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Flashlight in Tomb Raider: Legend


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Hello everyone and welcome to yet another Crystal Dynamics appreciation thread ;).

I apologize for the horizontal width of this post, but I tried to toy around with the text's formatting (going to a new line every so often) to make sure it is easier to read.

Before doing anything (especially if you have only played either the PSTwo or the PSP versions of the game) go at this web site and admire a collection of shots
from Crystal Dynamics Tomb Raider Legend Xbox 360's
Lead Artist:


Tombraider: Legend
Lead Artist - XBOX360
Crystal Dynamics (Eidos)

I've spent the last year leading an Art team on the Xbox360, developing nextgen art techniques and tools from the ground up (alongside brilliant artists&programmers).

I've had the killer task of converting an already stunning PS2 game to 'next gen'.
I handled the Art direction for the xbox360 version of the game, working directly with each Artist.

-The most challanging part was constructing a good workflow for material conversion and creation...
-The Most enjoyable part was testing Normal normal maps and re-lighting the game in realtime.

NextGen features:
- Dynamic Shadow mapping on everything (cast & receive)
- Normal, specular and parallax mapping
- Per-Pixel Lighting
- Full screen fx (light and depth)
- Rim Lighting
- Environment mapping (Glass and Waters)

IMHO, porting this game to Xbox 360 was a good learning experience for Crystal Dynamics
and the results should pay off in their Next Generation projects (including their new Tomb Raider game CDC, or
whatever is called, for Xbox 360 and PLAYSTATION 3):
they managed to sell a decent amount of copies and also to use in a practical scenario the research work they were already doing
for the next-generation consoles and DX9-DX10 PC's which involved also their art tools pipeline, a new fully dynamic lighting and shadowing engine,
new material shaders, reflections, refractions, depth of field, etc...

They managed to take a great engine
(which worked quite well on PSTwo and PSP [which is in itself quite an achievement
judging the performance of this game on both machines] already).

This should not surprise anyone who already experienced how Crystal Dynamics usually does ports.
If you played Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver on PSOne and Dreamcast you will see the
very nice jump forward in quality from the PSOne version that the Dreamcast version represents:
more detailed characters (Raziel and other NPC's have been tweaked and now they are made of more polygons
and have higher resolution textures mapped on them),
draw distance massively increased, higher resolution textures for background objects, etc...

Crystal Dynamics seems to quickly adapt to new platforms and how to push them:
this generation IMHO will not be an exception (Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2
was not a bad looking title at all).


several games this generation got the idea of fully dynamic lighting and shadows being casted by any object and received by any object: Condemned:
Criminal Origins is a good example of that.

The shadow maps relative to each light were dynamically generated while rendering the
scene thus when an object moved in front of a light source (thus becoming an occluder) it would start casting a shadow on the rest of the scene.

To simulate a flashlight, or another light source or to fake lighting through say an opening which has a strange pattern
semi-blocking the light passing through, we can project a particular gray scale map from the light source we use as flashlight:
this map can be blended in such a way that areas that are between more than than 50% black darken the color they blend and areas that are less than 50% black
(0% black intended as pure white) brighten the color they blend (blending map and color texture of the receiving object with a function like modulate2x is a way you can use to achieve this effect
[it multiplies the colors and the doubles the result: http://www.gamasutra.com/features/19981009/multitexturing_01.htm]

... why ?

Well, imagine color channels going from 0.0f to 1.0f and take Color_base_texture as 0.6f 0.6f 0.6f [a bit of a light gray].

Now take two texels on the gray scale map: TX1 which is 0.9f 0.9f 0.9f and TX2 which is 0.1f 0.1f 0.1f [a very dark shade of gray].

Res1 = Color_base_texture * TX1 * 2.0f;

Res2 = Color_base_texture * TX2 * 2.0f;

We have that Res1 is 1.08f 1.08f 1.08f [which will all get clamped to 1.0f
which means that Res1 is pure white also known as 255 255 255 ;)]
and Res2 is 0.12f 0.12f 0.12f.


Condemned is also an example of another feature of those games: not all lights do cause occluders to cast shadows.


In Condemned flashlights do not cause objects to cast shadows (but all other lights in the game do).

In Tomb Raider: Legend ALL lights generate shadow maps and the character's flashlight is no exception,
it is just another light-source in the level...

(excuse me the grainy pics I have shot :(, please do tell me if they need to be rehosted...

in case you cannot get to them, you should find them here: http://panajev.blogspot.com/2007/04/but-but-someone-still-knows-how-to-make.html [I need to really work on this more...
the Kutaragi news watch is still ignoring the recent turn of events... retirement :(])




and just because I like this scene:

not to derail this, but damn... that Condemned pic just reminded me how ****ing creepy that game was. I want a sequel/follow-up/whatever...


GAF's Pleasant Genius
TheJollyCorner said:
not to derail this, but damn... that Condemned pic just reminded me how ****ing creepy that game was. I want a sequel/follow-up/whatever...

True, great game :D: I need to play it some more, still stuck at the beginning and I have moved to other games not too long after I got it (the first Xbox 360 year was quite hectic here in PAL land).
TheJollyCorner said:
not to derail this, but damn... that Condemned pic just reminded me how ****ing creepy that game was. I want a sequel/follow-up/whatever...
Sorry to derail it further but I just checked out Condemned's site and it has a free demo! I though this was 360 only.....
Panajev2001a said:
IMHO, porting this game to Xbox 360 was a good learning experience for Crystal Dynamics
and the results should pay off in their Next Generation projects (including their new Tomb Raider game CDC, or
whatever is called, for Xbox 360 and PLAYSTATION 3):

isn't the new Tomb Raider remake not coming to 360?
Or maybe they mean the next next TR game :/


I am multitalented
Yep, he means TRL 2. The remake is, unfortunately, only for PS2.

And btw, TRL was truly one of the best ports I've ever seen. The game looked totally "next-gen" when it came out.


non-sanctioned troll
I actually have TRL for 360, and I've never really started the game. It sits in my backlog with a couple others. How is it overall? I know the graphics look really good, but they do not make the gameplay (they do help it along though lol).


Junior Member
squatingyeti said:
I actually have TRL for 360, and I've never really started the game. It sits in my backlog with a couple others. How is it overall? I know the graphics look really good, but they do not make the gameplay (they do help it along though lol).

alot of people said the game, altough a little short, was a great game


Gold Member
squatingyeti said:
I actually have TRL for 360, and I've never really started the game. It sits in my backlog with a couple others. How is it overall? I know the graphics look really good, but they do not make the gameplay (they do help it along though lol).

Great game, although a bit on the short side. I really enjoyed it while it lasted, it was great fun.

This thread makes me regret the fact that I traded it in :( . But whatever, its available for cheap now anyway.
squatingyeti said:
I actually have TRL for 360, and I've never really started the game. It sits in my backlog with a couple others. How is it overall? I know the graphics look really good, but they do not make the gameplay (they do help it along though lol).

best Tomb Raider ever. Best Music best puzzles best story best vehicles etc


Gold Member
ElectricBlue187 said:
best Tomb Raider ever. Best Music best puzzles best story best vehicles etc

I thought the vehicle sections were the worst bits of the game myself. They controlled like crap. But I agree with the rest of your post, especially the music part. It wouldn't have been out of place in a game with a bigger budget.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
ElectricBlue187 said:
best Tomb Raider ever. Best Music best puzzles best story best vehicles etc

It surely is polished and on time: there are many reasons why Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness is a very underrated game, but the current topic is wowza... Tomb Raider: Legend's graphics :D.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
GHG said:
I thought the vehicle sections were the worst bits of the game myself. They controlled like crap. But I agree with the rest of your post, especially the music part. It wouldn't have been out of place in a game with a bigger budget.

I think they can make it even better, well not graphics wise (not entirely I mean) because they won't be able to do the wonders of the Xbox 360 version on PlayStation 2, and that Tomb Raider: Anniversary will be a nice testing ground for their new ideas (coupled together with the great Tomb Raider 1 inspiration that permeates this game obviously :)) in terms of puzzles and levels design.

Tomb Raider 1 still plays very nicely IMHO and that is also thanks to how the levels and the puzzles have been laid out.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
snoopers said:
Yep, he means TRL 2. The remake is, unfortunately, only for PS2.

And btw, TRL was truly one of the best ports I've ever seen. The game looked totally "next-gen" when it came out.
One of the best ports?!

In some ways, sure, but it needed more time in the oven. The framerate in 720p is terrible throughout the game. Considering that the XBOX version is 60 fps, the fact that this next-gen version fails to even hold 30 fps is disappointing, to say the least.

There are some incredibly impressive aspects to the port, however, so credit is certainly deserved. At the expense of framerate, though? I don't really support that.


I am multitalented
dark10x said:
One of the best ports?!

In some ways, sure, but it needed more time in the oven. The framerate in 720p is terrible throughout the game. Considering that the XBOX version is 60 fps, the fact that this next-gen version fails to even hold 30 fps is disappointing, to say the least.

There are some incredibly impressive aspects to the port, however, so credit is certainly deserved. At the expense of framerate, though? I don't really support that.

You're right, but I said that with my own experience in mind, and since I don't have a HDTV, I haven't experienced any framerate problem.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
dark10x said:
One of the best ports?!

In some ways, sure, but it needed more time in the oven. The framerate in 720p is terrible throughout the game. Considering that the XBOX version is 60 fps, the fact that this next-gen version fails to even hold 30 fps is disappointing, to say the least.

No, considering the improvements from the PSTwo/Xbox/PSP versions of the game this game pushes through and considering the jump upward in resolution and AA from the previous generation's versions I do not find it disappointing.

I have been playing around with the game's engine with and without the flashlight, with and without the binoculars, aiming with the gun, etc... running, jumping, etc...

The game is more than playable in 720p: yes, you can notice where it slows down but I do not think the frame-rate ever come close to halve or anything and it is not something that happens continuously.

Yes, I would like a smooth 30 fps in ANY moment of the game, but I much rather this kind of frame-rate (similar to Dreamcast's Sonic Adventure) than a 60 fps often then 30 fps then a bit less then a bit more then 60 fps kind of frame-rate (like Sonic Adventure DX on GCN).


GAF's Pleasant Genius
snoopers said:
You're right, but I said that with my own experience in mind, and since I don't have a HDTV, I haven't experienced any framerate problem.

He is right that in 720p compared to 480p/i the performance suffers frame-rate wise, but I think it must be bothering me less than it bothered him.

I have to say that although my TV does not have a disappointing scaler ( quite the contrary IMHO: I did not find the image in 480p to be as bad as I expected it to be compared to the graphics in 720p) the amount of clarity, detail, and the low aliasing on edges and surfaces that 720p provides to balance the dips in frame-rate.


Panajev2001a said:
Yes, I would like a smooth 30 fps in ANY moment of the game, but I much rather this kind of frame-rate (similar to Dreamcast's Sonic Adventure) than a 60 fps often then 30 fps then a bit less then a bit more then 60 fps kind of frame-rate (like Sonic Adventure DX on GCN).

Then Pana, how about this: 60 fps ALL THE TIME? Wouldn't that be the best option? :p


non-sanctioned troll
Well, sounds like Tomb Raider just jumped in front of Hitman for next up on my backlog. Now, if I'd quit trying to beat Gears on insane with just my pistol, I could knock this one out this week.


There are some incredibly impressive aspects to the port, however, so credit is certainly deserved. At the expense of framerate, though? I don't really support that.

what gets me is they could have taken what a month to fix those problems? I still can't believe they didn't get a patch out to fix that.

PC Gaijin

Who handled the GC port? I played that one (yeah, yeah, but I like the GC's pad the best). Anyway, the lighting was terrible in the GC version, especially the flashlight.


Tomb Raider Legend is just plain goddamn awesome. Considering how cheap it is, you gotta own it if you have a 360. And you have to play it, too. One of my favorites of the lsat couple years.
TR Legend is a great game so shame on everyone who havn't given it a try. I loved the Peru level with the bike section (the music is really cool) and the "noise" filter in the flashback part.
snoopers said:
And btw, TRL was truly one of the best ports I've ever seen. The game looked totally "next-gen" when it came out.

I agree! The SMS 3 in that game were @!%@^!@ incredible!!! I can't believe they aren't porting TRA to 360! What injustice!

I loved that area with the iceburgs platforming


GAF's Pleasant Genius
btrboyev said:
what gets me is they could have taken what a month to fix those problems? I still can't believe they didn't get a patch out to fix that.

They worked for a full year on the port and quite likely they started researching next-generation technologies earlier than that.

The fact that Tomb Raider Legend 2 (CDC) will not come out for a while yet and that Tomb Raider: Anniversary will not come out for next-generation consoles (at least AFAIK) do tell that it was not as simple as 1 single extra month.


TheJollyCorner said:
not to derail this, but damn... that Condemned pic just reminded me how ****ing creepy that game was. I want a sequel/follow-up/whatever...

So.... did Nintendo buy Monolith or not? I never verified it.

Cause if they did, Condemmed 2 on Wii = me :(


Mojovonio said:
So.... did Nintendo buy Monolith or not? I never verified it.

Cause if they did, Condemmed 2 on Wii = me :(
Monolith (the makers of Condemned) is not the same as monolith soft (the makers of xenosaga and newly acquired Nintendo developer)


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
ElectricBlue187 said:
best Tomb Raider ever. Best Music best puzzles best story best vehicles etc


keely hawes = awesome
story = awesome
a certain you know who's tomb = awesome

I can't wait for another one.

The new mechanics are SO AMAZINGLY smooth that they feel PERFECT.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
I was pretty mixed on it. The platforming was great, but it was just such a small game. Took 5 hours and that's 5 hours with incredibly shitty filler bits like the motorbike parts or the forced gunfights.
I actually just started playing the 360 version over the weekend. I'm in Japan right now (in the game) and I am really enjoying everything about it. Some of the boss fights are like WTF, but I am really having fun. Some parts of the game are so graphically intense... the first time I saw the waterfall (I think level 3) I was in awe. I just sat there panning the camera around saying holy shit. Really good stuff, definitely worth playing at some point.
Y2Kevbug11 said:

keely hawes = awesome
story = awesome
a certain you know who's tomb = awesome

I can't wait for another one.

The new mechanics are SO AMAZINGLY smooth that they feel PERFECT.

keely hawes (hayes?) is Lara's voice? Is that the chick who is a lingerie model or something?

I'd search for the answer but...I'm at work, and not wearing my loosest pants. Hurhurhur.
Legend is great, but speaking of the flashlight, the "error sound" glitch that'd happen if it was running into a cinema and started running out of battery (instead of playing the correct warning sound, it'd play an annoying glitch one until it ran out).

I wonder why they never patched that over Live. Would it have caused that many testing/certification issues and costs?


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Man... TR: Legend was so ace. One of the few games I'd actually consider replaying. Something I NEVER do anymore.
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