What, "tone"? Ha, I figured I'd be getting into a whole nest of idiosyncratic subculture here -- as Petrie proved with his shitty welcome -- so, yeah, I'll probably say things that come off as dumb. Thanks for actually giving feedback, though, it's appreciated. The thing is, I do plan to incorporate this stuff -- it ain't falling on deaf ears. That's why I'm here. Promise I'm not looking for Popeye arms; I understand the cliche, I understand that's what every guy that gets into this stuff wants. In all honesty, forearms are a trouble spot for me & always have been, so I do want that to be part of the attack. And yes, if there was a single body part I could improve, it would be arms, but not to ridiculous proportions.
Nerdy1, you're absolutely right & I wouldn't modify it drastically. Do you see any harm in adding barbell curls, reverse curls & wrist curls to that routine? Is there any room for resistance exercises? It seems like you all are avoiding them completely.