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FSW (Full Spectrum Warrior)


Well since i didnt see a thread about this yet i thought i would make one.

I just picked this game up tonight. And all i can say, after only playing up to lvl 5 of the training. WOW. Great freaking game. Inovative to say the least. Asi i love squad games and i love tatical stratagy games.

Thank you GAF for the wonderful suggest.

Now if only i got the free guide target was promising me, i doubt i'll get it though.

So how has your experiance been so far with this game? Any tips for a noob starting up? Cause i think i'll get on live one of these morning to play with some people.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
i think i just skipped the rpgs and went the other way... pretty sure you can nail em from behind or just avoid them entirely. not sure which pipe your trying to get under though


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
DJ Brannon said:
Smoke grenades are a life saver. Love them bitches. That's an order.

smoke and frag. hell, everything you can do and use is extremely usefull in the game. i love bounding to a new area with the other team covering the same area with point fire.


keep your strippers out of my American football
For the RPGs, I used smoke and got close to the guy and then blasted him with a grenade. I really didn't have too much of a problem with that level. The thing you have to remember is that you can always get someone's attention with Alpha, then send Bravo around the block for the kill.


And to think here i've been playing RTS games for years. This one keeps blowing my mind. I'm trying to get crap together on training mission 5 but i'm falling apart. Anyone know how Online is? I wouldnt mind some impressions of how things are online before taking her out into the sea of XBL.
op_ivy said:
smoke and frag. hell, everything you can do and use is extremely usefull in the game. i love bounding to a new area with the other team covering the same area with point fire.

Suppression fire and flanking are your friends...use them. ;)


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Apharmd Battler said:
Suppression fire and flanking are your friends...use them. ;)

i've found that for the most part, you dont even have to supress, just engaging them will allow your other team to flank. supressing seems to be usefull for flanking 2 or more baddies though


B'z-chan said:
And to think here i've been playing RTS games for years. This one keeps blowing my mind. I'm trying to get crap together on training mission 5 but i'm falling apart. Anyone know how Online is? I wouldnt mind some impressions of how things are online before taking her out into the sea of XBL.

It's wonderful. I played through the entire game online with a friend the first time I went through it. It's a different experience to only be mindful or one team and have to coordinate with the other team over the headset. You need a good partner of course, but I'm sure you can find someone here.


This game disappointed me, but then again, I've only played it in single player mode.
The last 2 levels were fun though, maybe it was just the sergeant difficulty was too easy for the first half of the game which soured it a little for me.

Great idea though, and it was well done.


keep your strippers out of my American football
I am enjoying the game, but...

I am about to meet up with the Bradleys to infiltrate the castle. I already did the Airport, and resscued the NATO guys and opened the CASVAC. But it has been kind of easy so far. I mean, one I got the hang of constantly switching and finding angles to kill the enemy, it has been easy as heck. So far anyway.

I am going to pump up the difficulty and play through it again after I beat it.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
dskillzhtown said:
I am enjoying the game, but...

I am about to meet up with the Bradleys to infiltrate the castle. I already did the Airport, and resscued the NATO guys and opened the CASVAC. But it has been kind of easy so far. I mean, one I got the hang of constantly switching and finding angles to kill the enemy, it has been easy as heck. So far anyway.

I am going to pump up the difficulty and play through it again after I beat it.

it does get harder from that point on, but yeah, it never really got that hard.


I agree guys.. has anyone tried the Army mode?

(for those that don't know, enter in HA2P1PY9TUR5TLE into the codes screen)


Couple of questions:
1. Are there only two difficulty modes?
2. Can you open up the "Army mode" after you complete the "retail" game or will you still have to input the code?


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
moowear said:
Couple of questions:
1. Are there only two difficulty modes?
2. Can you open up the "Army mode" after you complete the "retail" game or will you still have to input the code?

from my understanding, there is "authentic" difficulty upon completion of the standard "hard" mode, but that is still not the same as the "army" mode (which has random enemies, open environments and a different hud).

EDIT: and a question of my own, can you play live co-op in army mode?


op_ivy said:
EDIT: and a question of my own, can you play live co-op in army mode?

Unfortunately no.. it's an unpolished extra they left in. Perhaps in a downloadable content patch later, but for now, no.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
ChrisReid said:
Unfortunately no.. it's an unpolished extra they left in. Perhaps in a downloadable content patch later, but for now, no.

damn. heres to hoping they'll have random enemies and open stages for DLC content


I've been playing Army Mode for a bit, and all I can say is, it's fucking RAW.

That's in a good way mind you. Every bullet means something in Army Mode. So you can still hide behind corners for the best protection. But unlike regular mode, the corner isn't absolute protection. If a bullet hits the area your body occupies, you will get hurt; hell you can actually have people die in this mode, and the Phoenix Do... I mean CASEVAC won't help you here.

If you find FSW too easy, this will make you sweat bullets.
Yeah this is definitely the most cinematic game experience I've ever had. And I don't mean cinematic like those RPGs where you sit and watch movie after movie after movie. I mean like your teams' chatter and behavior and the way the whole game is played out. It really reminds me of the movie Black Hawk Down.

I finished it a couple days ago. I never played the solo campaign. I started on LIVE and played through the entire thing with friends. I'm even replaying it now with other friends who are just getting the game and its still just as good as the first time through. Its really a landmark title that I feel is breaking new ground for the RTS genre and videogames in general. Much like Halo's co-op and Splinter Cell's multiplayer, this is the ultimate "buddy game".

I'll admit that I was overwhelmed during the training. I feared I wouldn't be able to remember all the commands and things and that it would be too complicated, but I have it figured out now. Hell, I had the same worries about SCPT when I first got that and Rainbow Six 3 as well. Now I'm a fuckin champ at those games.

One of the things I love most about this game is the presentation. The sound is incredible. The soundtrack really reminds me of Gladiator or something to that effect. Not really that its orchestrated, but that its very meloncholy and has a dark hopelessness to it, especially when one of your men goes down. Time slows down just long enough for you to curse while the music almost flares to give the scene that extra emotion it needs to leave its mark on you. Not to mention that the camera sort of "jumbles" around while your guys are moving from point to point. It makes you feel like you are right there in the thick of things with your teams. Very nice touch.

Overall I have to say this is easily one of the best game purchases I've ever made. Its a very pleasant surprise considering it was an impulse purchase and I wasn't sure I would even like the game. My thanks goes out to everyone responsible for making this game.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
wow, army mode is freaking bad ass. hopefully someone will write up a FAQ for it though, as there is a lot of different and new stuff.

- graphics are obviously early. no self shadowing, rougher frame rate, screen tearing, etc. however, the environments look at least as detailed as the finished game, and maybe even better, and the fact that bullet casings liter the floor after battles is beyond cool.

- sounds and voice work is almost placeholder bad :(

- the grenadier now launches grenades from a type of mortar. you can get those suckers out far too :)

- your able to move individual soilders a bit for positioning, and aim them as well.

- there seem to be more ways to move your squad besides the final games standard move command and bounding. somehow, i was able to have my team literally stick together like glue, all covering different fire sectors as they slowly advanced all along the wall and around corners... bad ass.

- open environments. rock!

i really, really hope that pandemic sees fit to tidy up the army version to the final games level of polish (controls, visuals and especially sounds). live play would really kick ass for this too.
You can have individual team members cover different fire sectors in the retail version as well. Just pick the guy and hold down the right trigger to keep it on him. You can also move your guys together and have them cover different areas like you mentioned in the army version.

I don't like the army version. There's no reason or rhyme to it. You're just out there to kill a bunch of dudes and hope you don't die in the process. There's no objectives or anything which kinda sucks. Feels like PacMan cuz all you do is clear out each level. I much prefer the retail version of the game. Very cinematic and everything that happens has so much more meaning.
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