Umm... Dude... One or 2 lost black guys? I didn't say they were majority but there were MORE than one or 2 black guys in medieval Europe. You have to understand, there was international/intercontinental trade and travel even back then.
To further my point, here's art from 1500 and earlier:
You saying I'm lying and "woke" about actual history is high-key ignorant and shows you don't actually know what you're talking about, at best.
At worst... Well, yeah. Especially with how you went at me calling me a liar and such.
Don't show me paintings of the one or two lost black guys throughout history. Show me a document that showed that a sizeable part of the population was black in medieval central Europe.
The one showing ignorance is you because you can't, the population was 99.99% different ethnic groups that would be qualified as white today back then. Do you know why if you go into the former eastern block, that you don't see many people of color and the ones you do are students, tourists and white collar workers? Because multi culti societies in western Europe in terms of pigmentation are a very modern phenomena, starting after the world wars because the populations lost generations of men and they needed to rebuild.
Again, you sound like an NPC that regurgitates dishonest extreme left talking points. Rewriting history to suit your narrative is what authoritarian regimes do.
I loved the Elven clothing! I would rock a flowing garment like Elrond's in a heartbeat!
Will you be a gender fluid Elrond that identifies as Galadriel while you do it?
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