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Fucking Ads

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Whenever i log into my hotmail account, the browser automtically takes me to another site full of ads, i have tried everything lastest being spy bot search and destory and f**k i still can't get back to a normal homepage when i try to online.
norinrad21 said:
Whenever i log into my hotmail account, the browser automtically takes me to another site full of ads, i have tried everything lastest being spy bot search and destory and f**k i still can't get back to a normal homepage when i try to online.

Do you use IE?
If your using IE, you need to use something like Norton Internet Security (2003, NOT 2004, which will fuX0r your shit), since it has built-in pop-up blocking and banner ad removal. Works very well too. There are some free alternatives, but the names escape me at the moment.
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