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Firework Mishaps, Playing with Fire

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A few years ago my brother and I had two smoke bombs that last about 5 minutes and we decided to light them when we were riding our bikes to Guitar Center. Mind you, we had no intention of starting any fires. We were riding past a semiwooded, grassy area near some train tracks when his smoker ran out. He threw it into this grassy area while it was still dying. I told him to stomp it out because it hadn't rained for several weeks....

Well we got into Guitar Center and we heard some chattering about a fire near the building, and we could smell something burning.

When we rode our bikes back home we saw a firetruck and a bunch of people standing around a big black charred spot of land. Nobody was hurt but it sure did some damage to the area.

Post stories from when you had mishaps with fireworks, or when were playing with fire and something went wrong. When you learned your lesson not to play with fire or fireworks.


I was up at my Uncles in east texas during the 4th of July. We had bought a bunch of fireworks, and a fireworks ban had just been lifted.

Well we're shooting off bottle rockets left and right. One falls near the barbed fence and it starts some grass on fire. We just run over there and stomp it out... no biggie. Then I look out toward a field for cattle that's connected to my uncles place. One of the bottle rockets must of landed in it and it was on fire.

Next 30 minutes was a crazy time of my uncle nearly having a heart attack and us stomping out a field fire.


I managed to burn about 80 acres of my grandparents land by shooting an "expired" flare up over some woods, well it came down still burning I guess lol. Anyways it was a scene, took like 12 fire trucks and was stopped by firelanes around the land. They fined us big time, and threatened to press charges, nothing ever came of it though.

I think the best was 4th of July a year ago.

There were about 20 of us watching the show, when my friend lighting the mortors knocked the tube over while running away from it. It was the scariest yet thrilling moment. There were balls of fiery death flying right at us, was like a scene from a war movie. No one was hurt, and a lesson was learned, so its always funny to bring that night up.
Oh, never fire old fireworks. We had one of those large ones that you fire out of tubes and what not, it was a year or so old though, but we figured we'd pop it anyway instead of wasting money on new ones. Everything went great until it finally fired off. It didn't have the power to go up in the air and instead went up a few feet then came back down, exploded and next thing I know... my feet are surrounded by pink balls of flame and other colors are hurling at me. No one got hurt, but one of the lights flew into my mom's hair and burned it a bit. Good times.
Not something I remember but am always reminded of. At one Fourth of July get-together, my dad and some of my uncles were sitting around a fire, talking and throwing in firecrackers. So following their lead... a (5-ish?) me tosses in a handful of bottle rockets. Hilarity ensued. :)
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