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Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone IGN Review


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Were there any announced extras for the Xbox version which doesn't come out til Nov?


Its not that bad. I have it. The voice acting is excellent and if you like Forotten Realms and RA's stuff youll love the storyline, I do.

The gameplay is pretty good and if you put the difficulty on Hard the game is pretty challenging I think. ITs a bit short but I dont mind, Im happy with it.

Its a definate rental at least.
open_mouth_ said:
Weren't you supposed to stop acting like a jackass all the time? Ok, how about some of the time, at least? ;)

You have to win the bet, remember? Not that that's going to happen.

BTW, I was just being right.


I think the game is awesome. If you liked the EA LotR games then you will love this. As a single player game it is better than those 2 games in every way.


make sure you read the qualification I added to that bet... PC + Xbox version sales worldwide until Jan 1, 2005. You might as well start now :)
Sorry for the off-topic folks :)

open_mouth_ said:
make sure you read the qualification I added to that bet... PC + Xbox version sales worldwide until Jan 1, 2005. You might as well start now :)

You can't add a qualification after the bet. Here was your original assertion:

open_mouth_ said:
It's gonna reach 500,000k after its price drop this holiday season, which is about par for these type of "good" war games on the Xbox. Plus, I expect it to do 250k + on the PC, so overall, it's gonna have nice numbers for THQ.

Don't even try and back out on it. Your little worldwide & PC addendum is weak. Are you officially admitting defeat now?


Obviously, there's been a little bit of miscommunication between us... Let me recap the thread for you... I made a general statement and then you highlighted the following only...

It's gonna reach 500,000k after its price drop this holiday season,

By "it" in this statement we can either mean Full Spectrum, the game, on all platforms, in all territories, which is clearly what I meant, or you could take it to mean the Xbox version only in North America. So, obviously, we had differing interpretations. At worst, you could take my statement to mean Xbox FSW only, but in all territories. Now, if there is no price drop for FSW this holiday season, then the bet is null and void, regardless, based on unsubstantial criteria fulfillment.

So, any way you slice it, you lose, my friend. So, please do everyone a favor and uphold your side of the bargain. Oh, and next time, please don't hijack an innocent thread like this one with your own agenda. It's uncivilized.
open_mouth_ said:
Obviously, there's been a little bit of miscommunication between us... Let me recap the thread for you... I made a general statement and then you highlighted the following only...

By "it" in this statement we can either mean Full Spectrum, the game, on all platforms, in all territories, which is clearly what I meant, or you could take it to mean the Xbox version only in North America. So, obviously, we had differing interpretations. At worst, you could take my statement to mean Xbox FSW only, but in all territories. Now, if there is no price drop for FSW this holiday season, then the bet is null and void, regardless, based on unsubstantial criteria fulfillment.

So, any way you slice it, you lose, my friend. So, please do everyone a favor and uphold your side of the bargain. Oh, and next time, please don't hijack an innocent thread like this one with your own agenda. It's uncivilized.

LOSER. It's not like we bet any actual money and you're still trying to weasel out of it. Must be hard to live without a spine.

We both know what you meant. Someone want to jump in here and help me slap him around.


sonycowboy said:
LOSER. It's not like we bet any actual money and you're still trying to weasel out of it. Must be hard to live without a spine.

We both know what you meant. Someone want to jump in here and help me slap him around.

I'm just kidding you freakin' 'tard! God, you are such an ass :D

Anyway, what are the Euro numbers for FSW out of curiousity?? It still could reach 500k I think by year's end worldwide on the Xbox and that actually was what I meant.


If you liked EA's LotR games you like Demon Stone. Yes they dropped the ball with the lack of multiplayer but that is what sequels are for.

Musashi Wins!

Just my two cents.....While I loved ROTK, it's an underappreciated beat-em up that actually does the movie tie in thing with a large sense of style, Demon Stone is only a pale imitation. You will notice several similarities in style, theme and props but with lousy combat feedback and far more generic background material it falls flat, IMO. A rental at best.
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