I don't recall saying I had a problem with the form, or the weight. Or that I'm new to working out. It's the discomfort in my wrists and shoulders that I have a problem with during squats.
I don't have wrist problems so much, but have maaaajor shoulder mobility problems with doing squats. My rotator cuffs are little bitches.
This helps me:
-Use a cylindrical pad on the bar. If your gym doesn't have one, but one. The bigger/more padding the better (I'm sure there's a limit to that, but one that's 1/8" thick isn't going to do much).
-Do shoulder dislocations. Today I did 2 sets of 10 shoulder dislocations before squatting, then did a set of 5 dislocations inbetween each of my 4 warm-up sets, and also inbetween my 3 working sets. This cut my shoulder pain in half from 2 days ago when I just did some dislocations before any of my sets and called it a day.
-Use a wider grip. I go as wide as possible without going so wide that I fear pinching my skin when I re-rack the bar. I'm also 6'6", but I don't see how a wide grip is going to effect form at all, and it's easier on the shoulders.
-Move your scapula's back so they're pressing against your each other and create a shelf with your traps. Set the bar on your traps instead of on your neck. Use a broomstick or just the the barbell with no weights to try to get an idea of what I'm talking about here. Tell me if this description doesn't make sense.