Thanks for the offer, but I'd like to pick one up at my local pen shop. Maybe the owner can even help me with my nib.
Even better! I'm all for supporting good local businesses.
I think that it's more like the Safari where it depends on how you hold the pen. One factor that may have served to sour my initial experience is that the ink it came with was a terrible blue.
I see. That's a shame. A poor initial impression can be tricky to overcome. I shall keep my fingers crossed for you though as it is certainly a handsome pen.
There's a solution to fix that - just get a nice Pilot or Platinum pen! I would suggest a Platinum Century 3776 (in Blue). It's my favorite pen so far, and it's only £57 on Amazon.
It has a gold nib, and it's pretty amazing quality for the price. The cherry on top is that the Chatres Blue looks so pretty in person. The only problems are that it doesn't come with a converter and waiting for the shipment.
Now that's the sort of solution I like!

I have been eyeing up that very Platinum recently!

With your helpful feedback and keen price it is rocketing up my pen wishlist as we speak!

I might just have to treat myself to one in anticipation of some Christmas money from my father. If he gets me an actual present instead I'll just have to suffer the expense myself

. I don't mind waiting if the price is that good. I'm currently awaiting a Pilot Prera from Japan that has just been shipped. I don't expect it before Christmas so if it gets here before the New Year that will be a nice surprise. I am looking forward to getting to grips with it's medium calligraphy nib though.
Nah, I like cartridge/converter pens. I tend to use 5-6 pens over the course of a day so ink capacity has never been an issue, and I find it a lot easier to clean these designs.
Well you wouldn't want them to get jealous with you favouring just the one pen in lieu of the others would you?

Is that because you do lots of writing or because you like the variety?
Nifty! Here are some of my recent acquisitions:
The inks are Aurora Black and Diamine Marine. The pens from top to bottom are: new-old stock Pilot Elite, TWSBI Eco, Faber-Castell Loom, Sheaffer Imperial II, and Platinum Century 3776. Unfortunately the lighting is so poor that you can't tell that the 3776 looks like stained glass.
Oh, and I forgot to mention that I just ordered a Vanishing Point! More pens for work!
Pen and ink porn! Yay!
Oh, how do you like the Marine? I must say that I have a fondness for Diamine inks. They are inexpensive but decent quality and UK based so it feels good to support them. They may not be the most exciting inks out there but for a decent everyday ink I think they're a pretty good option.
A Vanishing Point too?! Not trying to keep up with the
Joneses Bagels, I hope?

I would be afeared of taking that out of the house. I don't with my Waterman but that's 99.9% due to my sentimental attachment to it rather than its intrinsic value. It is the best part of 30 years old though so I have no idea what it would be worth from a collector's point of view. I don't even know what the model is either. It's my only gold nib fountain pen and it cost £50-£60 IIRC but that was 27 [?] years ago so with inflation I would guess that an equivalent model would easily be £100+ nowadays. I will take it out of the house if I find a good pen shop who I can ask about it though!
Right, I'm off to make some tea to then christen this TWSBI and Mojimi!
A Platinum Century 3776 is very high on my wishlist! I don't have much experience with Platinum pens, but I want to get in there.
Under $70 on Amazon! Waiting for stuff to get here from Japan makes me sad, but you can't argue with the prices!
There is something to be said for delayed gratification Mister Bagels. A bit of a lost art these days, of course. I am old enough to remember when one had no option but to wait and that is if the option was even offered. However we live in a very different world now and I get caught up in it just as much as everyone else seems to. I like to think that increasing interest in 'old fashioned' pursuits like fountain pens, reading from a physical book, origami, colouring books etc are somewhat a reaction to the modern lifestyle, an attempt to slow down and live more in the moment. Speaking of which, new pen meet new ink, *smooch*.
RE-EDIT: Initial impressions on the TWSBI Diamond 580AL Pink & Pilot iroshizuku momiji are favourable. Once I worked out how to get the pen out of its case by removing its cute little retainers I was struck by how good it felt in my hand. It had a reassuring feeling of solidity and heft without being heavy. Of course I lived up to Bagel's credo and got ink everywhere. I mopped it up with a piece of kitchen paper and for a fleeting moment had a feeling of panic that I had cut myself!

It really is a lovely looking red though. My TWSBI now looks a bit like I've just given blood! It's just the sort of pen a mad scientist in a Resident Evil game would use. It doubles as a syringe so can be used to inject a pesky do-gooder with infected blood to turn them into a mutated puppet. You can have that idea for free Capcom

. It writes beautifully smoothly too but I suspect that is partly due to the nib. I'm very glad I picked both up. The TWSBI looks very handsome amongst my other pens in their pen pot

. Right, I'm off to write some more with my new pretty!