I've heard enough of this bullshit.
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