After 125 hours, i'm finally done with my first playthrough. Honestly I really wish I could've dragged it on for longer, but it had to come to end eventually I guess. That final map was something else, took me about 4 hours to complete I think. The entire run was almost lost because
everyone from the top center made a beeline for my team on the right and my left team could do nothing about it, nobody was in the position to take more than one magic attack and the beast from the left side went over to the right side. I thought I was gonna loose someone for sure, I was backed into a corner but we just barely managed to scrap by.
I'm looking forward to starting new game plus. I'll probably pick Golden Deer this time around, it's gonna be weird not having my boi Dimitri, I kind of wish I didn't start with him first. He's my favorite character, I loved seeing his arc and his whole crew is awesome, i'm really gonna miss them as I explore new houses.
That would have been a good idea, what I ended up doing though was using my
bow knights Ashe and Leonie to dip in and out with their brave bows to get some damage and barrier breaks on the beast since it didn't seem to follow me back once out of range then I just took out the mage behind it and destroyed all the barriers so I wouldn't need to be worried about being attacked after being reduced to 1 hp.
It was really round about and took quite a few turns to set up and execute but it worked out I suppose.