Mr. PlayStation
Thanks. Figured that myself. I got weights last year but have been on/off with it. Decided to build some muscle because for my size (6'1) I was starring to look too skinny, but still looked skinny fat without a top on.
Weights have helped give me some definition.I guess thats the case with op, his added muscle help him look decent with a low bidyfat. Its just that I'm always on/off with weights because if I don't stick to my low calories diet then I pile the weight extremely easily. Some of it is muscle, some fat. My jeans get tighter around the waist etc.
I was about 179lbs this time last year. Now I'm 200-205. Again, some muscle, some fat.
I am where you're at buddy, i am 6'2 was 278 lbs by end of 2014, started hitting community gym, just did cardio(no option for weight lifting) dropped to 173lbs, have loose hanging skin around abs, been lifting weights on and off.