Wow nice work mate. Great review in Eurogamer too! Hopefully it leads to bigger and better things for you guys, will make getting what you need to make another game a bit easier hopefully.
I really enjoyed the (illicit) trial version of this I played on XBLIG, but living in Australia meant I couldn't buy it. Didn't realise there was a Steam version!
Holy crap, thank you so much! I usually feel bad for this kinda stuff because I don't post much (I've been a lurker for too long...), but I was curious about the game to begin with so might as well take it! Really, thank you.
Cool game so far. I think I need to bump the difficulty up to hard from medium. My brain seems to want the key order to be left up down right, not left down up right, not sure why it's the latter, but I'm adjusting.