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Fox News's Bill O’Reilly loses custody of children after alleged domestic violence

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Fox News host Bill O’Reilly has lost custody of his two teenage children after they reportedly said they would prefer to live with their mother following an alleged domestic violence incident, according to court documents.

As reported by Gawker, Mr O’Reilly’s two children, 13 and 17, will live full time with his ex-wife Maureen McPhilmy.

The decision taken by a Nassau County Supreme Court justice last year that the children should live with their mother was appealed by the news host to delay its enforcement.

According to the 1,400 word opinion issued on 24 February, the court’s four justices unanimously ruled in his ex-wife’s favour based upon “the clearly stated preferences of the children” and the “quality of the home environment provided by the mother”.

Mr O’Reilly’s 17-year-old daughter told a court-appointed forensic examiner last year that she saw her father dragging her mother down a staircase by the neck.

He responded to Politico in May last year: “All allegations against me in these circumstances are 100% false. I am going to respect the court-mandated confidentiality put in place to protect my children and will not comment any further.”

Court transcripts seen by Gawker allegedly revealed that his daughter also considered Mr O’Reilly as an absentee parent who was not interested in developing a relationship with her and struggled to control his rage, which she found “scary”.

He also allegedly told his daughter that her mother was an “adulterer”.

The court decided that the parents would share custody over issues like which schools the children should attend, which medical care they receive and the religion they practise - he has strong connections with the Catholic Church. Mr O’Reilly had previously insisted he had sole legal custody for those matters.

A court docket shown by Gawker suggests that Mr O’Reilly is still fighting against the verdict and is pursuing contempt of court charges against his ex-wife. It is not known why he believes Ms McPhilmy has violated the court’s instructions.

Mr O’Reilly was accused of sexual harassment in 2004 by former Fox News producer Andrea Mackris - he allegedly bragged about attending a sex show in Thailand and insisted that she masturbate over the phone with a vibrator. Mr O’Reilly reached an out-of-court settlement with Ms Mackris

Regardless of the circumstances of their marriage, he's nothing but a chump for beating on a woman.

The court ruled in favor of the kids and their mom, so I personally don't see the point in using allegedly, but there are lamers who cry Chicken Little on occasion, so I will.



Get rekt, O’Reilly.


tagged by Blackace
Times like this I wish Jon Stewart was still on the Daily Show.

Dragging her by the neck? Disgusting. Any sort of domestic violence is, but that imagery is particularly awful.
Bwahahaha, what a piece of shit. I'd love to see him show his face after this. I hope his wife and children are safe however. Fuck this scumbag.


Is Obama going to get blamed for this one like he did when Sarah Palin's son was arrested for domestic violence?


How can anyone watch this tool on Fox News is beyond me. I can't last 5 minutes in one of his shows.

Feel for his kids though. They didn't ask for a crummy father.
Is Obama going to get blamed for this one like he did when Sarah Palin's son was arrested for domestic violence?

I'm guessing a LARGE amount of these top-brass GoP conservatives have big time domestic issues and baggage, what with all that pent-up Christian guilt they love to shame people with.

But they just love dumping on liberals...


O'Reilly is obviously a piece of shit but fuck Gawker and their invasive reporting of private personal matters. Absolute scum.


What a total "family values" fraud.

Great Christian family man right there.
I remember hearing some fucked up details regarding a sexual harassment case he was involved in a few years back. He buried it by threatening to sue anyone who brought it up. Doesn't sound so implausible now.


Honestly assumed being an angry douche was just his TV persona. Hope his family members are OK and get away from him


So let's get this straight what you are saying is Bill O'Reilly is a piece of shit? Please add "shocking news" to the title.


Schattenjäger;197178601 said:
His personal life is his personal life
All that matters is that I can still watch his show
Poe's law in full effect here. I literally cannot tell if you're taking this disgusting position for real.

Fists come in, tears come out. You can't explain it!
Wow, damn.


Water is not wet!
I remember hearing some fucked up details regarding a sexual harassment case he was involved in a few years back. He buried it by threatening to sue anyone who brought it up. Doesn't sound so implausible now.

Yeah he paid her off. Details are sparse from what i remember. i do remember that he addressed the issue once and made clear he would never revisit the topic again. This was on his radio show at the time (does he even have a radio show still?). He said something to the effect of "i've settled out of court and im not talking about it ever again."


Gabriel Knight
Poe's law in full effect here. I literally cannot tell if you're taking this disgusting position for real.

Wow, damn.
Why is it a disgusting position?
He was never convicted of anything .. And I enjoy his show from time to time
If I was to boycott any entertainer that did something wrong, I don't think I'd have much to choose from


He also tried to brush off Trump getting the KKK bump saying its not a real story but the liberal media is blowing it up.

What a guy!
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