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FTL |OT| Stories of the Space Oregon Trail


So I finally got around to purchasing FTL, and I've been absolutely hooked ever since. Even as I sit here at work, visions of future strategies that I'd like to employ and memories of past failures dominate my mind's eye. I'm a total sucker for Roguelike-likes, and FTL deserves to be ranked among other recent greats like Spelunky and Binding of Isaac.

Alright, now that I've gotten my fanboy gushing out of the way, I have a few questions that I hope FTL-GAF can maybe help me with:

  1. Can I unlock ships on Easy and then use them in future Normal playthroughs? If so, might this be a good way to go about unlocking stuff? I have been playing on Normal only for about 3 or 4 days now, and I still have yet to unlock any other ships or even achievements. The ship that you unlock by getting to Sector 5 seems easily doable, but the rest all have vague criteria for unlocking.
  2. From perusing this thread, I gather that upgrading the engine is paramount in most cases. Is that accurate? Should I usually make that an early priority, and is it important to always have a crew member manning the engine room?
  3. I've gotten better at dealing with boarders, but it still seems to be my Achilles heel in this game. I could be doing great for quite a while and then two or three Mantises will board my ship and begin to wreck shop. Moving everyone to the medical bat and venting the rest of the ship has been pretty effective for me, but I'm wondering if there are any better strategies I could employ to deal with this.
  4. I've always struggled with not having enough scrap to ever take advantage of better weapons or more advanced systems. I've only once had enough to even purchase a Teleporter system. Usually, when I come across a shop, I need to spend a little on fuel and missiles. After that's done, the weapons and other upgrades are way out of my price range. Is this the case with most people playing on Normal? Do you rely on lucky drops for more advanced weapons?

1) Ships unlocked on Easy are available in Normal
2) Getting the first few Engine upgrades are cheap and quick ways to boost your defense. I would recommend the first 3-4 levels in Engine and Rank 2 Shields to make you pretty tough to kill until about sector 5-6.
3) Blast doors rank 2 help a lot against boarders. You can split boarding parties up if you time it right and it gives you more time to vent rooms before they can get to and damage them. They also will focus on destroying doors over systems if there's not enough O2 in the room.
4) Try to reduce your missile use. Reliance on missiles is counter-productive because you can make it through with lasers. The Kestrel's starting burst II laser is one of the best in the game and should easily last you until you see rank 3 shields on enemies. Oh you're playing on Normal. Yeah scrap is just hard to come by. You easily get 3x the amount of scrap in Easy. The advice still applies about not using missiles though. :x


Gah. I want to play on Easy so I can unlock stuff faster, but something about taking that route feels cheap/wrong to me.

Did most of you play on Easy when unlocking ships?


I've finally beaten the boss!


The whole time I was thinking that I was a bit underpowered and that I didn't have enough firepower to take out the boss. I actually had a sector where I warped in the top left corner, and could only go along the top. Even when I got to the exit, there was no way to reach the systems below. Kinda sucked going through an entire sector with only 1 enemy fight. Luckily in sector 7, I got an Ion Bomb. I knew the last stage of the boss had the Zoltan shields, so I knew I needed some mad ion weapons. I also managed to nab a Heavy Ion Blast early on.

When I attacked the boss for the first time, I had to jump away, because it was going to be a stalemate with the weapons I was using. I warped away, switched up the weapons, and engaged again. Boarding is seriously the best way to take out the boss. Each time, I'd warp immediately to the burst missile room and disable that. To beat it, I had a guy in each weapon room disabling it when the AI took over. This way it also does 1 damage to the ship so I didn't have to worry about blowing it up with my crew inside. For the final stage, I had an amazing assault, blasting away the shields very rapidly, warping a guy into each of the weapon rooms to disable them and then a pair into the shield room. I waited until the shields were down, then started shooting the shield room with my blast lasers. Warped the guy out of their burst laser room, and seconds before I fired the final volley, warped my Mantis out of the burst missile room.

I should also note that it was my first time using the Gila Monster. Now onto Normal!
So I finally got around to purchasing FTL, and I've been absolutely hooked ever since.

Awesome, a new victim. I mean, fresh meat. Er, new blood. You guys know what I mean! ;)

Seriosly now, welcome aboard. It's always good to see a new fan. :)

Even as I sit here at work, visions of future strategies that I'd like to employ and memories of past failures dominate my mind's eye. I'm a total sucker for Roguelike-likes, and FTL deserves to be ranked among other recent greats like Spelunky and Binding of Isaac.

Funnily enough, I've been searching for roguelike-likes (even typing that exact work) for a bit, but there seems to be a distinct shortage of them that are not straightaway roguelikes. I really gotta play a bit more of Bindings of Isaac (I got it in a bundle, I think). I had an extremely obsessive Spelunky stage as well; what an AMAZING game. I never managed to get past the crystal caves, though; that one is tough as nails. I really wish they published the enhanced Xbox Live version on PC... :(

I also learnt of a roguelike-like platformer called TowerClimb, but have yet to play it, so no clue how good it is.

Alright, now that I've gotten my fanboy gushing out of the way, I have a few questions that I hope FTL-GAF can maybe help me with:

Let's get to it!

Can I unlock ships on Easy and then use them in future Normal playthroughs? If so, might this be a good way to go about unlocking stuff? I have been playing on Normal only for about 3 or 4 days now, and I still have yet to unlock any other ships or even achievements. The ship that you unlock by getting to Sector 5 seems easily doable, but the rest all have vague criteria for unlocking.

Yes, on both accounts. I unlocked most of my ships on Easy, and indeed they can be used on normal just fine. Obviously enough, it IS easier to achieve most unlocks on easy. In fact unlocks were one reason that I delayed playing Normal exclusively for a long time, until I realized I was sick of seeing Easy scores as my top five. :D

From perusing this thread, I gather that upgrading the engine is paramount in most cases. Is that accurate? Should I usually make that an early priority, and is it important to always have a crew member manning the engine room?

Depends a lot on your strategy and other means of defense. A well upgraded engine makes missiles a lot less scary, as well as making jumping out of trouble much easier/safer. Some ships (particularly the Nesasio, lacking shields) absolutely need every bit of dodge they can get. Others can tank damage better, and particularly having a defense drone goes a long way to countering missiles (but you're still vulnerable to bombs or multi-missile salvos).

I generally try to get engines to at least 5 by endgame. The good thing about engines is that they're really cheap to upgrade compared to shields, so they're a good return of investment.

As for manning them, I usually make them my least priorized station, manning shields and weapons first, but only because the boost to those systems provided by a crew members is both huge and not achievable via upgrading systems otherwise.

I've gotten better at dealing with boarders, but it still seems to be my Achilles heel in this game. I could be doing great for quite a while and then two or three Mantises will board my ship and begin to wreck shop. Moving everyone to the medical bat and venting the rest of the ship has been pretty effective for me, but I'm wondering if there are any better strategies I could employ to deal with this.

Like in the rest of the game, there are. :) You might want to read the specific section about "being boarded" in my mega post, here:
I feel that most any advice I can throw at you is covered there. With a little practice (and doors to level 2 at least), boarders pretty much become a non-issue.

I've always struggled with not having enough scrap to ever take advantage of better weapons or more advanced systems. I've only once had enough to even purchase a Teleporter system. Usually, when I come across a shop, I need to spend a little on fuel and missiles.

Never, EVER, buy missiles. I'm serious. For that matter, never use missiles if there is an alternative (and if there isn't, you're already in trouble). I adhere almost strictly to non-missile weapons and usually sell missiles in bundles of 15 to the traders that buy them.

As for fuel, buy it if you're at 10 or below, but don't buy over 15. Optimizing your route can go a long way towards saving fuel; again, check the big post. :)

Even hull can be cheaped on. I usually always leave about 5-10 points of damage unrepaired to take full advantage of random hull-repairing events and to use that scrap towards early upgrades (in turn doing better early). This is a bit like Starcraft, doing well early helps on the long run exponentially.

After that's done, the weapons and other upgrades are way out of my price range. Is this the case with most people playing on Normal? Do you rely on lucky drops for more advanced weapons?

I virtually never buy weapons unless I'm swimming on cash or there is one that complements my current build perfectly (or is overpowered, like the Burst Laser II). Systems on the other hand are virtually always worth the price of admission, assuming certain things (i.e. teleporter is going to do little good if you only have Engi and Zoltan). There are also exceptions, like some ships seriously lacking on offensive capabilities, but the Kestrel can coast on its starting weapons for a good 3-4 sectors, and at that point you're bound to have got at least 2-3 more weapons from events.

Also remember that boarding yields much, much better loot, including a pretty nice chance of weapons. If you have a prospective boarding crew, always priorize the teleporter above any weapon.

Kipp's advice above is solid. I would point out that asphyxiating the enemy crew is not mutually exclusive to killing them with crew members. A particularly nasty approach (but one that requires some micro, and thus might be dangerous in ship-to-ship combat) is to send your crew member to fight and distract the enemy crew (so that they don't hit the doors yet) while the air drains from the room, then as soon as the floor turns striped, move your crew to a safe room. Wait while the enemy crew bang on the door (while choking), then rinse and repeat. You can usually kill the most persistent boarding party without even hitting the medbay.

Hope this all helps, and happy trekking!

On another topic, I'm guessing most of the people on this thread will be aware of Star Command?




I really only became aware of this a couple of weeks back, but it looks amazing, sort of as if FTL and XCOM had a baby. :)


Thanks for the informative reply, Weltall. :)

I highly suggest that you give Binding of Isaac and TowerClimb a couple of playthroughs. They are right up there with Spelunky and FTL in terms of successfully combining Roguelike elements with faster-paced gameplay. TowerClimb is still in beta, but it is already a lot of fun to play. Binding of Isaac is the more complete experience, however, and I think it's the best Roguelike-like game aside from Spelunky. Spelunky is god-tier.

I guess I'll go ahead and start playing on Easy for a while to unlock some ships. It's gonna feel weird stepping down in difficulty, though. Kind of like I'm not playing the game for real, as dumb as that sounds.

Star Command looks pretty cool too. I hope the Kickstarter for the PC version meets its funding goals. It'd be a shame for those beautiful pixel-art animations to be wasted on little screens (aside from tablets).


Just played my first Easy session, and I don't feel so bad. Easy is still quite hard. The main thing that alleviates some of the difficulty is increased scrap accumulation, so I don't feel like I'm playing a gimped version of the game. I think I'll stick with Easy for a while until I unlock a few ships and/or maybe beat the game.

Even on Easy, I ended up dying in Sector 4 because I got greedy in Sector 3 going after a quest. When I ended up getting to the Quest beacon, it rewarded me with nothing, and then I was so far from the exit beacon that I had to struggle through three fights in a row with rebel ships. I ended up exhausting most of my resources, and then in Sector 4 I was easily destroyed.

I noticed that I started missing a lot of Burst Laser shots against the rebel ships in Sector 3 and the Slug ships in Sector 4. Why is that? Do the later enemy ships just have upgraded engines for higher dodge percentage?


Just played my first Easy session, and I don't feel so bad. Easy is still quite hard. The main thing that alleviates some of the difficulty is increased scrap accumulation, so I don't feel like I'm playing a gimped version of the game. I think I'll stick with Easy for a while until I unlock a few ships and/or maybe beat the game.

Even on Easy, I ended up dying in Sector 4 because I got greedy in Sector 3 going after a quest. When I ended up getting to the Quest beacon, it rewarded me with nothing, and then I was so far from the exit beacon that I had to struggle through three fights in a row with rebel ships. I ended up exhausting most of my resources, and then in Sector 4 I was easily destroyed.

I noticed that I started missing a lot of Burst Laser shots against the rebel ships in Sector 3 and the Slug ships in Sector 4. Why is that? Do the later enemy ships just have upgraded engines for higher dodge percentage?

Exactly that. If you get rank 3 sensors (not really needed, but just saying) you can see exactly how many points they've allotted to upgrade their ship systems. It's the same stuff you have access to so if you're missing a lot it's because they have good piloting/engines. Also Rebel ships seem to always be 2-3 sectors ahead of you tech-wise. I'm unsure if it's because they're set to be at a static tech level that's really high, or if it changes as you progress.
Thanks for the informative reply, Weltall. :)

I highly suggest that you give Binding of Isaac and TowerClimb a couple of playthroughs. They are right up there with Spelunky and FTL in terms of successfully combining Roguelike elements with faster-paced gameplay. TowerClimb is still in beta, but it is already a lot of fun to play. Binding of Isaac is the more complete experience, however, and I think it's the best Roguelike-like game aside from Spelunky. Spelunky is god-tier.

Oh, so you tried TowerClimb and it's good? I'll definitely give it a go, then. Any other roguelike-likes you recommend?

I guess I'll go ahead and start playing on Easy for a while to unlock some ships. It's gonna feel weird stepping down in difficulty, though. Kind of like I'm not playing the game for real, as dumb as that sounds.

It would sound dumb if it wasn't exactly the same that happens to me, which is why I don't play Easy anymore. That, and having those Easy scores tainting your records. :/ I was not actually suggesting you switched to Easy, actually. :)

Star Command looks pretty cool too. I hope the Kickstarter for the PC version meets its funding goals. It'd be a shame for those beautiful pixel-art animations to be wasted on little screens (aside from tablets).

I think they met the PC goals quite a bit ago; they should be releasing soon, at least on iOS/Android.

Just played my first Easy session, and I don't feel so bad. Easy is still quite hard. The main thing that alleviates some of the difficulty is increased scrap accumulation, so I don't feel like I'm playing a gimped version of the game. I think I'll stick with Easy for a while until I unlock a few ships and/or maybe beat the game.

Yeah, Easy is not braindead, and not hugely different from Normal aside from the rewards, which are most noticeable in the first sectors.

Even on Easy, I ended up dying in Sector 4 because I got greedy in Sector 3 going after a quest. When I ended up getting to the Quest beacon, it rewarded me with nothing, and then I was so far from the exit beacon that I had to struggle through three fights in a row with rebel ships. I ended up exhausting most of my resources, and then in Sector 4 I was easily destroyed.

Yikes. I once had to do 6-7 jumps in a row of rebel ships (had to backtrack the entire sector, then go forward the entire sector on another branch, all with everything already covered in rebel-space). I managed to survive, but I had a couple hull points left and was destroyed in the next sector.

I noticed that I started missing a lot of Burst Laser shots against the rebel ships in Sector 3 and the Slug ships in Sector 4. Why is that? Do the later enemy ships just have upgraded engines for higher dodge percentage?

Yes indeed, everything is harder as you go further into the game, and ships (and their systems) are not an exception. That's why making the most of early sectors is so crucial.

Exactly that. If you get rank 3 sensors (not really needed, but just saying) you can see exactly how many points they've allotted to upgrade their ship systems. It's the same stuff you have access to so if you're missing a lot it's because they have good piloting/engines. Also Rebel ships seem to always be 2-3 sectors ahead of you tech-wise. I'm unsure if it's because they're set to be at a static tech level that's really high, or if it changes as you progress.

I'm pretty sure they're at a fixed level determined by the sector they're in, which, again, places emphasis on your quick growth. If they were always a couple of levels above you, upgrading your ship would be more or less counterproductive.


Oh, so you tried TowerClimb and it's good? I'll definitely give it a go, then. Any other roguelike-likes you recommend?

Yeah, it's very good. There is actually a pretty substantial update coming in the near future, and it will be introducing a ton of new features, level types, and even multiplayer. When TowerClimb is feature-complete, it will stand among the Roguelike-like elites quite easily IMO.

Other than that, you can check out the open beta for Don't Starve. It's even playable right from within the Chrome browser for free at the moment. Either that, or you could drop $15 on Steam to secure the beta and two copies of the final game.

Also, keep your eye on Legend of Dungeon. I think it's also in beta, and it looks pretty cool.

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member

So after c. 10 hrs I made it to the final boss.

I beat the first version, taking quite a bit of damage though, and ended up looking sort of like this (actually a bit worse after the fight):

edit: thanks to Weltall Zero I can finally hotlink right

Spoilers of final boss, and a tale of severe stupidity ahoy:

So after the first round I skipped around a bit looking for someplace to repair, and BOOOOM:

I lost because the rebel flagship reached the base.

I did not know this would happen, lol. I thought the ship would just go after me, and reach me automatically or something.

I feel like an idiot and want to play this game again.
Yeah, it's very good. There is actually a pretty substantial update coming in the near future, and it will be introducing a ton of new features, level types, and even multiplayer. When TowerClimb is feature-complete, it will stand among the Roguelike-like elites quite easily IMO.

Other than that, you can check out the open beta for Don't Starve. It's even playable right from within the Chrome browser for free at the moment. Either that, or you could drop $15 on Steam to secure the beta and two copies of the final game.

Also, keep your eye on Legend of Dungeon. I think it's also in beta, and it looks pretty cool.

Awesome, thanks a lot! I'm copypasting this whole post into a text file for future reference and I'll check some of those later today. Much appreciated!

Edit: :O at Legend of Dungeon, it looks amazing! It's like the baby of a tiled roguelike and the Capcom D&D arcade! The art style is awesome as well, pixelated yet with a great sense of... weight, of solidness. A shame that it's not available yet; I just voted for it on Greenlight.

Edit 2: Just bought TowerClimb, downloading it and Don't Starve. :) Might not have impressions until later today or a few days later, depending on if I have the time to try them.


So after c. 10 hrs I made it to the final boss.

I beat the first version, taking quite a bit of damage though, and ended up looking sort of like this (actually a bit worse after the fight).

edit: no hotlink for babymembers, I forgot, or am I doing it wrong?

You used the link to the IMGUR page rather than the image itself, so it can't be displayed as an embedded image. Try clicking on the image, that opens it, then use the link of the image. Do not right click the image on IMGUR and copy its URL, as that's a shunken-down version.

Like this:

Spoilers of final boss, and a tale of severe stupidity ahoy:

That's a very common mistake, and partly the game's fault for not explaining the situation in more detail, but it follows the game's minimalistic, tough love approach so closely, that I don't feel I can complain. :D I think that's happened to everyone at least once, even when warned about it.

I also once, while being very aware of this, simply messed up by jumping west rather than east after receiving a beating by the flagship (yes, you can flee the flagship battle, unlike in most games). This had the result of me never being able to catch up with it before it reached the base, so the result was the same.


Awesome, thanks a lot! I'm copypasting this whole post into a text file for future reference and I'll check some of those later today. Much appreciated!

Edit: :O at Legend of Dungeon, it looks amazing! It's like the baby of a tiled roguelike and the Capcom D&D arcade! The art style is awesome as well, pixelated yet with a great sense of... weight, of solidness. A shame that it's not available yet; I just voted for it on Greenlight.

Edit 2: Just bought TowerClimb, downloading it and Don't Starve. :) Might not have impressions until later today or a few days later, depending on if I have the time to try them.

I tried out Don't Starve last night, and I wasn't too impressed. Maybe it's supposed to be a very slow burn, but the core survival gameplay wasn't that engaging or exciting to me. Glad you bought TowerClimb, though. It's fun, tough as nails, and pretty similar to Spelunky.

On another note, I just beat FTL for the first time today! I beat it on Easy, so I ended up unlocking two ships in the process (the Sector 5 one and the game completion one). Finding those other ships is just a matter of random luck and choosing the right options, I guess.

Now that I've played through the game in its entirety on Easy, I don't plan on going back. I'll be playing on Normal from now on, trying to beat the game proper and hopefully unlocking some more ships in the process. Easy mode is made a lot easier by the higher scrap accumulation and more fortunate item/weapon drops. By the time I got to the flagship, I had pre-heated weapons, fully upgraded cloak, like 8 crew members, weapons out the wazoo, nearly fully upgraded shields and engine... etc. It was pretty easy.

Going back to normal will surely be a rude awakening, but I look forward to it. :)

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
You used the link to the IMGUR page rather than the image itself, so it can't be displayed as an embedded image. Try clicking on the image, that opens it, then use the link of the image. Do not right click the image on IMGUR and copy its URL, as that's a shunken-down version.

Ah.. So that's how it's done. Thanks!

That's a very common mistake, and partly the game's fault for not explaining the situation in more detail, but it follows the game's minimalistic, tough love approach so closely, that I don't feel I can complain. :D I think that's happened to everyone at least once, even when warned about it.

I also once, while being very aware of this, simply messed up by jumping west rather than east after receiving a beating by the flagship (yes, you can flee the flagship battle, unlike in most games). This had the result of me never being able to catch up with it before it reached the base, so the result was the same.

Ok.. So you basically have to plan out the zone so that it's possible to reach the repair zones in between fighting the flagship, while not allowing the ship to get to far to the base? The repair sites disappears once you've reached them once, right?
I tried out Don't Starve last night, and I wasn't too impressed. Maybe it's supposed to be a very slow burn, but the core survival gameplay wasn't that engaging or exciting to me.

I played for a bit and didn't get much out of it. Then I played it again, and I started getting how some stuff worked, and what stuff was good for, and started liking it a lot more. Did you get to make the machine that lets you make a lot more stuff? There's not much time in the 15 minutes of the demo to do a lot of stuff, but the couple of times I played I did like stuff like making traps and baiting them with carrots to capture rabbits, giving meat to the pigmen to make them into bodyguards, etc. There seems to be quite a lot of stuff under the surface.

Glad you bought TowerClimb, though. It's fun, tough as nails, and pretty similar to Spelunky.

I've also played it for a bit (as an aside, this game really requires one to use XPadder or equivalent), and so far it hasn't really clicked with me yet. I think it's the slow climbing, it messes up the pace of the game a bit too much, more so for a roguelike which are all about fast action and instant gratification. I'll definitely play a bit more.

On another note, I just beat FTL for the first time today! I beat it on Easy, so I ended up unlocking two ships in the process (the Sector 5 one and the game completion one). Finding those other ships is just a matter of random luck and choosing the right options, I guess.

Congratulations! Each ship has different unlocking requirements, from the easy (Nesasio, Torus, Osprey as long as you can finish the game) to the quite hard (Slug Cruiser, secret ninth ship; I had a lot of luck with the latter but still haven't unlocked the former). Once you've unlocked a handful of them you might want to check the wiki for them; even knowing what to do, it's not exactly a cakewalk. In general, it's a quite safe bet that going to a system controlled by a race (or better yet, their homeworlds) is necessary to unlock their ship.

Now that I've played through the game in its entirety on Easy, I don't plan on going back. I'll be playing on Normal from now on, trying to beat the game proper and hopefully unlocking some more ships in the process. Easy mode is made a lot easier by the higher scrap accumulation and more fortunate item/weapon drops. By the time I got to the flagship, I had pre-heated weapons, fully upgraded cloak, like 8 crew members, weapons out the wazoo, nearly fully upgraded shields and engine... etc. It was pretty easy.

Yes, playing only in Normal from now on is probably a good idea. Playing on Easy and getting all those achievements and records tagged as such is kind of a downer. I still have Easy scores among my top five even after finishing it on Normal like ten times!

As a side rant, I think Easy scores should get a much heavier penalty, on the level of 50% or so. As it stands, the penalty doesn't barely offset the much increased scrap income, and in a game where early advantage pays off later on quadratically, it's still easier to get high scores on Easy.

Going back to normal will surely be a rude awakening, but I look forward to it. :)

You are now armed with the knowledge of everything the flagship can throw at you. I originally thought that the flagship went down one stage earlier in Easy, but that's not the case, you get the full deal. I still think it would be cool to get some extra stage or boss in Normal, like in the SNES Konami games (Axelay/Contra III).

Ok.. So you basically have to plan out the zone so that it's possible to reach the repair zones in between fighting the flagship, while not allowing the ship to get to far to the base? The repair sites disappears once you've reached them once, right?

Actually, I usually beeline for the flagship and fight all three stages in a row. It's come to the point now that if I can't beat all three stages in one go, I probably can't beat it at all (usually because of insufficient firepower/boarding power on my part to either kill most of the crew or get past stage 2's defenses).


Ah.. So that's how it's done. Thanks!

Ok.. So you basically have to plan out the zone so that it's possible to reach the repair zones in between fighting the flagship, while not allowing the ship to get to far to the base? The repair sites disappears once you've reached them once, right?

A well planned attack on the boss will result in you beating him without taking any hull damage. Your ship looked good enough to beat him!

Cloaking and teleport are game winners.

If you don't mind, here is my analysis of your screenshot:
You should always put Engies on the main systems: pilot, weapons, shield, engine. That way, if they go down, they are already half repaired a second later. This frees up your humans (or better fighters) for fighting. If the engies came late, it is still worthwhile to take out a leveled up human for an engie.

You should almost always go into the boss with 4 groups of shields. Careful budgeting of scrap in the last two sectors will allow you to make that huge 180 scrap investment.

You only need one level of cloaking and two levels is actually bad for the boss. The damage from the boss comes in bursts and you want cloaking to recharge faster, not last longer.

Obviously, cloak whenever a missile barrage gets off. Teleport ASAP to take out missiles and tri-ions. Before these go down, turn off your weapons and put all power into shields, engines and drone defense.

Remember to keep Defense Drone 1 up at all times. In phase 1, it will shoot down missiles. In phase 2, it will shoot down those annoying boarders until they stop coming. This is obvious, but the drone gets shot down a lot more than I used to realize.

Finally, try to go for bombs instead of missiles. They hit much more often and can't get shot down.

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
Actually, I usually beeline for the flagship and fight all three stages in a row. It's come to the point now that if I can't beat all three stages in one go, I probably can't beat it at all (usually because of insufficient firepower/boarding power on my part to either kill most of the crew or get past stage 2's defenses).

Ah, so just straight for the Flagship then. But you CAN take a detour repairing if necessary?

A well planned attack on the boss will result in you beating him without taking any hull damage. Your ship looked good enough to beat him!

Cloaking and teleport are game winners.

If you don't mind, here is my analysis of your screenshot:
You only need one level of cloaking and two levels is actually bad for the boss. The damage from the boss comes in bursts and you want cloaking to recharge faster, not last longer.

Obviously, cloak whenever a missile barrage gets off. Teleport ASAP to take out missiles and tri-ions. Before these go down, turn off your weapons and put all power into shields, engines and drone defense.

Remember to keep Defense Drone 1 up at all times. In phase 1, it will shoot down missiles. In phase 2, it will shoot down those annoying boarders until they stop coming. This is obvious, but the drone gets shot down a lot more than I used to realize.

Thank you!

So, I have a run now where I am at the very end of Sector 7 with full shields, *4* burst lasers (III,II,I,I) (lol), a small bomb in cargo, defense drone, boarding drone, L3 cloak and teleport (full crew, including a rockman, and 3 mantis).

Would you actually reccomend powering down the cloack to 1 ?

I feel I should make it this time, if I don't fuck up too badly. :)

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
Sounds like a good build. Use that boarding crew on the flagship. Are you playing on Normal or Easy?

Easy. I will switch to normal after I beat the Flagship first time. Is it a lot harder when you know the game a little?


Easy. I will switch to normal after I beat the Flagship first time. Is it a lot harder when you know the game a little?

If you're playing on Easy, you should be able to take the flagship out with that build. Judging from your crew, employing a boarding strategy would probably be most wise. Send them in there and take out the missile bays, and it should be smooth sailing.

When you switch back to Normal, you'll be in for a bit of a shock on your first few attempts. Scrap is much harder to come by, and lucky drops are much rarer. Even if you get lucky and acquire some good stuff, you'll rarely have the scrap to use much of it.

Embrace the difficulty, though. Normal is how the game is supposed to feel. It's challenging but very gripping, as every decision is crucial.

That's what makes FTL such a great game. It empowers the player and makes their choices matter. From a gameplay perspective, FTL is masterfully designed IMO.


Ah, so just straight for the Flagship then. But you CAN take a detour repairing if necessary?

Thank you!

So, I have a run now where I am at the very end of Sector 7 with full shields, *4* burst lasers (III,II,I,I) (lol), a small bomb in cargo, defense drone, boarding drone, L3 cloak and teleport (full crew, including a rockman, and 3 mantis).

Would you actually reccomend powering down the cloack to 1 ?

I feel I should make it this time, if I don't fuck up too badly. :)

Nice build there. Good luck!


Ah, so just straight for the Flagship then. But you CAN take a detour repairing if necessary?

Thank you!

So, I have a run now where I am at the very end of Sector 7 with full shields, *4* burst lasers (III,II,I,I) (lol), a small bomb in cargo, defense drone, boarding drone, L3 cloak and teleport (full crew, including a rockman, and 3 mantis).

Would you actually reccomend powering down the cloack to 1 ?

I feel I should make it this time, if I don't fuck up too badly. :)

Haha wow at that burst laser collection, impressive. Perhaps take out one of the burst 1s and put in the bombs.

Geez, you also have a boarding drone? You are so set.

Yeah. Cloak level 1 is best. The power surges come at just the perfect length to cooldown if you have a level 1. If you had a level 3, you would cloak for an additional 10 seconds and then it would be on cooldown when the next power surge hit.

Of course, ignore power surges if the missile bay is still up. That thing will wreck your run.

Leave the tri-laser guy alive. See the previous thread pages for the reasoning behind this

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
If you're playing on Easy, you should be able to take the flagship out with that build. Judging from your crew, employing a boarding strategy would probably be most wise. Send them in there and take out the missile bays, and it should be smooth sailing.

Allright, I'm going for it!

Haha wow at that burst laser collection, impressive. Perhaps take out one of the burst 1s and put in the bombs.

Geez, you also have a boarding drone? You are so set.

Yeah. Cloak level 1 is best. The power surges come at just the perfect length to cooldown if you have a level 1. If you had a level 3, you would cloak for an additional 10 seconds and then it would be on cooldown when the next power surge hit.

Of course, ignore power surges if the missile bay is still up. That thing will wreck your run.

Leave the tri-laser guy alive. See the previous thread pages for the reasoning behind this

Burst lasers are cool, but I'll consider switching one for a bomb then :)

Next time I'll upgrade teleport instead of cloak then !

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member

BOOOM. Ok, now it's time to play this game on normal. :)

I used the boarding/cloaking strategy, and everything went smooth. Did three straight fights in a row. Only things that went wrong was
that my boarding drone killed the laser guy. Even though I did turn it of immediately, the breach killed the guy
I also left two of my mantis to die in phase 2 because of sheer stupidity as the ship exploded, lol.
I'm not going to bother with spoiler tags, at this point, they are pretty minor and I think everyone has faced the boss. I don't want to turn this into an entirely black page. :D

You should always put Engies on the main systems: pilot, weapons, shield, engine. That way, if they go down, they are already half repaired a second later. This frees up your humans (or better fighters) for fighting. If the engies came late, it is still worthwhile to take out a leveled up human for an engie.

I agree; so much in fact that I usually priorize putting my Engi on my most valuable systems. When you get extra crew, putting one extra in each room also helps a lot.

If you only have an Engi, and especially if you get him late in the game, consider setting him as the ships' mechanic, i.e. not assigned to man any station but to go where repairs are needed (put him towards the center of the ship, equidistant to all stations). This has the added benefit of having him level the repair skill extra fast.

You should almost always go into the boss with 4 groups of shields. Careful budgeting of scrap in the last two sectors will allow you to make that huge 180 scrap investment.

I rarely raise shields to level four (eight) on Normal anymore; the huge scrap investment is rarely a good tradeoff for something you should not need if you play your cards well.

You only need one level of cloaking and two levels is actually bad for the boss. The damage from the boss comes in bursts and you want cloaking to recharge faster, not last longer.

A little more detail into this. The boss' super attack, the power surge, is on a timer that, unlike weapons, is NOT stopped while you're cloaked. This timer is exactly as long as the cloak's cooldown time, which itself is INdependent of cloak power. Therefore, to achieve perfect synchronization and always have the cloak up when each power surge hits, you need to take the cloak off (which can't be done manuall) as soon as the power surge ends; even if a higher level cloak recharges in as much time as a shorter one, the cloak itself will add to the time between activations, desynching you enough that the cloak won't be off cooldown for the next power surge.

Obviously, cloak whenever a missile barrage gets off. Teleport ASAP to take out missiles and tri-ions. Before these go down, turn off your weapons and put all power into shields, engines and drone defense.

Actually, with enough firepower, it is possible to get through the shields and destroy key parts of the ship while your boarding team is wrecking the missiles. Roboleon below seems to have enough ordnance for taking down the flagship even without boarding it (assuming he has enough weapon systems power to have most or all of them online).

Remember to keep Defense Drone 1 up at all times. In phase 1, it will shoot down missiles. In phase 2, it will shoot down those annoying boarders until they stop coming. This is obvious, but the drone gets shot down a lot more than I used to realize.

Finally, try to go for bombs instead of missiles. They hit much more often and can't get shot down.

Both of these are really solid advice too. Particularly, bombs are awesome for the flagship's stage one if you're going with the "crew extermination" strategy.

Ah, so just straight for the Flagship then. But you CAN take a detour repairing if necessary?

Depends on the layout of sector 8, where the repair spot is, where the flagship is, etc. Since it's all randomly generated, it will vary from game to game; I'd say you can afford one repair in like 50% of the games. Might be really off as I simply don't repair anymore; either I destroy it pretty much effortlessly, or it destroys me. :D

So, I have a run now where I am at the very end of Sector 7 with full shields, *4* burst lasers (III,II,I,I) (lol), a small bomb in cargo, defense drone, boarding drone, L3 cloak and teleport (full crew, including a rockman, and 3 mantis).

Would you actually reccomend powering down the cloack to 1 ?

You can use the cloak normally during phase one (this will actually help killing the missile bay crew and the missile gun itself before it can hit you), but do reserve it, and power it down to one, for phase 2 and 3's power surges. Eating one with your cloak down is NOT a nice experience.

I think you could take the flagship down with just the burst laser III and II (that's 8 shots, right?), but if I'm correct, you have enough power to use all four bursts (12 shots?); that should make short work of it easily. I wouldn't even bother with any elaborate strategy at that point, things have to go really south for that not to end in a victory.

Burst lasers are cool, but I'll consider switching one for a bomb then :)

Next time I'll upgrade teleport instead of cloak then !

Upgrading cloak is still insanely useful for non-boss fights, though. A level 3 cloak will make your life incredibly easier in any regular fight. If you manage to get your hand on slow, powerful weapons, you can usually end most fights in a single alpha strike before they can even start charging weapons! And if you have the Stealth Weapons augment, you don't even need slow weapons.

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
A little more detail into this. The boss' super attack, the power surge, is on a timer that, unlike weapons, is NOT stopped while you're cloaked. This timer is exactly as long as the cloak's cooldown time, which itself is INdependent of cloak power. Therefore, to achieve perfect synchronization and always have the cloak up when each power surge hits, you need to take the cloak off (which can't be done manuall) as soon as the power surge ends; even if a higher level cloak recharges in as much time as a shorter one, the cloak itself will add to the time between activations, desynching you enough that the cloak won't be off cooldown for the next power surge.

I'm not quite sure I understand this? How do I turn the cloak off?


I used the boarding/cloaking strategy, and everything went smooth. Did three straight fights in a row. Only things that went wrong was
that my boarding drone killed the laser guy. Even though I did turn it of immediately, the breach killed the guy
I also left two of my mantis to die in phase 2 because of sheer stupidity as the ship exploded, lol.

Haha, I have done that many times. Nothing in the game fills me with more regret than forgetting to teleport guys back before something happens.

I got so bummed out about it, I no longer teleport to a rebel ship that is firing up their FTLs. Not worth the risk, from a cost-benefit analysis, or from an emotional aspect haha.


I got so bummed out about it, I no longer teleport to a rebel ship that is firing up their FTLs. Not worth the risk, from a cost-benefit analysis, or from an emotional aspect haha.

I'll only do that if I've already disabled the engines/cockpit, and I'll just teleport my guys to that room so that they'll have no way to fix the system and jump out.

I think my biggest teleporting failure was when I first started messing around with it. After finally thinking I had a good handle on it, I TPed my guys over to the enemy ship while I worked on destroying their weapon systems with my ship's guns. All was going swimmingly, before I realized that I was in the middle of an asteroid belt, and I didn't have 100% control over how much damage the enemy ship was taking.

The asteroids ended up destroying while I could only sit there willing my teleporter to recharge faster.

Core Zero

Finally picked this up after watching several people play this online and going from "meh" to "have to get NOW".

My very first jump, I lose a crew member to a giant spider. Lol. That ship blows up in sector 3.

Second try, still ongoing, and I've unlocked the Engi ship, and had a rough encounter that led to unlocking the Rock ship. I've lost a couple crewmembers, one set to not understanding how the teleporter works exactly (whoops), but I'm surviving pretty well.

Even though I've already seen a lot of the game, I've noticed already that I've seen things that I hadn't known about from watching videos, and it is harder than it looks. Probably gonna sink a lot of time into this one.
I'm not quite sure I understand this? How do I turn the cloak off?

You can't, that's the problem. The only way is to simply shoot so that your weapon fire will take you out of cloak. With a level 1 cloak this is usually not a big issue, as it ends quite quickly, and a single shot will take you out of cloak.

Finally picked this up after watching several people play this online and going from "meh" to "have to get NOW".

My very first jump, I lose a crew member to a giant spider. Lol.

Yeah, pretty much never agree to those away missions unless you have a "blue" option (or it's not a serious run, you're learning the possible outcomes, etc.). :)

Second try, still ongoing, and I've unlocked the Engi ship, and had a rough encounter that led to unlocking the Rock ship. I've lost a couple crewmembers, one set to not understanding how the teleporter works exactly (whoops), but I'm surviving pretty well.

Wow, that's pretty lucky getting two ships in your second run, congratulations. :)

Even though I've already seen a lot of the game, I've noticed already that I've seen things that I hadn't known about from watching videos, and it is harder than it looks. Probably gonna sink a lot of time into this one.

Ahahahahah... hah... you don't know the half of it. :D

As an aside from this, I've found my next source of digital crack. It's not even a new game, being on beta status since 2011. It's called Desktop Dungeons, and it's a mixture of roguelike, Half Minute Hero, and... minesweeper I guess? It's pure heroin. I REALLY recommend you download the fully functional, retro-styled alpha, available for free, and decide if you like the gameplay enough to pay 10$ for the beta, which adds pretty graphics and a lot more stuff like more dungeon types, a persisten town with stuff to unlock and get into the dungeon, etc. Do NOT skip this game. Even at the obviously beta status (no music, etc) it's a joy to play.


I'll only do that if I've already disabled the engines/cockpit, and I'll just teleport my guys to that room so that they'll have no way to fix the system and jump out.

I think my biggest teleporting failure was when I first started messing around with it. After finally thinking I had a good handle on it, I TPed my guys over to the enemy ship while I worked on destroying their weapon systems with my ship's guns. All was going swimmingly, before I realized that I was in the middle of an asteroid belt, and I didn't have 100% control over how much damage the enemy ship was taking.

The asteroids ended up destroying while I could only sit there willing my teleporter to recharge faster.

haha yeah asteroid fields, another instance where I have surpemely regretted teleportation.

I don't like using the federation cruiser because of how many times I've forgotten to turn off the extra beam weapon and almost fry my boarding party.

All of these things become less of a problem now that I spend most of my time giving orders when paused. The game is more like a turn based game than real time. It gives me more time to catch my stupidity.


Hi FTL-GAF! Just found out that we have this OT, damn this game is great. Just beat the final boss on easy with the Bulwark after 25 hours of playtime and about 7 tries at him. Final battle was intense! Never was able to get past the second stage of the fight 'cause the drones absolutely destroyed me, tearing through my shields in minutes and setting my whole ship ablaze every single time.

After reading up a bit, I approached him more carefully this time. Even though my crew was only at 8 man and I had not fully upgraded my shields and the engine, I managed to gain the upper hand by taking out all but one of his crewmembers at the laser (killed all the crew off in an earlier battle, but that AI taking over was unexpected, and before I knew it I was dead, haha). Once I teleported some of my crew to his shields and drone rooms and took those out, his second stage was actually fairly easy this time. He almost got me at the third stage, but I was able to make a jump and flee, repair at a store and come back in full force. This time I knew what to expect and I had the upper hand. I beat him with 3 of my crewmembers heroically sacrificing themselves as the mothership was blown into pieces. Felt like the most bad-ass space-captain on this side of the Milky Way.



So, now onto Hard, ehhh I mean Normal. (Will a Hard mode be patched at some point later I wonder?) Any tips? I'm thinking about collecting some ships first, what ship is generally considered best? And what weapons? I'm used to do most things by teleporting in and killing off all the enemy crew, but I guess that won't be so easy on Normal.
All of these things become less of a problem now that I spend most of my time giving orders when paused. The game is more like a turn based game than real time.

Every time I read about people not pausing like ever time they give an order, it sounds alien (no pun intended) to me. Just today I was having a battle (Federation Cruiser, by the way) on three fronts; I had boarded their ship, they had boarded mine, and of course both ships were still firing at each other. I can't imagine anyone juggling that on real time, unless you're a Starcraft pro or something.


Hello, and welcome aboard!

Whoa, beating the flagship with those weapons must not have been easy at all. Congratulations!

So, now onto Hard, ehhh I mean Normal. (Will a Hard mode be patched at some point later I wonder?)

I doubt they can go the same direction as with Normal for that. Normal already reduces scrap drops to the bare minimum needed to beat the game; I think that any less than that, and it would only be beatable by restarting over and over until you got a lucky run.

I'm all for them patching in more missions/end bosses/races/ships/whatever, or even offering them as DLC.

Any tips? I'm thinking about collecting some ships first, what ship is generally considered best? And what weapons?

I guess that's up to personal preference, but I found the Kestrel, the Zoltan and the secret ships to be the stronger/easiest to play with, then the Federation Cruiser, Engi and Stealth. I hate playing the Rock Cruiser (I don't like missiles at all), and I've got by far the worst results with the Mantis ship (though it might just be bad luck).

I'm used to do most things by teleporting in and killing off all the enemy crew, but I guess that won't be so easy on Normal.[/QUOTE]

It's every bit as easy (or hard) on Normal, and in fact it's even more preferred than on Easy; since Normal's prime difference is how little scrap you get, the boost you get from boarding ships goes from really nice to almost mandatory.

As for tips, here are mine. :)




Mother of god, I'm not sure how I'm ever going to beat Normal mode.

I beat Easy in two tries without breaking a sweat, but I must have played about 20 games in Normal mode thus far to no avail. The farthest I've made it is Sector 7, and I was immediately demolished thereafter despite having a pretty awesome build and full health.

I did return with a pretty harrowing survival story, though.

I had been boarded by three Mantis, and they were wrecking shop on my ship. My crew consisted of mostly Engi, so they weren't able to put up much of a fight against the boarders. I sequestered most of my crew to the medical bay, where they cowered in helpless fear as our ship was being torn apart from the inside and pelted to pieces from the outside. All seemed lost...

But then my commander instincts kicked in! The Mantis had destroyed my engine and weapons rooms and were moving on to the shields room. Seeing my only opportunity, I dispatched three of my Engi crew members over to the weapons room to repair it ASAP. Within seconds, I had enough power to arm my Ion Cannon. I targeted the enemy's weapons room and set it to autofire. Soon thereafter, my Burst Laser II charged up and I set it to autofire on the other ship's shield room. The two weapons did their jobs in perfect harmony. The enemy ship was suddenly completely locked down and eventually teleported its boarders back to their base.

As the enemy Mantis ship received its death blow and ripped apart into the vacuum of space, I noticed my ship's hull health... 1.

Oh, I forgot to mention that I had ZERO fuel going into this fight, and the win netted me three... just enough to jump to a nearby store and do a full hull repair and buy more gas.

PS - I also got an achievement for fully repairing the Kestrel's hull from 1 HP. Nice bonus! :)
Mother of god, I'm not sure how I'm ever going to beat Normal mode.

Do not despair! My first victory ever was on Normal and I now succeed over 60% of the time. It's all just practice, and further, learning is very sweet in this game because there's so much cool stuff to learn. Like with many games, too, there's a psychological wall that becomes higher the more times you fail; don't let that get to you. Expect to die every time and it will be more relaxing.

I beat Easy in two tries without breaking a sweat, but I must have played about 20 games in Normal mode thus far to no avail. The farthest I've made it is Sector 7, and I was immediately demolished thereafter despite having a pretty awesome build and full health.

What exactly is the problem? Are you consistently below in the power curve, or are you doing fine until something else suddenly goes to hell?

As the enemy Mantis ship received its death blow and ripped apart into the vacuum of space, I noticed my ship's hull health... 1.

Oh, I forgot to mention that I had ZERO fuel going into this fight, and the win netted me three... just enough to jump to a nearby store and do a full hull repair and buy more gas.

PS - I also got an achievement for fully repairing the Kestrel's hull from 1 HP. Nice bonus! :)

Holy crap, that's a lucky string of events if I ever saw one. :D


What exactly is the problem? Are you consistently below in the power curve, or are you doing fine until something else suddenly goes to hell?

It's never one particular thing that does me in. It's usually just a matter of running into two or three ships in a row in Sectors 6 and 7 that just trounce me. Sometimes it's boarders that screw me over, other times it's coming across a ship with a ton of shields and evade.

I dunno, man. I keep getting farther each time, though. So it must only be a matter of time before everything comes together and I get that win.
It's never one particular thing that does me in. It's usually just a matter of running into two or three ships in a row in Sectors 6 and 7 that just trounce me. Sometimes it's boarders that screw me over, other times it's coming across a ship with a ton of shields and evade.

I dunno, man. I keep getting farther each time, though. So it must only be a matter of time before everything comes together and I get that win.

OK, the issue might be that you're not used to fleeing battles, which makes sense because in Easy there's not a lot of reason to. On Normal you're much closer to the power level curve than on Easy, and the RNG will make you hit encounters where you either can't win or can't win without suffering serious losses or risking dying (ships with lots of shields or missile weapons). Since rewards are also lower, this means you should jump away early.

The key word here is early; having a look at an enemy ship and deciding you're going to flee depending on their equipment is a fundamental skill, because once the battle is ongoing, aside from being already endangered, your mind will be on the fighting and not on the assessment. Also, psychologically, you're bound to stick with the fight to the bitter end once committed, especially if you've already taken severe hits.

By the way, this is another reason why upgrading engines is so important on Normal. :)

Just saw this fan art linked on Twitter, pretty cool.

I'm so ready for a content update.

That is all shades of awesome.
A bit spoilerish, too. .D

I usually dislike/skip DLC, but I would gladly pay for DLC for this game, or a sequel that's just the same game with more races, ships, events and bosses (same graphics). Heck, I've bought this game twice for myself and twice for a couple of friends, and it still feels like I've paid too little.


Cracked my top score just shy of 6000. That was without farming, but I took a wrong turn and had to double back through nearly half a sector. It's too easy to farm rebels. In particular with the secret ship. Lock-down their weapons room, cloak and kill everybody without taking any damage.

My next run I am going to try and win with the lowest score possible.
Heck, I've bought this game twice for myself and twice for a couple of friends, and it still feels like I've paid too little.
Same for me. I paid twice. First from Steam and then direct to ditch the DRM. I've also purchased a few more copies for others.
Cracked my top score just shy of 6000.

Whoa! Congratulations. :) I don't think I've cracked 5000 yet,

Same for me. I paid twice. First from Steam and then direct to ditch the DRM. I've also purchased a few more copies for others.

In my case it was GoG first, then I realized I didn't like not having auto-update, so I got a dual Steam/no DRM key from their website. Crazy deal, especially when they were at 5$.

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
Ok, so as promised I switched to normal after beating the boss first time.

Fair enough, you get a lot less scrap and stuff, but are the enemies also a lot tougher, or am I just being unlucky?

Am currently in sector 4, and have used a lot of scrap on repairs.. got me some floater weapons though and teleport. We'll see how it goes. Also, fuck those pirates that tricked me into buying a non-existent secret weapon for 65 scrap. They dead.
Ok, so as promised I switched to normal after beating the boss first time.

Fair enough, you get a lot less scrap and stuff, but are the enemies also a lot tougher, or am I just being unlucky?

No, they really are. Also, either they have more variance among their power levels, or they already had and simply being harder across the board makes this more apparent on the higher level of the spectrum. Meaning that finding ships with four shields, four weapons, a stupid amount of evade, and so on, is not too uncommon, and should be your cue to flee.

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
No, they really are. Also, either they have more variance among their power levels, or they already had and simply being harder across the board makes this more apparent on the higher level of the spectrum. Meaning that finding ships with four shields, four weapons, a stupid amount of evade, and so on, is not too uncommon, and should be your cue to flee.

Ok, so it wasn't just me being paranoid. :)

I made it to the boss first try on normal. But looked like this after I beat it first round:

Always felt kind of chanceless, with level 2 shield etc. But I almost beat it second round. I think the stealth weapon thing kind of ruined my cloak timings. :(
Ok, so it wasn't just me being paranoid. :)

I made it to the boss first try on normal. But looked like this after I beat it first round:

Always felt kind of chanceless, with level 2 shield etc. But I almost beat it second round. I think the stealth weapon thing kind of ruined my cloak timings. :(

Whoa, level 2 shield... that's pretty much suicide indeed.

As for me, I finally finished a Normal Osprey run I've had going on for like a week (busy + Desktop Dungeons got its hooks on me). This is what both my ship and the boss looked like a few seconds before ending stage one. :)
Not having stealth (the Osprey can't equip it) meant I got hit a bit on stages 2 and 3, but as you can guess from that picture, I still won without much of a headache.


Background: This is towards the end of Sector 1. I took a mission to rescue a ship under pirate attack. No problem right? Then something happened, crap! Then something else happened, holy crap! I'll leave the details as a very modest riddle.
I usually play on easy, but anyway here are my favorite ships I've made so far:

Double glaive
B. Could have worked easily but I didn't have a good boarding crew to take down the mothership's shields.

B where I got two scrap recovery arms early on. Boarded every ship I encountered and was able to afford all the redundant upgrades except scanners and autopilot. I had over 600 scrap banked at one point. You can see my shield and weapons guys didn't have a chance to level up because I just lockdown-killed the weapon systems on every ship I fought before stealth ran out.

Edit: I just read that the recovery arms don't stack :( Oh well I had a ton of income anyway.
Background: This is towards the end of Sector 1. I took a mission to rescue a ship under pirate attack. No problem right? Then something happened, crap! Then something else happened, holy crap! I'll leave the details as a very modest riddle.

Your teleporter was busted while you had all crew on board the enemy ship, so you braced for defeat. Then killing all enemy crew yielded an additional crew member, who, since they appear on your ship's cockpit, repaired the teleporter and saved the day.

That. Is. Awesome. :D

Also, I see you're using enhanced backgrounds too, which marks you as a man of refined taste. :)

I usually play on easy, but anyway here are my favorite ships I've made so far:

Double glaive Stealth B. Could have worked easily but I didn't have a good boarding crew to take down the mothership's shields.

When having two identical beam weapons I like to say "cross slash" when painting that red X on the enemies's ship. :)

B where I got two scrap recovery arms early on.

ships are absurdly overpowered, due to their crew and the various boarding shenanigans you can indulge in. Two of my five highest scores are with the only two serious runs I did with the
A, and they're the only Easy scores in there, well above many of my Normal clear scores.
In a game where the point of other ships are to provide different, often much harder, experiences, I think they dropped the ball a bit with this one ship. :/

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
This game has sank it's claws deep.. two minor helpful additions that would allow me to remain further immersed in it's context are: A:) displaying the mission text on the pause screen. The game is already UI heavy it has no place on the gameplay-active screen, but its appearance upon hitting SPACE would be most welcome. I would also appreciate (B) an option to have the soundtrack just play continuosly, as if streaming off a cloud service. The interactive nature of the tempo/track change/whatever are great.. but I've found myself as deeply invested in the current soundscape as I am the mechanics. Its a true drag to have it fade in and out so often.e
This game has sank it's claws deep.. two minor helpful additions that would allow me to remain further immersed in it's context are: A:) displaying the mission text on the pause screen. The game is already UI heavy it has no place on the gameplay-active screen, but its appearance upon hitting SPACE would be most welcome. I would also appreciate (B) an option to have the soundtrack just play continuosly, as if streaming off a cloud service. The interactive nature of the tempo/track change/whatever are great.. but I've found myself as deeply invested in the current soundscape as I am the mechanics. Its a true drag to have it fade in and out so often.e

I'm not sure I understand... either of them.
a) What do you mean by "mission text"?
b) You want the music to play non-contextually?
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