Ultimately, it's a hobby. How far anyone'll take that is up to them.
question, is being a Furry a sexuality?
anthropomorphism isn't inherently sexually attractive
in fact, its often a recipe for horror
that said, some characters I wouldn't say no to
no need to compliment me
(im usually joking anyway)
I think the reason most anthro (and anime) characters are unappealing is because they rarely have lips. You know those things on the face that are so very important!
I do like when they give them at least a lower lip though
anime weirds me out because they will draw the body super realistically and then the face will be composed of simple black lines.
How do people find that appealing?
I'm weirded out on some artstyles having solar systems in their eyes.
LOL, never heard it put that way
I think its fine as long as the eyes arent 90% of the face
cats have the largest eyes of any mammal
they get a free pass
I love cats. I wish I had a cat.
I don't know why I brought that up.
I want a catMy old one ran away
Nose is too small, ears too large and thick, no whiskers, irises are tiny, no cat with that shade of fur exists except for the sphinx, which is hairless.
Of course people think she's a rat, she has no cat traits at all.
Bridget is cuter but she's a mouse.
No, and neither have most of GAF, so why assume that people have?have you seen the full picture?
And cats have generally thin ears lined with a little fur.and mice have cirular ears derp
I'm listing common traits cat have. You can't really expect people who don't follow furry art to be able to identify an anthro cat from just a face shot with no obvious indicators (for example, fur patterns).since when do anthro have whiskers? and most of them have flourescent nonsensical coloured fur so that makes no sense either.
She looks much closer to Jerry than to Tom.
She looks much closer to Jerry than to Tom.
That is a very cute picture.
last one was cropped because hito invoked googles law