Okay I just watched this going in with low expectations and I didn't think it sucked. That's not why I'm posting. My issue isn't the ending or the twist.
Otherwise, beautifuly shot. The opening scene with the man between the casket and grave is great.
I just have a hard time with the two themes that seem to be trying to make a point in the movie. They ended up running into each other, but not solving each other. You have fear controlling a community, something relevant, but there is no real backlash for it. What does fear do to people? The answer in this movie is that they just live calmly up until it spouts up again. I have a hard time believing that. Just as well I have a hard time seeing this puritan community played out in a very optomistic view of what those communities were like. Where is the hard work? You never see hard work being done, just fun and play. You do at least see the secretive shame of such a community, but it never plays out. With that theme you also have the relevance to modern gated communities, white upper class societies thinking they can just hide from the ills of the world when they really can't. This is shown somewhat, but yet again everything seems too nice to feel real. Outside of the horror of the monsters, you have kids playing games, celebrations and feasts, dancing and music. There are so many factors you would think woudl create some dsiturbance other than a jealousy borne murder by the mentally handicapped. I mean, why is he chasing her in the forest? All other signs(haha) I got from that character would tell me he would try to make ammends or something instead of going bloodthirsty ballistic. So he's been killing the live animals? Why? I don't feel symapthetic to the retard. It doesnt' feel like his problem is the product of the fear and denial of the community. He just seems to be fucked up suddenly.
Otherwise, beautifuly shot. The opening scene with the man between the casket and grave is great.