Can someone cut the background out of this one? And crop it just below Storms boob.

Can someone cut the background out of this one? And crop it just below Storms boob.
Can someone make an avatar of this?
Thanks in advance!
Here you go.Could someone get rid of the little bits of white on this pic?
It's not too noticeable on this background, but you can see it pretty good using the dark theme on mobile.
Here you go.
Anyone know why I can't make the above image an avatar without the background showing up as white? I guess I'm requesting a proper one for an avatar as well!
The image must be 100x120 or smaller, otherwise GAF resizes it and it loses the background transparency.
1. Get Paint.NET (it's free!)
2. Use the selection tools to select everything you want out. Since it's just a solid white I would go for the Magic Wand-tool with a tolerance of about 30%.
3. Press delete
3b. Use the resize-function and cropping-tool to resize your image so it is smaller or equal to 100x120 pixels. (IMPORTANT)
4. Save image as a PNG file.
5. Upload image to NeoGAF and/or imagehost of choice (hint: minus)
6. Show it off in this thread.
7. Receive endless praise and the adoration of all hot members of the gender of choice for your mad image editing skills.
If you just want to crop and resize images, it's pretty simple. I just use a 5 x 6 ratio rectangular marquee tool and then crop the image. Then you can resize the image to 100 x 120px. For borders the easiest way is to do a select all, then Edit > Stroke > 1px. black inside.You guys use PhotoShop right? I'm a bit of an avatar nut and change mine constantly, and I don't want to keep bothering people, so can someone come up with a quick tutorial/how-to guide for me? I have access to PhotoShop on campus, and I actually took a class a year ago but practically forget everything I learned...
It was Twi
Would someone mind making the image a little clearer? Haven't been able to do jack to make it appear not blurry.
Would someone mind making the image a little clearer? Haven't been able to do jack to make it appear not blurry.
Edit: ah nvm, redit it myself.
this isn't CSI, do you have a better source for the image