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Fox hates my childhood...plans for "The Sandlot 2" on DVD :(

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Video Business reports that 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment is developing The Sandlot 2 for a 2005 DVD premiere. The follow-up is expected to street within the second quarter of next year.

Many of the key players from the baseball-themed The Sandlot, released theatrically in 1993, are returning for the sequel. Director David Mickey Evans and stars James Earl Jones and Karen Allen (Raiders of the Lost Ark) are back. Fresh additions include former Ally McBeal cast member Greg Germann.

After grossing $35 million at the box office, The Sandlot has sold 7 million video units, 2 million of which have been since 1999.

Why James why!!! :(

Edit: Ha! Fixed it in time!
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