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Funny video of American teens vs Canadian ones..

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j/k pretty old...and not that funny (to me, but I have a twisted sense of humour). Everyone was being an idiot...it would have been funny if the roof collapsed or something.


Haha the ending was awesome! What a sucker punch! I was hoping the fat lady would have jumped in but oh well.


FortNinety said:
Gee, and people why Americans are so hated?

Uhh, watching that video it looks like the Canadians were at fault and instigated everything. I'm sure there were probably some things said/done before the camera was on but still, you can't blame this on the American dudes.


Um, did it come from a pron site? They prolly asked the girl (before filming) if she wanted to make a movie or something. :p


She was just goofy. They probably should've left her alone, but she was weird. Even her friend had this "stop, she's nuts" look on her face.


Uhh, watching that video it looks like the Canadians were at fault and instigated everything. I'm sure there were probably some things said/done before the camera was on but still, you can't blame this on the American dudes.

Apparently these young guys started it by making too much noise in the other room. The fat girl came to complain, and then she threatened to get the manager or something. It's been years, and I still remember this BS. This story is according to another poster on another forum. I have no idea if his story is legit.

ok well maybe not years...it just seems that long :p


Grandma's Chippy
Just goes to show you...there are jerks in every country.

The part I found funny was when she took that guys glasses and wouldn't give them back....although he owned them all after the fact...lol


Old, miserable, trashy hotel owners 'fight' with a few fringe adults:

"We're from LA!"

"We're fucking Americans!"

And staging the entire video as some source of national pride? When clearly the old people saw simply "roudy teenagers"? Seriously, how retarded.
I'm Canadian, and I have to say that I see that a few canadians in a hotel acted like idiots, and a few americans with maturity problems decided that they could act just as bad. I fail to see why this is remotely patriotic. I'm embarrassed for both countries. People are so mean spirited:(
No, it's called being a jackass. Those guys are morons who thought it was funny to further provoke a woman who obviously had issues. They weren't standing up for themselves at all, they were trying to provoke stuff so they could tape it. What, they were just filming a hallway for fun?


Junior Member
Not knowing what happened before the taping all we see is the canadiens initiating verbal and physical attacks. It was the Americans who tried to calm the situation and act civil even as the canadiens continued their attacks. But as the candians pushed and continued, there is only so much you can expect someone to take before you must retaliate.
walk away......

Yeah, they were real civil......"I'm not in your face baby, I'm right here."

Making fat faces and holding out their arms to make fun of how fat she was. Yeah, she deserved it, but don't try to pretend these guys are nice people.

Standing there laughing at the whole situation. Sticking out his tongue and saying "I love it"

"I was seriously going to take an ass whoopin FOR THE CAMERA"

It's pretty hard to argue that they were being civil and trying to calm the situation.


I can't believe some of you are treating this as if it were an international incident. A little less drama fellas.
Wow, they were all a bunch of idiots. That was one of the most pointless downloads ever. Jerry Springer brings out better drama and it's fake. :p

I feel sorry for the other people who were in the hotel and weren't involved at all/in their rooms and had to deal with that bullshit.
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