Insane Metal
CHINA Evergrande, one of the largest companies in the world, has defaulted on its vast bond repayments.c
Such is the dire state of the company, experts now predict the company will announce bankruptcy in a "matter of days". According to Deutsche Marktscreening Agentur (DMSA), the collapse of the company could now have dire consequences for the financial system. DMSA itself has invested in bonds paid to Evergrande and did not receive interest repayments from the company.The interest repayments were due to be paid on November 10 after it missed the deadline last month.
Due to these missed repayments, DMSA is now preparing bankruptcy proceedings against Evergrande.
Senior analyst Dr. Marco Metzler from DMSA, said: "But while the international financial market has so far met the financial turmoil surrounding the teetering giant Evergrande with a remarkable basic confidence - one can also say: with remarkable naivety - the US central bank Fed confirmed our view yesterday.
"In its latest stability report, it explicitly pointed out the dangers that a collapse of Evergrande could have for the global financial system.
Financial crash fears erupt: China Evergrande defaults on payments
CHINA Evergrande, one of the largest companies in the world, has defaulted on its vast bond repayments and could be set for bankruptcy, a financial expert has claimed.
Another souce:
Evergrande officially defaulted - DMSA is preparing bankruptcy proceedings against Evergrande Group
BERLIN, Nov. 10, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- China Evergrande Group today again defaulted on interest payments to international investors.
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