Anyone whose been drawing somewhat since they were younger has probally come up with there own superheroes/comic ideas. Let's go back to some of the first ideas you came up with and redraw them to your current abilities standards. In my case, I came up with numerious comic book superheroes from 4th grade to 6th grade , I'm talking 10+ years ago.
So first post an image of what the character you came up with looked like when you drew him /her at a young age and then followup with how well you can draw this character now that you can actually.. well draw. Even better if you happen to have kept artwork from 10 years ago and have a working scanner!
This isn't really a contest or anything I just thought it'd be fun to make a thread about it. So I'm gonna get on drawing , hopefully you guys will to.
So first post an image of what the character you came up with looked like when you drew him /her at a young age and then followup with how well you can draw this character now that you can actually.. well draw. Even better if you happen to have kept artwork from 10 years ago and have a working scanner!
This isn't really a contest or anything I just thought it'd be fun to make a thread about it. So I'm gonna get on drawing , hopefully you guys will to.