oh, didn't see you, not quite sure if I did the right thing:Hi, can someone replace my avatars face with Yes Man from FO:NV
oh, didn't see you, not quite sure if I did the right thing:
Someone was so kind as to make me this avatar a couple years ago but I forgot who and I lost the high res version of it. Would someone be willing to make a new high res version for me? The robotic parts are just a generic terminator shot. Here is the source for Plato
I just want to have this saved for the future and to use on my PSN account and my PS4 Sharing Facebook. Thanks in advance!
Lol, here you go. From page 55 of this very thread![]()
Saw this in the thread about Onion articles and I want it avatarized. Any help?
Can somebody transparify this pls
Can i have someone work some magic on these ?
Pick the picture that works better for you.
One thing : if possible can you keep the eagles in the avatar?
Make whatever you think looks best.
sweet little Knack
May I please get a avatar with a border and one that's transparent please.
Not too sure what exactly you wanted (transparent or not)
lol, I thought that was the neat part about this image
edit: oh noes forgot one thingy
Right is sharper than left, but they look mostly the same.
Edit: Beaten.
ThanksHere you go:
Thank you very much, I really appreciate it.
Two requests please:
Just a simple crop for both.
Muchas gracias.