Deleted member 231381
Unconfirmed Member

Hello, GAF! This is the OT and recruiment thread for GAF mafia, also known as werewolf.
To play with other GAF members, read the first post.
To see the sign-up and waiting list, read the second post.
To learn more about mafia, read the third post.

Try and kill Palmer_v1 before anyone else does!
GAF now has a thriving mafia community with over 50 active players - and we're looking to make it over 100. GAF mafia works on a seasonal basis. Each season, we start a new batch of games, with a new batch of game-runners, each game having a different set of roles and flavour. Currently, we're taking sign-ups for Season Three - and we want you to take part! It's a fun game and a great way to meet new friends on GAF. We're extra friendly to new players.
Signing up is simple. Just post in this thread saying you want to take part, and you'll be put on the sign-up list. We give priority in order to:
- New players on last season's waiting list.
- New players.
- Established players from last season's waiting list.
- Established players by date of their last death, furthest to soonest.
GAF Mafia has a gender pronoun policy. Because players have to refer to each other throughout the game and we don't want to misgender anyone, we'd like to know your preferred personal pronoun - be it he, she, they, ze or any other. Other players will refer to you by that pronoun, and this will be carefully enforced. We'd also like you to respect the other players by being careful to use their chosen personal pronoun too. You are free not to disclose your preferred pronoun, in which case other players will refer to you as they - but please do tell us if you're choosing not to disclose, as if you try to sign-up without telling us, then we have to assume that you've not read this and we can't sign you up.
Be aware GAF Mafia is a significant time commitment. Ordinary games last about two months, although some special cases will be different (if so, this information will be in the games list). You will need to post at least once or twice a day, although we understand if you have to miss one every now and then. Please don't sign-up unless you can do this.
Most GAF games follow the same ruleset, and vary only in the number of players (approximately 18-27) and the roles and flavour used. Because of that, you'll be randomly assigned to a particular game-runner and their game. We make sure the ratio of new to established players is roughly the same between all the games in a season. However, some games will vary significantly enough from the basic ruleset that you can't be randomly assigned to them - they will be opt-in. If a game is opt-in, it'll be marked clearly in the games list, so if you want to play in that particular game, just say so.

Where you can laugh at all of our mistakes.
A really good way to get to grips with forum mafia before playing is to look through past GAF Mafia games and watch some of our current players in their first games! You also get to laugh at our expense. Here are GAF's completed games:
| Season 1 |
Game-runner: Crab
| When Death is on the Line [link] |
Woo-hoo! I'm proud to present the inaugural GAF Mafia Competition! I, Crab, will be acting as your moderator, and would like to warmly welcome you to the beautiful island of Sicily. The island's wonderful and fertile soils lead to it being a cornerstone of Mediterranean culture; a prized possession of the Roman Empire and a proud kingdom in the medieval ages. The weather varies between merely beautiful and outright gorgeous, sunny days looking over the deep blue waters. The nightlife is superb, with some of the greatest clubs you can encounter in all of Italy. Your hotel is quite lovely as well - plushy pillows in enormous beds, staff who wait on you hand and foot, a luxurious swimming pool to laze around in. There's only one problem:
The severed head of one of your fellow tourists, lying neatly on his lap, propped up in the atrium, and a note nailed to his forehead.
"The Cosa Nostra have decided that the owner of your fine hotel has failed to pay his dues, and each night he must be reminded of this failure. We shall kill you, one by one, until nothing remains but the honour of our family. The phone lines are cut, the roads are blocked: you must simply accept your fate.
You weren't sure who made the suggestion, but from among the other tourists a consensus emerged: if the roads were blocked, the Mafiosi must be hiding amongst you. Clearly, if each day, the tourists took the solemn decision of killing one of your number, then awoke the next day with no further deaths, then this terror would be over. Your heart set, but fear burning in your stomach, you nod, and discussions over who will be first begin. You can only hope that you survive this experience. After all, one should never go in against a Sicilian...
| Season 2 |
| Making Animal Friends is Awesome! [Link] |
Game-runner: Karkador
Hey, Traveler! Was that a one-way ticket you just handed the conductor? Oh, you're moving to a new village! Looks like you've finally chosen a place to settle down, huh?
Thanks to the ongoing neighborhood efforts of the Happy Home Academy, your new village prides itself in calling itself the perfect place to live. Sounds really promising, doesn't it? Doesn't sound scummy like some other Villages, does it? Maybe almost a little too good to be true?
No! Wipe that worried look off your face!
Trust me, I've met a lot of people on this train going the same way as you; but come to think of it, I've never met anyone moving OUT of that village. Weird, huh? I guess people must like it there that much...
Certainly, if something weird was happening, the Happy Home Academy would fix it, right? I mean, if I wasn't banished to this train as your humble, haunting guide, I'd probably still be happily residing in-
*the train whistle whines to a whisper as it pulls into the station*
Ah, but that's another story - yours starts here! Enjoy your new life in the village, and remember: mind your neighbors!
| A Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy [Link] |
A long time ago, in a galaxy far away...
The galaxy is in a state of upheaval. Following the destruction of the DEATH STAR, the Empire is hunting the Rebel Alliance with more ferocity than ever.
In the midst of the conflict, a Rebel transport had been engaged by Imperial forces. A raging battle ensues, with the transport ultimately falling to the harsh surface of Tatooine, far from any signs of civilization.
Twenty-three crew members have made it out of the wreckage, but it will soon become apparent that there are dissidents among them. Hutt mobsters, hired by the Empire to eliminate the Rebels, have been lurking in the ranks, along with a few others who have more than just the Rebel cause at heart...