Football Thread |OT13| This title has been fixed

oh wow


Xbox infinity? Xbox loop? Xbox 8? Xbox tits? Xbox turd?
Supposedly this is from the Destiny video.

I really don't think its called "Xbox Infinity" or "Xbox Loop" as people are speculating (Xbox 8 sounds worse), I think its probably just called Xbox and thats the logo they're promoting with it.

Perhaps im being too hopeful.

Not happy at all at the no used games rumours. Would be such a stupid decision.


I'm sticking to Football Thread |OT| Longest run without a decent title since Arsenal.

How to play Destiny right now for free:
1) Download Planetside 2
2) Play Planetside 2
I've played Planetside 2. The gunplay, music, UI and style alone on Destiny will 100% surely be light years above Planetside.


I dare you to post that on gaming side. You would be quickly shot down by a PC whizz explaining that two taped together cartons of full fat milk wrapped in a single slice of bacon with a hdmi port could in fact run Crysis on max.

Well it's true, half that can get a decent rig together :p

Blue Lou

Are there going to be any streams for the CONCACAF U20 Championship that starts tonight?

Sometimes CONCACAF TV show the games live but nothing has been announced.
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