I was driving home at about 3am.. between 3am and 6pm the PREVIOUS day i've only had like 2 hours of sleep. Anyways I had just convince myself NOT to go out to play some pool and to go home instead because I thought to myself.. maybe after pool I might feel drowst for the drive home. So here I was confident in my smart decision to skip pool, as I'm driving home I put on System of a Down's Lost in Hollywood, a song which I slept to while in bed 2 days earlier.
Anyways all these factors contributed to me falling asleep at the wheel, something I thought I'd never do. Like i've driven under bad physical conditions before(high on weed, totally sleepy eues unable to open) and today didnt even feel that bad, I felt kind of a wake on the drive but somehow I totally lost conciousness. I drifted elft todays the middle sidewalk, and hit it pretty hard. Thank god there was a divider there, who knows what I would have hit otherwise. A buddy of mine like a month ago fell asleep at the wheel and drifted into a ditch breaking his arm.
But yeh, I'm glad to be posting this without injury. I was fuckin stupid tonight and my heart is still racing. I'm pretty freaked out by the whole ordeal.
Anyways all these factors contributed to me falling asleep at the wheel, something I thought I'd never do. Like i've driven under bad physical conditions before(high on weed, totally sleepy eues unable to open) and today didnt even feel that bad, I felt kind of a wake on the drive but somehow I totally lost conciousness. I drifted elft todays the middle sidewalk, and hit it pretty hard. Thank god there was a divider there, who knows what I would have hit otherwise. A buddy of mine like a month ago fell asleep at the wheel and drifted into a ditch breaking his arm.
But yeh, I'm glad to be posting this without injury. I was fuckin stupid tonight and my heart is still racing. I'm pretty freaked out by the whole ordeal.