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Fifa 15 PC Pro Clubs |OT| Home of Believe FC, Rain is temporary, Class is permanenent

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris

Welcome, welcome and thrice welcome. We are Believe FC, the Official PC Pro Clubs team for Neogaf. This is our third year playing pro clubs and we are more excited than ever, a new engine, a new game, a new chance to become the best pro clubs team in all of Fifa. We are the most active, most successful pro clubs team on Neogaf, last year we played over 2000 games, maintaining a 50% winrate, winning the highest honours and plenty of cups. We also love new players, of any skill level, in any position, know that if you are a part of Neogaf you are free to join us, free to experience the thrills of pro clubs mode. All you need to do is add one of the two below and well get you started.


Steam - Nukemonkey - http://steamcommunity.com/id/jesuisfrack
Origin - Nukemonkey


Steam - PrematureQuiche http://steamcommunity.com/id/PrematureQuiche
Origin - PrematureQuiche

There are only 3 conditions we have as a club, conditions which benefit us all.

1) We require you to be in our mumble client during games, mumble is a voip client, like teamspeak and ventrilo. You can download it here http://mumble.sourceforge.net/. You do not need to speak, but we find most people do after a while, but it is important we can tell you information, so we dont enter games without everyone in them.

2) Be respectful, this means towards other people, both in act and in action. Dont be nasty, if someone is playing badly dont make them feel bad. There is another corollary to this and that is that this is a team game, and while we respect each individuals right to play how they want always remember there are others in the game trying to enjoy it too.

3) Do not use cheats.


Pro Clubs is a mode in Fifa whereby teams play each other online, with one person controlling his or her own player, up to 11v11. In this mode teams of players can battle each other like an actual football match, winning points for a victory or draw and attempting to rise up the ranks towards division 1 and titles. There is progression, a number of ingame achievements that, on completion, will give your virtual pro stat boosts, allowing you to increase the range and effectiveness of your shooting, passing, defending, skill and others.

The mode emphasises team play, but also rewards individual skill, its a mode where you feel the rush of scoring in the 90th minute, of preventing a certain goal, of making that killer pass and scoring that decisive penalty, all of the raw emotions you get from playing football are here, and you share them with everyone else in the game. Truly there is no mode like this, we hope you give it a shot.


Some 24 months ago all was not right in the world, I was evicted from my 2 bedroom house and left stranded on the streets of London, I couldn't pay my bills and I had resorted to alcoholism and, I am sorry to say, began abusing pain medication. These were very dark times for me, days consisted of busking using the only thing I had in the world, a guitar, a lack of pitch and tuning meant that I didn't get very far and was losing hope. I would spend what little money I was able to maintain on trying to reconnect with people at a local LAN cafe, I wrote an open letter onto a gentleman's forum asking for advice, and someone responded. He went by the handle of PrematureQuiche, Quiche, who lived in London, was confined to a wheelchair and spent his days asking the government for money, though he later admitted to me that he could walk. I knew I could learn from a man with no morals and thus began our friendship, Quiche taught me how to game the system, he would come join me at the LAN cafe and play Fifa, co-op, and we won many games. We drew attention and became very well known for being the only players who used Real Madrid to win games, because of a lack of pace and attacking prowess, no-one ever used Real Madrid in Fifa, but we knew something that they didn't, that they were fucking broken.

People would come and offer us cash games, pickup matches, post challenges and then one day rumour spread of a man from the North who was “unbeatable” who had journeyed south to claim that which was his. For all of our victories me and Quiche had never won a game by more than 1 goal and I had never scored any of them. So it was on a snowy Tuesday in August, Hixx arrived. After a good 40 minutes of telling us how disgusted he was to be south of the Tyne, how the air was infecting his lungs and about, you get the picture, he challenged us to a 2v1. He won. We knew our co-op dream was coming to an end, luckily Hixx had no money, having wasted all of it on train fare and harrasing random southerners.

We decided to recruit Hixx, but 3 is too much for co-op, what could we do? We devised a plan to write EA and ask them to include a mode where more people could play, in the meantime we began recruiting. Hixx told us of a website he went on where a Danish man would post strange, uncomfortable and occasionally hilarious pornography. We were in. After a short email back and forth the man, known by his handle Woodenlung, advised us that we were not hardcore enough for him, that our penises were too short and that we could not handle his depravity, he proved this by sending us pictures of him dressed in a green body suit, trying to swallow a cucumber, while talking to an 80 year old woman with thrush. I asked him what he could possibly want that we have? And his answer was simple, Quiche. We shipped him off to Denmark for a weekend and never heard what happened after, only that Wooden is now friends with his entire family on Facebook and talks to his father regularly.

Quiche, clearly drained on his return told us of an American who had been yearning to learn more about football, whilst never actually wanting to watch the sport. He was a teacher of children, but in his own words “Had no fucking idea what he was doing”. We skyped him, but could rarely ever talk to him without his family interupting, he had many agents, none of which seemed to understand football and all of which had an opinion about it. He was Broken, in more ways than one, but in spite of this he was also the happiest of us all, he would train in the early morning, in the late afternoon and play anywhere just at a vague attempt to understand the offside rule. He quickly became everyone's favourite player and scorer of great goals.

Quiche told us that the key to success, the key to team unity was clear from Brokens example, we needed players whose connection to European servers would be impeded, ever so slightly by internet lag. We went on a manhunt across Asia, through Japan and Korea, back through China until we came across the beacon of internet freedom and network capability that was, Australia. We found there a man whose iron will and determination trumped us all, a man who, though studying, had the will to play with us, contributing all the way, whose AI, he assured us, was a set piece machine. This man was Qindarka.

The team was taking shape, but while we were amassing a team of forwards and wingers we had no backbone, we needed defensive players with an aye for creativity. Woodens multiple personalities allowed us to rotate him from time to time but there was a hole to be filled, we found what all good people find in a crisis, Bacon. Bacon came to us from the lands of technical proficiency and determination, the Netherlands, quiet in nature but strong and reliable. His penchant for scoring unbelievable goals was matched only by his hatred for the AI, a deep hatred that would lead many of us to think Fifa employees were on his no-no list.

We had the makings of a team, in order to practice sufficiently we would do drop in matches, it is here I came across a player with raw natural talent, almost too good for the game he was playing but with a slight weakness, something which could not easily be ironed out, this man was a troll. Now all of us have found ourselves on the internet stoking the fires, prodding people to the point of hilarity, but this was a troll of a different kind, he would score 2 and then try to make sure the other team scored 2 aswell, he would use this power to make sure when he had the deciding moment in a game he would fluff it because, and I quote “Thats what men do”. We knew we had to get him and we did, inspite of his affiliations to teams who dont allow, nor tolerate, any skin colour other than white. In 2 years no-one has ever heard him speak, but his actions speak louder than words, for some reason we haven't banned him.

Last but not least we needed power, especially myself because I have like 3x the number of posts in the thread and it could be easily classed as self aggrandising and I dont want to be banned. When we first recruited Wes he was but a lowly mortal like all of us, after a while though he ascended, to striker, these were admittedly dark times but on the wing and in defensive positions he was a rock, his laugh remains the most hilarious and wonderful thing this club has produced and has, of yet,never said that he doesnt live in a van. Inspite of his position he has, for the good of the club, never told us to use Aston Villa kits and this alone makes him great.

These are our regulars and core members of the team

(also at some point we picked up Kyoufu)








Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris


Club stats

Games Played
Hixx - 1332
Nukemonkey -1303
Woodenlung - 1189
Invid - 1103
Bacon – 1031
Kyoufu – 745
Broken - 590
Wes – 554
PrematureQuiche - 569
Qindarka - 489
Manager - 98

Goals Scored
Hixx – 628
Invid – 411
Nukemonkey – 362
PrematureQuiche - 300
Woodenlung – 299
Kyoufu – 273
Bacon – 145
Wes – 84
Broken – 72
Qindarka – 19
Manager - 15

Nukemonkey – 536
Hixx – 326
Invid – 303
Woodenlung – 178
Broken – 132
Kyoufu – 135
Bacon – 105
Wes – 90
PrematureQuiche - 119
Qindarka – 23
Manager - 9

End of Season Awards



Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Thank fuck this is done, no more for another year

Stat update this weekend, because they fucked up the fifa 14 ea site i now have to do it all from the client.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
I've been forgotten about already :'(

Sorry it was too much work, i literally did this all today and included regulars, i did the same last year too :(

Its nothing personal, there are a few i left out

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
If anyone manages to get through the a look back section a mental patient wrote it and I couldnt stop him, or her.
Good thread Cola! Really looking forward to playing clubs with you this year again especially on this new engine! Hopefully I can learn to shoot or defend soon cause right now I can't do either!

Ahhhh gotcha.

Also sometimes we have to quit out of games before they kick off if someone gets dropped so it is actually quite important! Me and Wooden will get it working for you when you play!

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
There is no way this thread is as big as last years, unless i double my post count
Can´t wait to Fifa to be unlocked in Origin. Those last few games with you guys have brought back my Clubs addiction and I´m dying for the next "fix".

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
I guarantee no-one can read Kyoufus quote without doing so in his voice

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
My passing is absolutely dire thanks to manual controls and an alarmingly large consumption of caffeine.


Manual D:

Just go semi

Wooden will tell you that manual for anything but crossing is suicide
My passing is absolutely dire thanks to manual controls and an alarmingly large consumption of caffeine.


Another manual player. We have needed you. They always make fun of my manual crosses, but they never praise them the 1/10 time where they are fucking perfect.

SHUT UP HIXX. Better than your skill passes.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Speaking of which can you do low balls in 15? Triple tap needs that comeback

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
I hope someone writes up a guide on unlocking early
Skill passes back to the keeper. Aww yes.

It's alright when we do it, to the defense and keeper, because we got control over it. But you see Hixx lose the ball at every kick off, and Quiche ruining the fourth counter attack in a row by trying to be fancy, that's not alright. But defending? You gotta put some flair into that.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
It's alright when we do it, to the defense and keeper, because we got control over it. But you see Hixx lose the ball at every kick off, and Quiche ruining the fourth counter attack in a row by trying to be fancy, that's not alright. But defending? You gotta put some flair into that.

What about invid volleying or chip passing from inside their own half back to the keeper?

Because ive seen that and I still dont understand what he is thinking.


Another manual player. We have needed you. They always make fun of my manual crosses, but they never praise them the 1/10 time where they are fucking perfect.
1 in 10 is a terrific average to achieve. Think Aab did the same last night.
I hope someone writes up a guide on unlocking early


I just love that I get to wear a uniform and that the picture is black and white which makes things look gray! :D

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
I just love that I get to wear a uniform and that the picture is black and white which makes things look gray! :D

Are you going to play when its released? I need a competent Ram

1-2's Broken

Remember the magic
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