February Wrasslin' |OT| Observe THIS, Brother!

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
What do the fans have to do to make Raw end on something other than Roman's music?
God this is the most forced Roman is so tough I've ever seen.

Lol his music plays for writing his name on a piece of paper

Worst Raw of 2017 by far.



If Goldberg "has Brock's number" it would've made more sense to have KO win.


- Makes for an angrier Brock
- Gives KO a huge push
- Puts doubt on Goldberg going into WM
- Sets up Brock/KO after WM

But oh no. Never mind.

Edit: Also "KO's so smart. He's so smart you guys." while he's walking around in the ring. And for all of the build up to this match. He's got a plan. Y2J shows up. KO turns into stereotypical "easily distracted wrestler". Loses.
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