M Mr Cola Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris Jan 22, 2014 #5,603 The only taker I can think is semi lock is Carrick, his precision is stupidly good Everyone else :|
S Superman Member Jan 22, 2014 #5,606 Man Utd were 25-1 to win on pens. Sunderland 30-1... Any takers before the game?
B Barzul Member Jan 22, 2014 #5,609 I want United to win so they can get embarassed by City in the final.
Y yellow submarine Member Jan 22, 2014 #5,611 Wut I turned off the channel.. they fucking equalized?????
Joel Was Right Member Jan 22, 2014 #5,612 No professional team should be conceding that soon after scoring themselves, especially when its effectively a winner. It's inexcusable
No professional team should be conceding that soon after scoring themselves, especially when its effectively a winner. It's inexcusable
U Ushojax Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much Jan 22, 2014 #5,615 Gareth Bale said: Poor Sunderland. Can't see them going through now. Click to expand... Neither can I. It's quite incredible that penalties are even required though. Fair play to Gus. Edit; Gardner looool Choke choke choke
Gareth Bale said: Poor Sunderland. Can't see them going through now. Click to expand... Neither can I. It's quite incredible that penalties are even required though. Fair play to Gus. Edit; Gardner looool Choke choke choke
F Fergie Banned Jan 22, 2014 #5,617 Clegg said: Adnan will take a pen and miss. Click to expand... Lukaku syndrome.
L L1NETT Member Jan 22, 2014 #5,618 Sviatoslav said: Why does Sunderland exist? What purpose do they serve? Couldn't even hang on for like 1 minute. Smh Click to expand... Interesting ideas here --- Have Sunderland got any pen takers? Gardener?
Sviatoslav said: Why does Sunderland exist? What purpose do they serve? Couldn't even hang on for like 1 minute. Smh Click to expand... Interesting ideas here --- Have Sunderland got any pen takers? Gardener?
M Mr Cola Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris Jan 22, 2014 #5,626 Fucking wellbeck
Marc Member Jan 22, 2014 #5,630 Well thats that... what a twat. Ugh, shame that Sunderland are going to fail here. EDIT: WELBECK MISSES? Dear me...
Well thats that... what a twat. Ugh, shame that Sunderland are going to fail here. EDIT: WELBECK MISSES? Dear me...
U Ushojax Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much Jan 22, 2014 #5,638 Omg looool United just stop, even Mata can't fix this mess
L L1NETT Member Jan 22, 2014 #5,640 Looool nosebleed alert Could be a a funny one this WELBECK ITS IN ORBIT THESE TWO FLETCHER HELP H
S Suen Member Jan 22, 2014 #5,643 Welbeck hahaha. Two fucking shit teams. edit: LOOOOOOOOL WTF IS GOING ON