ALL of their boxes show Winston by himself. I think they just made a smaller amount of him.
Look at this guy and how great he would look on my shelf
I opted for the battle axe version instead, S1 Tyrion's figure looked too much like a child.
Look at this guy and how great he would look on my shelf
When are the Hannibal ones being released? I see them for pre-order on Amazon.
I've always been curious... exactly how stable are the ones with really thin legs?
Honestly, they're shite. Top heavy. Just get used to standing them up again.
I figured that was the case. They should come with a base of some sort that they could snap into.
I just saw this. God is real.gif
There is an exclusive one coming with wings...
I've always been curious... exactly how stable are the ones with really thin legs?
WTF it's the exact same one, but with wings. At least change the tie...
Oh man this one is so cool!
Well yeah, it's the prince of all Saiyans after all.
There is an exclusive one coming with wings...
How much is this one? Those one is in my top 3.Well yeah, it's the prince of all Saiyans after all.
New stuff came in, my current modest collection:
How much is this one? Those one is in my top 3.
Oh man this one is so cool!
I noticed it's up for preorder online but I saw it in store in hot topic. Do they release in store before online?
What were you doing in Hot Topic?
What were you doing in Hot Topic?
What were you doing in Hot Topic?
They carry the Pop Vinyls, and in store they are buy one, 2nd one 50% off.
oh man, that's a tough decision. I can get a deal like that.... but I have to set foot in a Hot Topic.
What were you doing in Hot Topic?
Place freaks me out man. It's as weird to me as when I walk into Pacsun and you've got 30 year olds shopping with teenagers.
Hot Topic has some kind of crazy deal with FUNKO going on.
They get all the leftover exclusives from conventions to sell. I've seen the SDCC Anna from Frozen and a couple others there.
They also get pre-release characters. I bought my boss Vageta a week ago, but he doesn't actually come out until the end of the year. Same with Burnt Stay-Puft. They have little stickers on their boxes that say "Hot Topic Pre-Release".
Hot Topic has some kind of crazy deal with FUNKO going on.
They get all the leftover exclusives from conventions to sell. I've seen the SDCC Anna from Frozen and a couple others there.
They also get pre-release characters. I bought my boss Vageta a week ago, but he doesn't actually come out until the end of the year. Same with Burnt Stay-Puft. They have little stickers on their boxes that say "Hot Topic Pre-Release".
Then there are the Hot Topic exclusives too.
Also, at least the Burbank and Glendale stores have Instagram accounts and whenever they get new shipments or exclusives, they post pictures to let people know. Don't know if every store does that but I thought it's a pretty cool and nice thing to do.
So if you're heavy into the figures, get comfortable going to Hot Topic.
I guess I'll have to check out Hot Topic the next time I go out to the Lego store. Or sooner.
Yup, I got 4 last time at Hot Topic because they had a huge sign at the front of the store that said buy 1 get 1 half off.
I had $10 dollars in one of those coupons so it turned out pretty goodThe way they get you, though, is that instead of $10 each, they're $13 at Hot Topic. So when you use the deal, your total comes out to whatever it would have been if you had bought them like... anywhere else.
I bought 4 with their deal and my total was ... $40.
Sneaky bastards.
I had $10 dollars in one of those coupons so it turned out pretty goodnone of them were for me though, they were for my cousin.
Where can I buy these in Toronto? I want a Rocket Raccoon and a Stan Lee (how rare is it?)
Stan Lee's going for nearly $50 on Amazon U.S.A.
Uhh, hey guys, why doesn't Diablo have a mouth?
Uhh, hey guys, why doesn't Diablo have a mouth?