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Free Steam copy of Sequence ($4.99) for every single member of GAF [Last chance!]


Junior Member
Doing this for someone else but wow man that's crazy generous of you.

Good luck in all your future endeavors. I wish you nothing but the best.
You, Sir.. are a bold man. like the strategy though, people can see their steam friends in "sequence" and all. wonder what kind of multiplier effect that can have on sales.

I am enjoying that concept art.
This is such an awesome thing you are doing. I will truly appreciate the free game, and hope your next project goes off without a hitch!

Btw, loved the promotional video you made. Very funny.


Congratulations on finishing your game Feep, I saw the videos and the concept was pretty nice. I wish you only success.

Thanks beforehand.


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
I'm astounded by your generosity in giving away something that must have taken a great deal of time in finishing. I kind of wish I had the dedication required to ever finish such a long term project. I do some drawings occasionally, but they take forever. I have probably around a dozen different ideas on the back-burner that I've just never come around to doing due to sheer laziness, work or distraction from games and such. Thanks for this.
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