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Fox News's Bill O’Reilly loses custody of children after alleged domestic violence

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Saw this earlier, wondering when it'd show up on Gaf. Now let's see how his viewers take this.

They wont give a shit. I hope the next black guest he brings on to attack the "corrosive culture" of the black community, "absentee black fathers" and the "sick influence of hip hop on African American youth" brings this up though. Worry about your own house Bill, and we'll tend to ours.
I can't believe we had someone in here actually defending that vile bag of human excrement. Guess one of his 3.2 million viewers was bound to find his way here...


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
On one hand, I'm happy that his kids are away from an abusive relationship. On the other, Gawker is slimey as hell for digging into this.

I'm not particularly a fan of O'Reilly, but Jon Stewart appeared to have a rapport with him. I also like during one of his interviews with Stewart where he called out the people who went far right for the money. I prefer him to Beck or Hannity, that's for sure.

I suppose now you all are going to show me examples where Jon Stewart is one of the biggest pieces of shit to ever exist in the entertainment industry and my world is going to fall apart.

Don't worry we still have Mr Rodgers, he was the real deal.


Gold Member
Don't worry we still have Mr Rodgers, he was the real deal.


Edit: How long until GAF supports gifv?
I read this story earlier on reddit and someone posted the following.

This is not a partisan statement, it's a factual one: The title of this post is incredibly misleading
Based on the Court's Decision & Order issued by the Appellate Division (2d) of New York, issued on Feb. 24, 2016 - Bill O'Reilly did no "lose custody of kids after assaulting his wife" as the title of this post suggests.
Now, making this comment was a hard decision because, well... O'Reilly is a cunt - a hypocritical cunt, at that. But he did not lose custody of his kids, let alone "after" (semantically suggestive of 'because' or 'due to' [assault charge], etc) beating his wife.
So this was a decision affirming an NY County Supreme Court (their court system is kinda backwards, for anyone confused by the sequential affirmation order) ruling in 2014 regarding the decision making authority and residential arrangements.
This order I linked above states expressly that O'Reilly and his ex-wife, Maureen McPhilmy, are to maintain 'Joint Legal Custody' and 'Joint Decision-Making Authority.'
From the Court Order:
While ordinarily it is not appropriate to award joint legal custody and decision-making authority where the parties are antagonistic toward one another (see Irizarry v Irizarry, 115 AD3d 913), in this case, the record supports the court's finding that, despite their antagonism, the parties have been able to agree on most decisions concerning the children (see Matter of Thorpe v Homoet, 116 AD3d 962, 963). Moreover, the record supports the court's finding that if either parent were awarded sole decision-making authority, there would be a danger that it would be used to exclude the other parent from meaningful participation [] in the children's lives.
What happened was that O'Reilly wanted full custody and full decision-making authority, and this Court last Wednesday said "Uh no, Bill - you both get equal custody and decision-making authority." As you can see, the Court actually finds that they're usually quite able to make decisions together in their children's best interests.
This Court did, however, give Maureen McPhilmy primary 'Residential Custody,' which is very different than both 'legal custody' and 'decision-making authority' by legal definition, as outlined in NY state statute. If you read the language in the very brief order, they weigh this decision with the preference of O'Reilly's two children, 13 & 17, who both prefer to live with their mother.
But as far as legal custody, and decision-making authority, Bill and his ex-wife still have complete joint, equal authority.
It's definitely fair, in a DR legal sense, to consider this ruling a loss for O'Reilly, and one he probably damn well deserves. But the Court does not entertain allegations of domestic abuse in this case, but rather just the preference of his children which presumably was made quite clear during discovery/evidentiary pre-trial procedures before the County SC ruling, and/or this Appellate ruling.
So, did Bill O'Reilly loose ['lose'] a court case regarding his children that results in his having less residential time allotment with them? Ultimately, yes he did.
Did Bill O'Reilly loose ['lose' - good lookin' out grammar bros] custody of his children after beating his wife? Not by any legal metric.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Schattenjäger;197179339 said:
Why is it a disgusting position?
He was never convicted of anything .. And I enjoy his show from time to time
If I was to boycott any entertainer that did something wrong, I don't think I'd have much to choose from
Supports the detention and enhanced interrogation of American soldiers
(Yesterday, 10:44 PM)


Saw the title and wanted to come in and post that gif. Saw it was in the OP. You did good, OP, you did good.
Schattenjäger;197180005 said:
He's denied it

When people are in custody battles, things get said
If he got convicted, then that would be a different story
Bill O'Reilly also denies that the tide is a well understood natural process and actually thinks it's some kind of fucking sorcery. Dude's a gross, moronic shit stain and his show exists only to pander to the absolute dregs of civilisation.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Professional angry moron is an angry moron? I for one am shocked.
Schattenjäger;197179339 said:
Why is it a disgusting position?
He was never convicted of anything .. And I enjoy his show from time to time
If I was to boycott any entertainer that did something wrong, I don't think I'd have much to choose from

Sorry heartless machine, you just failed the Turing test.


It's always been crystal clear to anyone with any kind of sense that this man has always had major anger issues.

The dude needs help.
Schattenjäger;197178601 said:
His personal life is his personal life
All that matters is that I can still watch his show
Besides that you're basically saying abuse is just his personal life... this specific entertainer's shtick is talking about moral and family values. And he's not an entertainer... If you can't see why this completely invalidates his show then I dunno what to tell ya
Besides that you're basically saying abuse is just his personal life... this specific entertainer's shtick is talking about moral and family values. And he's not an entertainer... If you can't see why this completely invalidates his show then I dunno what to tell ya

He's a ghost, he's not coming back, but he will be voting for Trump. So, take solace in that fact!

boiled goose

good with gravy
O'Reilly is obviously a piece of shit but fuck Gawker and their invasive reporting of private personal matters. Absolute scum.

In this case, i Might be ok with it. O Reilly has long criticized the black community, the lgbt community, the non religious, single parents, etc because of "family values".

He has probably directly influenced public opinion and policy.

Pointing out hypocrisy here could be fair game.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Thats too bad. I always thought he was one of those guys who put on an act for tv but was nice in real life. Guess not..

I honestly used to think he was just an act too. Hannity I feel is a true jack ass, but Bill I always thought was an act.

I've been wrong before.........
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