K ksan Member Oct 19, 2011 #1,302 Aww, too bad you weren't trolling with the "oh, it's free but you have to donate first" but damn, you've gotten some pretty nice review scores
Aww, too bad you weren't trolling with the "oh, it's free but you have to donate first" but damn, you've gotten some pretty nice review scores
B BudokaiMR2 Member Oct 19, 2011 #1,306 FEEP! Holy crap this is awesome! It was great drinking with you around E3 this year. Go Gators! Is the game already in Japanese? I know MS usually makes sure XBLA titles are localized in all the big languages. Even if it is not we need to talk!
FEEP! Holy crap this is awesome! It was great drinking with you around E3 this year. Go Gators! Is the game already in Japanese? I know MS usually makes sure XBLA titles are localized in all the big languages. Even if it is not we need to talk!
K Kirby102 Member Oct 19, 2011 #1,312 Wow! I was always curious about this game and it looks great! Can't wait to check it out
A Angelus Errare Banned Oct 19, 2011 #1,318 That amazing people do exist. Very awesome of you sir, my proverbial hat is being tipped.
J JaseC gave away the keys to the kingdom. Oct 19, 2011 #1,321 I shall donate $5 post-haste. Edit: I, in fact, donated $10. Dealwithit.gif Edit 2: We share the same first name!
I shall donate $5 post-haste. Edit: I, in fact, donated $10. Dealwithit.gif Edit 2: We share the same first name!
R reefa Neo Member Oct 19, 2011 #1,331 May the seed of your loins be fruitful in the belly of your woman.
S SpacePirate Ridley Member Oct 19, 2011 #1,336 And not only for this. I will pay also the game for a friend!
J joseranulfo Member Oct 19, 2011 #1,337 No matter what everybody else tells you. Thank you and good luck.