FF7 Rebirth or Unicorn Overlord?

What should I buy to play?

  • FF7 Rebirth

    Votes: 63 52.5%
  • Unicorn Overlord

    Votes: 52 43.3%
  • Other(specify in your post)

    Votes: 5 4.2%

  • Total voters


Rebirth is too much quantity for its own good. It lacks character and where it makes changes from the original they are worse (music, story, gameplay). Not a bad game by any means, but missed potential.


Gold Member
Probably neither? If you tried both demoes and didn't love either of them, why waste your money?

Get Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown. Straight banger game and not enough people played it.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?

Unicron Overlord looks good but I'm not into that kind of gameplay.


Biggest Trails Stan

I didn't play Final Fantasy VII Rebirth due to not wanting a PS5. I'll wait for it to come to Steam

Right now it's Unicorn Overlord. That game is fantastic. The gameplay, music, gameplay etc are all top tier. My only issue is the Localization

Also it's tied with Eiyuden Chronicles (Currently Playing) as my GOTY. But Eiyuden Chronicles also has a Bad Localization. And they are constantly releasing updates that kind of are making my game run slower on my Steamdeck. Also I've been playing with Japanese Voices with English Subtitles.

If anything I reccomand Eiyuden Chronicles. Even though I love Unicorn Overlord, that game is mostly just gameplay gameplay gameplay. There's a variety of things you can do in Eiyuden Chronicles. It's just not the battling.

My Two Cents
The art in Unicorn Overlord is amazing but it's the most plain vanilla good vs bad story game ever. The main character is so fucking lame, he always says the corniest Mary Sue shit and it starts to grate after a while. Even the little side interactions are pretty lame, I mean there are probably 200+ of them so obviously they can't all be interesting.

Rebirth has its problems for sure but it also has insane highs.


Gold Member
Haven't played Rebirth.

But I'm playing through Unicorn Overlord. It's a fun game but nothing mindblowing, a solid 8/10.
The most interesting part of the gameplay is setting up your squads since there are A TON of options and possible combinations, there's a ton of unique classes, unique gear and accessories and ways to customize the abilities of each character, the amount of combinations is really staggering and trying to find the best combinations is really fun.
The art is also beautiful, and it looks and runs great on the Switch.

However the actual missions and structure of the game can get fairly repetitive after 30+ hours, and the game is kinda easy even on the hardest difficulty. The worst part though is that the story is really boring and generic, at around the 30 hours mark I started to skip most cutscenes for the optional content because it's just the same basic story beats over and over and over again. That's the only part that has been really underwhelming, specially since I know the studio is capable of making a game like 13 Sentineles which is all about a fun and engaging story.


If you like FFVII: Rebirth, easily.

I love FFVII, so Rebirth is awesome for me, however, it does have some slow walking sequences that you seem to strongly dislike and there is quite some bloat (mostly side quests that are optional).

But it's way better than Remake, for sure.

If you played 6 hours of Unicorn and disliked... You should probably skip it.
It is hard to recommend if you should have kept playing Unicorn Overlord given how much of the game opens up later and gets more involved. I remember the first real battle not beginning until several hours in. I can see the game not being for everyone though. It is pretty niche.


Biggest Trails Stan
Haven't played Rebirth.

But I'm playing through Unicorn Overlord. It's a fun game but nothing mindblowing, a solid 8/10.
The most interesting part of the gameplay is setting up your squads since there are A TON of options and possible combinations, there's a ton of unique classes, unique gear and accessories and ways to customize the abilities of each character, the amount of combinations is really staggering and trying to find the best combinations is really fun.
The art is also beautiful, and it looks and runs great on the Switch.

However the actual missions and structure of the game can get fairly repetitive after 30+ hours, and the game is kinda easy even on the hardest difficulty. The worst part though is that the story is really boring and generic, at around the 30 hours mark I started to skip most cutscenes for the optional content because it's just the same basic story beats over and over and over again. That's the only part that has been really underwhelming, specially since I know the studio is capable of making a game like 13 Sentineles which is all about a fun and engaging story.

Story wise I prefer 13 Sentinals, Gameplay wise I prefer Unicorn Overlord. It's why I consider Unicorn Overlord the better Vanillaware game. The story/cast isn't as good as 13 Sentinels but the gameplay is so much better. So to me it's the better game


Gold Member
Unicorn Overlord has been amazing. I haven't played Rebirth, but I didn't really get into Remake as much as I thought I would. If you play Unicorn Overlord, be sure to play on Expert or you'll quickly become too OP for the game.


Gold Member
Story wise I prefer 13 Sentinals, Gameplay wise I prefer Unicorn Overlord. It's why I consider Unicorn Overlord the better Vanillaware game. The story/cast isn't as good as 13 Sentinels but the gameplay is so much better. So to me it's the better game

Yeah I like Unicorn Overlord better too.
It's just a shame comparing the 2 is a choice between gameplay and story. Would be nice to get a game that does a good job with both.


The nicest person on this forum
Yeah I like Unicorn Overlord better too.
It's just a shame comparing the 2 is a choice between gameplay and story. Would be nice to get a game that does a good job with both.
13 Sentinels is at its heart is point & click adventure game, similar to 999 and AI: The Somnium File, the entire game was designed around its story. Unicorn Overlord in other hand mostly design around its gameplay, that was the main focus.


Biggest Trails Stan
Yeah I like Unicorn Overlord better too.
It's just a shame comparing the 2 is a choice between gameplay and story. Would be nice to get a game that does a good job with both.

That's why Odin Sphere is my favorite Vanillaware game

The gameplay, story/cast, OST/Voice Acting, Localization etc is all fantastic
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Biggest Trails Stan
13 Sentinels is at its heart is point & click adventure game, similar to 999 and AI: The Somnium File, the entire game was designed around its story. Unicorn Overlord in other hand mostly design around its gameplay, that was the main focus.

I do love 13 Sentinels but those Battle gameplay segments was totally unnecessary and boring honestly


Gold Member
I’m going to make a purchase in 5-10 minutes.

Which do you recommend and why?

For the record:
-FF7 remake part 1 was a 7/10 for me. Horrible side quests, and so much bloat for a game that could’ve been half the size.
-Rebirth demo wasn’t good. The slow walking fire shit. Ugh.

-13 sentinels was my GOTY when it came out. Not all of vanillas games are bangers to me.
-I tried the 6 hour demo and the combat really didn’t click with me since you just watch it play and you can skip it. It lacked player engagement. I want to play a game.

— Which one do you think I’ll like more? You’re also welcome to just throw out wild card suggestions like the new alone in the dark, the Musashi robot game, or infinite wealth etc.

I’m all ears.
going off this uo is for you


Gold Member
Unicorn Overlord.

I wanted to love Rebirth, but I've been pretty back and forth on it. Will probably give it another go at some point 🤷‍♂️

But Unicorn Overlord is just really scratching an itch for me. Also, and no one seems to be talking about this, the controls, menus, and generally just the UI and UX are fucking fantastic.

Feels like a dream to control and feels perfect on a controller. Every menu has exactly the information I want/need, is incredibly clear on what I'm seeing, and feels intuitive to navigate.

Not to mention the absurdly attractive art and all the options that keep opening up for strategies.
same for me but after playing ff16 and going to rebirth it did not click for me in the combat part sadly.


Loves his juicy stink trail scent

Got both. Played 2 hours of rebirth. Almost 7 in unicorn so far.

You rebirth guys are on some hard drugs if you think this slow walk simulator bloated with cut scenes and on rails mash combat is fun. This feels like a downgrade so far from remake ….

Unicorn continues to get better. Put it on expert even though I’ve never completed a a srpg in my life.
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