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Forza & Conker demo in Halo 2!!


Microsoft has confirmed that demos of the upcoming racer Forza Motorspot, online mech combat game Mech Assault 2, platformer Conker: Live & Uncut and strategy game Kingdom Under Fire: Crusaders will all be playable from the the "demos" menu in the highly anticipated game from MGS, Halo 2. Also shown in the demos menu will be brand new trailers for upcoming games from Microsoft Game Studios. Forza Motorsport, Jade Empire, Kameo and Unreal Championship 2 will all be included. There will also be a goodies section on the disc with two downloadable Halo 2 tracks. Halo 2 will hit stores nationwide on November 9.

Don't know if they'll be live enabled. I hope so!


will the conker demo be a demo of multiplayer or the single player mode?

Also, I've been wondering, will Halo 2 have the custom soundtrack option? I think it is bad enough when xbox games don't utilize that feature, but it is inexcusable when it is as big of an xbox title as halo 2 is.


Great news. Can't wait to try Conker :)



ohamsie said:
Also, I've been wondering, will Halo 2 have the custom soundtrack option? I think it is bad enough when xbox games don't utilize that feature, but it is inexcusable when it is as big of an xbox title as halo 2 is.

Unlike driving games, sports games, etc... the soundtrack in a game like Halo 2 is an integral part of telling the story.


good credit (by proxy)
ohamsie said:
will the conker demo be a demo of multiplayer or the single player mode?

Also, I've been wondering, will Halo 2 have the custom soundtrack option? I think it is bad enough when xbox games don't utilize that feature, but it is inexcusable when it is as big of an xbox title as halo 2 is.



Chi-Town said:
Unlike driving games, sports games, etc... the soundtrack in a game like Halo 2 is an integral part of telling the story.

I think he meant online maybe? well i for one cant wait and Forza, Mechassault, and Conker need to have at least a taste of online. So i hope at least two of those you can play online for a taste of it. I'm glad to see they are taking this game seriously as a selling point and putting good content into it.

Deku Tree

A conker demo would be sweet. And Halo had music which had dynamic streaming depending on the situation. So I don't think custom soundtracks would really work with the single player. But it would be sweet to be able to blast your own music in muliplayer matches.


B'z-chan said:
I think he meant online maybe? well i for one cant wait and Forza, Mechassault, and Conker need to have at least a taste of online. So i hope at least two of those you can play online for a taste of it. I'm glad to see they are taking this game seriously as a selling point and putting good content into it.

hmm custom soundtrack for online deathmatch etc. would rock.


To clear things up, yes, I had multiplayer in mind when I was thinking about custom soundtracks. I wouldn't even think to use it in the single player mode, I don't know why everyone was assuming that's what I was talking about.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
This post is not true. I don't know where that original list came from, but the only demos on the disc are BINK video demos and they sure don't include all the games mentioned. The game fills up most of the DVD and there simply isn't space for playable demos.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Stinkles said:
This post is not true. I don't know where that original list came from, but the only demos on the disc are BINK video demos and they sure don't include all the games mentioned. The game fills up most of the DVD and there simply isn't space for playable demos.



Stinkles said:
This post is not true. I don't know where that original list came from, but the only demos on the disc are BINK video demos and they sure don't include all the games mentioned. The game fills up most of the DVD and there simply isn't space for playable demos.
Alright, who knows who to believe? Stinkles or thorns?

Deku Tree

They shoulda put some of these demo's on the LE disk. Or, at least, I wish they woulda. It wouldn't be that hard considering they're bringing them around to all the game shows.


no fuzion frenzy love :(

UC2 probably was going to be on the Halo 2 disc, but that was when MS was publishing it.


Actually I was going to post a topic like this yesterday, asking if there were going to be demos included...

And I was gonna mention how the FF demo always provided a fun break from 16 player Halo LAN parties. Twisted System was the only game we played, yes, but I think it helped sell that game regardless.

Forza...Conker...they would have been awesome demos... :( I'll buy both games, but a demo could have helped promote them to more gamers.
I wish a demo disk or something were given away as pre-order bonus.

I think the Zelda Bonus disk I got from Wind Waker spoiled me. I never played it though, i sold it on ebay.

I pre-ordered 2, kept one copy of Wind Waker. Sold the 2 bonus disks for $35 each and the other Wind Waker for $50. So it's like I got Wind Waker free, and made $35. :D
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