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Female Sims 2 impressions needed!!!

So what is the verdict? A friend and I were talking at lunch about this and it sparked my interest. With some of the goals involving having Woo hoo with multiple Sims is it just as funny on the flip side, amoung all the other funny stuff. Discuss.


not a medical professional
Same, my GF and I have recreated ourselves and just recently created some bastard retard-alien looking family and have been messing around with the motherlode cheats. In 'our' life tho, we take turns playing (rightfully, without cheats), and we love every minute of it. Keep in mind my GF is a gamer, attends E3 with me, and has been an avid sims player since the original came out.

A lot of her friends love the game too. If you ever want a girl and cant hide the fact you're a nerd, bring her over and have her play sims 2 for a bit. Chances are she wont judge you because she'll be enjoying it.


The Mrs. bought it "for me" for my b-day last week. She's played it like mad (and playing right now, in fact). I've played it for a few hours and it is very fun, but she's probably logged in 15-20 hours.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
as I was in line buying the last copy, this hot girl behind me was infuriated at my sexiness.

I mean, she had a reserve copy, and didn't notice me.

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