The Faceless Master said:whoa, there's none in manhattan?
goodcow said:The last one closed in 87 according to one of those blog comments.
nitewulf said:why bother? manhattanites are too cool to go into an actual 7-11.
Matlock said:I've never seen a 7/11, and I live in the midwest.
Matlock said:I've never seen a 7/11, and I live in the midwest.
Matlock said:I've never seen a 7/11, and I live in the midwest.
goodcow said:The last one closed in 87 according to one of those blog comments.
Meier said:That's crazy.. everywhere I look in Orlando has one. Hard to fathom there wouldnt have been any in Manhattan, seems like such an odd choice.
xsarien said:There are a lot of chains that don't have a presence in Manhattan,let alone New York City in general. The competition is fierce, nevermind the rent.
xsarien said:There are a lot of chains that don't have a presence in Manhattan,let alone New York City in general. The competition is fierce, nevermind the rent. Nowhere in the five boroughs can you find a Wal-Mart; there are only a few token Targets, and when Home Depot finally opened in Manhattan it was a major story in the local section of the NY Times.
The closest Chik-Fil-A is in fucking Jersey.
White Man said:I can't speak on the other chains, but it's Walmart's choice not to compete in the urban markets. I doubt you can find a Walmart within 10 miles or so of any major city in the US, minus whatever southern state the company is centered.
White Man said:I can't speak on the other chains, but it's Walmart's choice not to compete in the urban markets. I doubt you can find a Walmart within 10 miles or so of any major city in the US, minus whatever southern state the company is centered.
White Man said:I can't speak on the other chains, but it's Walmart's choice not to compete in the urban markets. I doubt you can find a Walmart within 10 miles or so of any major city in the US, minus whatever southern state the company is centered.