Hey avatarGAF. I just wanted to say thank you making every avatar that I've used. The latest one has gotten me countless avatar quotes. I love it! I've been told today that it's the perfect political avatar. Probably because it's funny and so awkward at the same time. I really appreciate what you guys have done for me.
Could you do me one more avatar? Of this nut, just including his thumb and up?
Kinda like this
but clearer and transparent.
I thank you greatly for even considering.[/QUOTE]
Can i get a transparent background avatar of the ewok pls thanks.
Can someone make an transparent avatar out of this? Thanks!
Can someone get rid of the background and make this transparent for me real quick? I don't have photoshop installed atm
Someone mind making a transparency with just Léa's head and one with the head and her arm ?
Can someone help me to make this avatar like a circle? just like the NXOE. Thanks!
Thanks so much caramac.
Uh I don't have an Xbox but do you just mean like this?
Please.If possible can I please get a transparent version of this image at full size
and avatar?
Could someone make this pic of sora be transparent with no background behind him? As well as avatar sized. Thanks.
If possible can I please get a transparent version of this image at full size
and avatar?
Thanks! Would you possibly care to do it with the helmet and shoulder to see what it looks like? Or do the words at the bottom of picture interfere too much with that. That's mainly why I was asking for the collar up, but looks a tad off that way.
Well to see what she would look like with the helmet and shoulders all you need to do is scroll up. I can crop it before the text.
I do need 1 thing from you though, to get into the creative mood of cropping and resizing. As a fan of the Urban & Stallone movies for different reasons. How does tank girl fit in the world of Judge Dredd? And is Ice-T in the comics? Thanks, awaiting your reply.
Yeah, I think that would look a little better, thanks.
They aren't actually related I don't think, she just happened to be a back-up feature in a Judge Dredd magazine. I think Tank Girl is totally creator owned so stories featuring her have been featured in various magazines and written by various writers and artists. I don't remember the character Ice-T played in the movie, but it might have been from an actual Tank Girl story. Ice-T himself is not, at least not that I know of.
Oh, interesting. Anyway, here is the crop from the shoulders up. Another choice with the logo as well.
Can someone make this background transparent for me please? And get rid of the line at the bottom
Every time I try in GIMP it comes out white when I upload it to Neogaf
Huh, it looks transparent here, why cant I upload it as my avatar without it becoming white?