Football Thread 2014/15 |OT8| - Sunderland 0


Pretty sure that is from a facial abuse (the trolling of wannabe pornstars series) video though
Yeah it's from the guy trash talking all those cheap hos wanting to do porn


Your barely restrained inferred insults tickle me.

Hah, is it that obvious?

I can't pretend my views for that insufferable, revolting club aren't obviously tainted but for me it isn't a football issue. Not only are we now in seperate divisions, but the one good season Ched had for them in League One we beat them to promotion anyway. And in the game he played at Hillsborough, which they lost, he was shit. If it was purely a football decision they could sign him for me and I wouldn't bat an eye lid.

My main problem with the entire thing at this point is the way a sizeable and vocal minority of Blades fans have conducted themselves over it, and the way that's been facilitated by Kevin McCabe and United's silence and continued indecision over re-signing him. If the club want to give Ched a second chance then that's their perrogative and has nothing to do with me. I just don't agree with chanting for him at matches, sending threats and abuse over Twitter in his name or "honour" and all the rest of it. The best case scenario, even the stuff Ched has admitted to, make him sound like an arrogant, thick as pig shit wanker who let the club and its fans down badly in a season where they should have strolled promotion that year. Why would you treat him like a hero, on any level?

The whole thing is odd and uncomfortable. I actually try not to get too involved in it, but living and working in Sheffield I hear or read something on literally a daily basis that makes me think "what the fuck is going on here". By colleagues and occassionally people I consider friends, too.


Well he is still arguing he is innocent and pursuing that. Apparently his girlfriend's dad is funding it all :lol

FWIW this was a pretty complex case from what I understand. Lot of people have been assuming it's something it's not. Not defending him or anything, he's clearly a scumbag and I don't really know what Shef United are thinking right now...but the whole case has been a bit of a mess. Police don't seem to know what they were doing either.
I think the major question regards who the girl consented to having sex with. She said it was with a friend of Evans. Then Ched shows up and thinks he'd like a go and wouldn't it be a great laugh if someone videos the whole thing without her knowing. Rape or no, he's already looking bad. Of course that's not enough to judge someone of rape. The question is down to the girls ability to consent which apparently she was in no fit state to give.


Dave Whelan on new manager Malky Mackay (who is yet to be cleared by FA): "He is a committed family man with decent values"


Better off saying nothing.

Or tell the truth, "We know he's a terrible racist and sexist but we think he can probably get us promoted and because nobody else will touch him with a 10 foot barge pole we're getting him on the cheap."

Dave Whelan: Black players should "get on with it"

Whelan told radio station LBC 97.3: "If a white man insults a black man, that's big, big news. If, if, a black man insults a white man, that's nothing, and it's expected.

"So I just think we should forget colour, and, you know, it doesn't bother anybody, I'm sure, colour and.... sometimes a footballer... erm, when they're playing at such a level... you know the stress is there.

"And if, if, they call somebody white, if they call somebody black, you've just got to get on with it.

Whelan added: "You know I think the players who come and complain sometimes, they're a little bit out of order.


Bundesliga Latest @BL_Latest
"Sport1" nennt A. #Herrera, S. #Khedira, L. #Bender und C. #Kramer als potentielle Kandidaten auf eine Winter-Verpflichtung beim FC Bayern.

Herrera, Khedira, Bender or Kramer are potential winter targets for Bayern.
Bundesliga Latest @BL_Latest
"Sport1" nennt A. #Herrera, S. #Khedira, L. #Bender und C. #Kramer als potentielle Kandidaten auf eine Winter-Verpflichtung beim FC Bayern.

Herrera, Khedira, Bender or Kramer are potential winter targets for Bayern.

Good old Sport1 making shit lists

Kramer is the best one. Gladbach would need to agree to terminate the loan deal AND Leverkusen would need to agree to sell him. It's easier to just sign Messi


Alvarez is fit with Fletcher this weekend

Giaccherini and Jones should be fit for Chelsea



So what's our lineup outlook for Ass?


Raf Mcnair Evans/Jones/Smalling Shaw

Carrick/Herrera Fellaini

Mata Rooney Di Maria




Yeah basically, I mean he does have the arrogance and the natural ability. The rest will come with time, I'm really not looking for much from him until say next season.

He's been playing professionally for nearly 7 years now. It's pretty uncommon for a guy to just get better at 3 or 4 things after that long. Welbeck might improve a facet or two of his game, but you're looking mostly at what you can expect for the rest of his career. You don't often just randomly get better at finishing after this long.


He's been playing professionally for nearly 7 years now. It's pretty uncommon for a guy to just get better at 3 or 4 things after that long. Welbeck might improve a facet or two of his game, but you're looking mostly at what you can expect for the rest of his career. You don't often just randomly get better at finishing after this long.

Well thats just not true is it. He needs to read the game better, when to come short when to run in behind etc. that can and will come with time. His touch, technique, shot, passing, speed and strength mean he has a very good platform to spring on from. His finishing is dramatically improved imo as he's been in one on one situations enough to not panic now. Yeah it'll come.
After racism stroopwafels are the best thing the Netherlands has to offer.

The shrooms I was on disagrees.

and don't forget the hookers.

I didn't rent any of their services I admit, but I did see a guy in a wheelchair get rejected by one which made me sad. Imagine going all the way to Amsterdam to have someone touch your dick, and this woman who's not exactly picky with the several cocks a day she takes rejects you. Did the same happen with Quiche?


il capo silenzioso
He's been playing professionally for nearly 7 years now. It's pretty uncommon for a guy to just get better at 3 or 4 things after that long. Welbeck might improve a facet or two of his game, but you're looking mostly at what you can expect for the rest of his career. You don't often just randomly get better at finishing after this long.
Pelle was shit at everything in life not that long ago

Di Natale was a late late bloomer (31!) as well


The shrooms I was on disagrees.

and don't forget the hookers.

I didn't rent any of their services I admit, but I did see a guy in a wheelchair get rejected by one which made me sad. Imagine going all the way to Amsterdam to have someone touch your dick, and this woman who's not exactly picky with the several cocks a day she takes rejects you. Did the same happen with Quiche?

.... why didn't you have sex with a prostitute?
.... why didn't you have sex with a prostitute?

I know this sounds weird. But ... I had a girlfriend. A female, bud, who was willing to accept my penis on a regular basis.

She now lives in Hague actually, isn't that where you are? She's still pretty cute m8.


Well thats just not true is it. He needs to read the game better, when to come short when to run in behind etc. that can and will come with time. His touch, technique, shot, passing, speed and strength mean he has a very good platform to spring on from. His finishing is dramatically improved imo as he's been in one on one situations enough to not panic now. Yeah it'll come.

To be honest, Meier is probably right. Guy is 23? That means his athletic peak should be coming in the next 1-2 years and then he might be good for a while and decline.

I really do wish he'd be more confident in the penalty box is all. He's set up some good play but he has to score.


Imagine if you could enter the same hole as I have been in, it would connect us through something greater than life.

i've always felt we have a connection

let us materialize this connection

let us be one

but not the same

let us be one

through time

through space

let our connection be the one thing that transcends time and space
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