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G.I. : Xbox 2 launch titles , Halo 3 released upon PS3 launch (rumor/"hinted")

Courtesy of the XGB

Game Informer is "informed" that Xbox 2 will be marketed for it's software, not hardware, unlike Xbox was, and is in the know on a couple launch titles:

-Perfect Dark Zero
-Project Gotham Racing 3
-Epic game using the Unreal 3.0 engine, but won't be a first person shooter, instead, focuses on co-op play.

They are also saying Half-Life 2 will be an "early" Xbox 2 title as well.

And yeah, as the title stated, G.I. says Microsoft hinted that Halo 3 would be released at the time PS3 launches. That could help keep attention on Xbox 2...and they will need something, as Sony loves the hype machine.

p.s. yeah, this stuff has been speculated before, but it's nice to read it.


2 positive Xbox articles in one day? The darkside is becoming strong with you sonycowboy. Join us... and your journey towards the darkside will be complete.


i read that before over at txb and the part about halo3 releasing on ps3 launch day would be awesome.
jedimike said:
2 positive Xbox articles in one day? The darkside is becoming strong with you sonycowboy. Join us... and your journey towards the darkside will be complete.

It's not me. It's the coverage. I'm trying to find bad stuff, but it's hard.


November 9, 2005: Xbox II N/A Launch
The hype begins @ E3 and Microsoft focuses on great software this time around with a mix of big time sequels and quite a few original titles, never-done-before titles. Online is still a big focus as is mature content. Microsoft also emphasizes their own and their partners' dedication to continuing to support the original Xbox with new releases and DLC through the next year or two. Live accounts are migratable over. Launch titles are highlighted by Perfect Dark 0, PGR 3, new Epic Unreal Engine 3.0 game, and a platformer in the form of Banjo probably. This stellar lineup will be followed up by Halo 3, Ninja Gaiden 2, another DOA, a new Crimson Skies, and much more all hyped up to be released close to the PS3's N/A launch. With the early jump start, a larger customer base, and EA's early support, Microsoft puts itself in a position to really compete head-to-head with Sony throughout the entire generation this time (outside of Japan, that is).


If Perfect Dark Zero is a launch game (which it won't be, knowing Rare's track record) I will buy an Xbox 2 at launch seeing how Perfect Dark is the best console FPS ever.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
They are also saying Half-Life 2 will be an "early" Xbox 2 title as well.
That's kinda weird. Unless XB2 is lauching in June next year or something like that, they might as well release that on XB1.

And yeah, as the title stated, G.I. says Microsoft hinted that Halo 3 would be released at the time PS3 launches. That could help keep attention on Xbox 2...and they will need something, as Sony loves the hype machine.
Heh, if I remember correctly, Sony did the exact same thing with MGS2 right about when Xbox and GC launched. Yes, I know it's Konami's game, but the marketing intent was obvious, and the deadline was heavily pushed for the game to be released by then.


ha! halo3, crimson skies 2, ninja gaiden 2 all on ps3 launch day. it would be like an xbox2 re-launch.


That will be a damn short development time for Halo 3. Let me do the math:

- Halo 2 in Nov. 2004

- PS3 release end of 2005 in Japan, early 2006 for the rest of the world

That's a difference of about 15 months, or 1 1/4 years ... how long was Halo 2 in development? Three years? I guess their already working on it, so maybe it will be two years, but two years on a new platform is not that much for a AAA game.


Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I don't know if those PS3 dates are that likely. I reckon a Halo 3 game would have about 2 years of development before PS3 hits the US.

It's only a rumour though, there's also a rumour floating around that Bungie really doesn't want to work on Halo 3 right after Halo 2, so who knows what to believe.
there have always been rumors that halo 3 has been started in conjunction with halo 2.. but who knows if there is any truth to that at all.

I have always said, the smartest thign to do would be to launch xenon with perfect dark zero, and then halo 3 for PS3 launch.. its their BEST bet for huge launch sales and also doing the best they can to minimize ps3 hype..

look at the insane hype for halo 2, and how many fans of halo there are... HALO 2's graphics arent that much better than halo 1, halo 3 with next gen graphics will certainly be high on many many many peoples lists.


Mama Smurf said:
It's only a rumour though, there's also a rumour floating around that Bungie really doesn't want to work on Halo 3 right after Halo 2, so who knows what to believe.

Do you think Bungie could have started working on Halo3 as early as E3 2004? Do they have enough people to make two games @ once?


no doubt, Halo 3 is in development right NOW, but the question is, when was it started. a few weeks ago or a few months ago.

I do believe the rumor about Halo 3. it's only natural and logical.

iirc, Sony/Square released FF8 in the U.S. on the same day, or within a few days, of Dreamcast's U.S. release.


McFly said:
- PS3 release end of 2005 in Japan, early 2006 for the rest of the world

I don't think PS3 will launch in Japan until march 2006, leaving fall 2006 for the US/ Europe. That way Xbox 2 would have a head start of almost a year. Still, 2 years for the development of Halo 3 seems on the short side. Then again, maybe they're already working on it?


McFly said:
That will be a damn short development time for Halo 3. Let me do the math:

- Halo 2 in Nov. 2004

- PS3 release end of 2005 in Japan, early 2006 for the rest of the world

That's a difference of about 15 months, or 1 1/4 years ... how long was Halo 2 in development? Three years? I guess their already working on it, so maybe it will be two years, but two years on a new platform is not that much for a AAA game.


Figure the earliest Sony launches with the PS3 in North America would be February '06. That means from Halo 2 going gold to then, it'd be about 14-15 months of development time at minimum to get part 3 ready. Now factor in that a unit of Bungie or Microsoft may have already begun initial work on Halo 3 using the Xenon dev kits (considering how monumentally important the next console is for Microsoft, they likely will spare no expense at obtaining the talent and manpower necessary to reach their goals this time around). It *is* possible, but it'd be very tight especially if Bungie wants to get everything in there that you know they're gonna want to. I'd say Microsoft would at least hype the hell out of it by the time Sony launches and then delay it a few months.


WordofGod said:
Do you think Bungie could have started working on Halo3 as early as E3 2004? Do they have enough people to make two games @ once?

MS did shit can the sports development... all of the employees were absorbed within the MGS divisions AFAIK.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I really don't know that much about Bungie.

It all depends what you mean by development. I'm sure for quite a long time now there have been things the team wanted to put into Halo 2, but couldn't (whether becauwse of technical or time issues), and said "Oh well, we'll save it for the sequel". I imagine there must be some people, like concept artists, who haven't had anything to do for Halo 2 for a while now.

If you mean they've started to programme the game, I doubt it. Maybe they've had a look at Xenon architecture, but I'm sure they need all the hands they can get to make sure it's ready for launch.


Playstation3 won't launch in the United States anytime before September 2006.

the window is likely September 2006 to November 2006.

forget the Japanese PS3 release date, that is probably no factor as far as Halo 3 is concerned.

Bungie have roughly 2+ years from now, to complete Halo 3. it's probably already started, in some form. be it planning, artwork, ideas, R&D or actual programming, or all of that.

if we figure from E3 2004 (May) to November 2006 that's 2.5 years. enough to put out a AAA game, especially with a boost in manpower/help from Microsoft. at worst, they have 2 solid years.


theres absolutely no reason for sony, ms, or nintendo to NOT have a worldwide launch on their next home consoles.


WordofGod said:
Do you think Bungie could have started working on Halo3 as early as E3 2004? Do they have enough people to make two games @ once?
no. Bungie is 100% on Halo 2 and nothing else. 100% team effort on one project.

there is also a rumor going around that Jason Jones is going to 'take a break, and examine his options' after Halo 2. totally a rumor though.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Seeing Halo 3 launch alongside PS3 would be very interesting indeed, those would be some charts I would actually attempt to understand.....
Joe said:
theres absolutely no reason for sony, ms, or nintendo to NOT have a worldwide launch on their next home consoles.

Of course there is

1) Why save up 6-9 months worth of systems for a launch, when you could go ahead and launch it in a given region months earlier? Sony could never have launched the PS2 in March 2000 in the US. They barely made it for the holidays.

2) Software development times. For games that have worldwide appeal, it takes time to localize them for both eastern and western audiences. Especially when you have the crunch of trying to make a game ready at launch.


As long as MS has Halo 3 to shield itself from the PS3 launch, Xenon won't be totally destroyed. PDZ might be a budget title by then too.

Anyway, this is the only way MS can do this if they've committed to launching next year and not 2006.


As long as MS has Halo 3 to shield itself from the PS3 launch, Xenon won't be totally destroyed.
I would think a strong first wave of titles will keep Xenon from being destroyed.
Xenon launch with major EA Live support, strong 1st party titles, some very nice 3rd party games, and a possible 6 to 8 month window on the market alone should give them a pretty good foundation to battle PS3.

Also if PS3 is anything like PS2 for development, we could have problems seeing many quality titles for the PS3 at launch. What are they going to lunch with Kessen 2?
Bah. I hear that quite a few people at Bungie do not want to do Halo 3 and that Jones is going to take considerable time off after H2 to think about doing a game other than Halo.


ms needs to launch with 15-20 titles with all genres covered. if the game has multiplayer it HAS to be on xbox live right off the bat and they must have budget games also.

they're gonna have a nice headstart they need to REALLY take advantage of it.


I'm interested to see how MS is going to aproach Japan when the times comes to launch Xbox 2. Right now they are in a vicious cycle: No big Japanese games --- low console sales --- low userbase --- no interest by Japanse devs ---- no big Japanese games ---- repeat repeat.

A big side effect of this is problem is the fact that Xbox doesn't have any big Japanse games (exclusives) to market in the west, something Sony and Nintendo don't have to worry about.

As for worldwide releases: I really don't see it happening. The closest to such a thing would be for MS to try and release the Xbox 2 in the US and Europe at about the same time.


Joe said:
ms needs to launch with 15-20 titles with all genres covered. if the game has multiplayer it HAS to be on xbox live right off the bat and they must have budget games also.

they're gonna have a nice headstart they need to REALLY take advantage of it.

Microsoft has been pretty clear that XBox Live will be go from the start of Xenon launch - the service was designed that way. Also, I recall online/Live tools being a big part of the XNA push Microsoft is making ahead of the Xenon launch.


Falch said:
I'm interested to see how MS is going to aproach Japan when the times comes to launch Xbox 2. Right now they are in a vicious cycle: No big Japanese games --- low console sales --- low userbase --- no interest by Japanse devs ---- no big Japanese games ---- repeat repeat.

A big side effect of this is problem is the fact that Xbox doesn't have any big Japanse games (exclusives) to market in the west, something Sony and Nintendo don't have to worry about.

As for worldwide releases: I really don't see it happening. The closest to such a thing would be for MS to try and release the Xbox 2 in the US and Europe at about the same time.

If you haven't looked at the sales charts recently, Japanese games, a few exceptions aside, are not tearing things up. I think the big factor for Microsoft will be getting enough momentum prior to, during and immidiately after launch in Japan. They had some initial support, but the tepid reception was never enough to get any others to jump on.
Perfect Dark Zero, Project Gotham Racing 3, Halo 3, Ninja Gaiden 2, another DOA, a new Crimson Skies...

That's a hell of a lot of (supposedly) AAA games released in short period of time.


Joe said:
ms needs to launch with 15-20 titles with all genres covered. if the game has multiplayer it HAS to be on xbox live right off the bat and they must have budget games also.

they're gonna have a nice headstart they need to REALLY take advantage of it.

That's not going to happen. Publishers don't want that much games at launch, because it will effect the sales of their own game(s). You have to remember that there is no existing userbase when a console launches, and too much games will only lead to lower individual sales for all launchgames (with the exception of one or two system sellers, like Halo was at Xbox launch).

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Potential buyers of a console at launch aren't going to care about budgets. People aren't going to be willing to spend $320 on a console and game, and then refuse to pay $340 for the same thing.


I hope Bungie's next game is something other than Halo. Halo is money in the bank, but it'd be nice to see such a talented group start a new franchise. They can always do Halo 3 later anyway.

The big thing for Xenon to keep momentum when PS3 comes out is that it must get timely, comparable versions of the multiplatform games like Madden and the inevitable next-gen GTA4 that PS3 will rely heavily on. Throw in a few good exclusives, some strong marketing, and Halo 3 is not necessary.


GhaleonEB said:
If you haven't looked at the sales charts recently, Japanese games, a few exceptions aside, are not tearing things up. I think the big factor for Microsoft will be getting enough momentum prior to, during and immidiately after launch in Japan. They had some initial support, but the tepid reception was never enough to get any others to jump on.

Still, MS doesn't have any games/franchises that could conquer the Japanse market, and as long as that doesn't happen, they will not backed very much by Japanse devs. So how, I ask you, could they get enough momentum? There is no concrete evidence that the situation for Xbox 2 in Japan will be any different form the current one. They might not need big Japanse games franchises for the US/Europe, but they sure do for Japan.


Falch said:
Still, MS doesn't have any games/franchises that could conquer the Japanse market, and as long as that doesn't happen, they will not backed very much by Japanse devs. So how, I ask you, could they get enough momentum? There is no concrete evidence that the situation for Xbox 2 in Japan will be any different form the current one. They might not need big Japanse games franchises for the US/Europe, but they sure do for Japan.

That's what I'm saying: It does not have a big impact in the US/Euro markets, but they need the momentum/support in Japan.

We agree......


Falch said:
That's not going to happen. Publishers don't want that much games at launch, because it will effect the sales of their own game(s). You have to remember that there is no existing userbase when a console launches, and too much games will only lead to lower individual sales for all launchgames (with the exception of one or two system sellers, like Halo was at Xbox launch).
15 to 20 titles isn't a lot. MS launched with 27 for Xbox, which I think was too many. But 15 to 20 is a good amount for lunch.


Sucks at viral marketing
If I were MS, I wouldn't rely on Rare to produce the major launch title. Despite being one of the first houses with both N64 and GCN tools, they missed both launches by months. Their only game, in the last 8 years, that wasn't delay several times has been DK64. To ask for both a great game and a game ready on time seems beyond their reach. To think that they could have 2 games ready by launch is just a fantasy.

This whole scenario sounds like a pipedream. A minor delay of either title (PD0 or H3), could stifle any momentum gained by an early launch. Given Rare's infamous record of promptness and the fact that this only allows Bungie 2 years to make a next-gen sequel to a game that currently is taking them 3 years to make... this sound more like a wishful daydream of an over-eager TBX forum member, than a serious, cognitive scheduale from inside Microsoft. The risks are too great and the odds are not in their favor.


Chili Con Carnage!
element said:
I would think a strong first wave of titles will keep Xenon from being destroyed.
Xenon launch with major EA Live support, strong 1st party titles, some very nice 3rd party games, and a possible 6 to 8 month window on the market alone should give them a pretty good foundation to battle PS3.

Also if PS3 is anything like PS2 for development, we could have problems seeing many quality titles for the PS3 at launch. What are they going to lunch with Kessen 2?

element said:
15 to 20 titles isn't a lot. MS launched with 27 for Xbox, which I think was too many. But 15 to 20 is a good amount for lunch.

stop saying lunch, i just had dinner.
sonycowboy said:
Courtesy of the XGB
And yeah, as the title stated, G.I. says Microsoft hinted that Halo 3 would be released at the time PS3 launches. That could help keep attention on Xbox 2...and they will need something, as Sony loves the hype machine.

Halo 3 is nice but Sonys got so many big franchises up their sleeve it might not be enough.
Not even just first party. How about a next gen Metal Gear Solid or GTA at PS3 launch?
Halo 3 would be quickly forgotten.
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