Super awesome infographic. This thread's become so much more than I ever thought it would, and you guys have kept it running well beyond my time.
Kudos to everyone.
...and now ONTO BUSINESS!
Who wants to take a stab at cleaning up the edges on my avatar?! I just realized when you switch to Dark GAF my avatar looks hideous because I was only eye-balling it to blend nicely with Vanilla GAF.
here you go
So I used the polygonal lasso tool to select around the cube, lining it up with the outer edges of it. With only the cube and not that extra stuff now selected, I inverted the selection and pressed delete which got rid of all the stuff surrounding the outside of it.Quick question for you, actually.
What method did you use to scrape the edges clean? My Photoshop-fu wasn't strong enough to find an efficient way to do it other than to zoom in and manually scrape things. I imagine there's some smart way of using an eraser tool that's referencing a color and adjusting the color sensitivity so it's only capturing white/grey blocks vs. black...but curious what you did.
Thanks again, btw!
So I used the polygonal lasso tool to select around the cube, lining it up with the outer edges of it. With only the cube and not that extra stuff now selected, I inverted the selection and pressed delete which got rid of all the stuff surrounding the outside of it.
Can anyone do me? If not, atleast my avatar! (transparent background or whatever you'd call it)
Can anyone do me? If not, atleast my avatar! (transparent background or whatever you'd call it)
Thank you kindly, good sir! Seriously, thanks. :]
Hah, same here. Mine's entirely OC, too! Snipping Tool fo' lyfe.That Wolfenstein picture cracks me up every time.
Congrats on the milestone.
Can I get this with a transparent background?
Can someone make this transparent and avatar sized from a little below the shoulders please?![]()
if someone could give this the ol' resize + transparency treatment, i'd appreciate it
Can someone avatar Big Sackboss for me? Either a transparent or white background.
Thank you!From the edited out Twitter images
From the new image
Simple, I think? Can someone reverse the colors? I need the white to be black and the black to be white. Keep the size the same.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks!! That works for me!
There's a button in both and GIMP that does this in one click if you ever need to do it again. It's called invert (colors).
Possible to get a cutout avatar of her, with transparent background? Thank you kindly.
Someone wanna give me an avatar of the spiky haired guy? You can even go full NeoGaf avatar trendy and give him The Evil Within treatment if you're super kind.
Can someone crop out the background and leave only the dog? Thank you in advance
Thanks a ton!
A bit of a trivial request, but could I get my avatar 'fixed' to be more like other Neorice avatars? (Shadow and border like this)
Here's the original setup for Fierce Deity Link (Although I like the light blue background a bit better)