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Resetera and the pedo problem (updates)

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Just bumping this post to say something important.

Don't ever feel demoralized by whatever Reset users say about us.

Remember, we're the ones who are in the right. Whereas Reset users can only throw tantrums and death threats to justify themselves.

Once again, don't feel demoralized. Anyone from 4chan or Reddit reading this, realize that Neogaffers are up against a much bigger threat than regular shitlibs. We're up against people who want us DEAD, the minute they take power.


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So he's now been banned for this last quoted post even though it was three months old. " User Banned (Permanent): Engaging in unacceptable misconduct." Made sure they didn't use the word peodophile there, or underage sex, wouldn't want anyone to think Resetera had a pedo problem.

Anyone else from the OP get banned, lonely1 or did they all get a name change?
Whoa. I figured this was a nothing burger but that is pretty compelling evidence. It could be a coincidence, but...

At least resetera is snuffing out those users.


Whoa. I figured this was a nothing burger but that is pretty compelling evidence. It could be a coincidence, but...

At least resetera is snuffing out those users.
Did anybody even report that post? Where is the doxing and cancelling crusade reseterans love to do to anyone on the internet for saying similar stuff, not even accepting apologies and even allowing people to explain their positions? I guess the same phony moralist outrage doesn't apply to their own.

Every time a group comes up and declares themselves the bearers of moral truth and authority following impossible standards will inevitably fall under their own weight because they fail to notice one of the most obvious and biggest of truths out there: humans are fallible and contradictory by our own nature.
Knock knock, who's there? It's me
Wonderin why you're not naked
Know knock, who's there? Me again!
Still wonderin why you're not naked
I wanna see your bum, I don't care what you say
No I don't have feelings, cause feelings are gay
Something something in the month of May
Bitches love my penis cause it's really big
Girls' brains are much stupider than men's are
So they should always listen to us cause we're smart
Women are only good for three things
Cooking, cleaning... and vaginas


Gold Member
Creepy dude that admits to banging an underage girl gets banned months later after someone from the outside shines a light on it.
Want to discuss games in a THQN thread? Banned within a few minutes.

I think this is the thing right now. They are so preoccupied with their precious reputation and making sure they can 'discredit' it, they are missing their massive duty of care here. As that 'one guy who runs the one big gaming site hur dur', he is providing a portal to push forum users to (some who may be minors) to affiliated discords. There is enough here to suggest that there are some questionable characters with questionable behaviours and opinions, that they uphold as community members and they are turning a blind eye. While the evidence is not incriminating yet, there is enough to substantiate claims of possible off-site grooming though until proven this remains only a plausible belief.

Also why is GaF being implicated here? No one on this site is attempting to infiltrate them lol, they have been infiltrated since early 2018, and it's not even hard to find out who by, when you search. They can dig up tweets from 2003 that are problematic but can't even do basic reading to track their own clandestine sub communities. Wiping an entire log and history though is really not good. Why not provide contextual screenshots dismissing the claims?

I'm not going to lie, I just find the whole thing hilarious. The fact they are blind to the chan/kia/games/sub quarantine drama really shows how self centred they are. Maybe a rewatch of this episode would be helpful



Darkness no more
I think this is the thing right now. They are so preoccupied with their precious reputation and making sure they can 'discredit' it, they are missing their massive duty of care here. As that 'one guy who runs the one big gaming site hur dur', he is providing a portal to push forum users to (some who may be minors) to affiliated discords. There is enough here to suggest that there are some questionable characters with questionable behaviours and opinions, that they uphold as community members and they are turning a blind eye. While the evidence is not incriminating yet, there is enough to substantiate claims of possible off-site grooming though until proven this remains only a plausible belief.

Also why is GaF being implicated here? No one on this site is attempting to infiltrate them lol, they have been infiltrated since early 2018, and it's not even hard to find out who by, when you search. They can dig up tweets from 2003 that are problematic but can't even do basic reading to track their own clandestine sub communities. Wiping an entire log and history though is really not good. Why not provide contextual screenshots dismissing the claims?

I'm not going to lie, I just find the whole thing hilarious. The fact they are blind to the chan/kia/games/sub quarantine drama really shows how self centred they are. Maybe a rewatch of this episode would be helpful

This is my big things with all this. Aside from Squid dude there doesn't appears to be any direct evidence of pedophilia. There's some really creepy, suspect people ... sure. Had they just banned them and moved on this wouldn't really be much of a story. I'd even buy that they don't read the discord too often and just didn't notice it. I'm in a few discords myself but rarely open the app.

The bigger thing for me is the site constantly bans because of much less while constantly acting righteous, doxxes industry people, tries to get people fired, etc. They behave like nutcases over the smallest thing, but if they are guilty of even worse then they start making up excuses for it. Instead of owning and dealing with it they blame it on "alt right conspiracy" and "out of context screenshots". I don't see anything out of context with Squid dude and they just banned him, so some of this stuff must be accurate.


Whoa. I figured this was a nothing burger but that is pretty compelling evidence. It could be a coincidence, but...
He was posting normally just a few hours ago... but got a ban for a post three months ago.

Not looking good here Era mods. They seem to be active in following this Alt right nazi forum that's just a troll campaign, right? Nothing to see here, it's not real until we prove it is.
I wonder if reset era looks at server hosting companies that have been in business for 18 years or more and go "ugh. That hosting company has been around for 18 years. We should find a younger, fresher server hosting site that's like 14 years old...mmmmmuch fresher."

I wonder if this topic will hit 20k posts.

"Reset Era's peophile safe haven v2. Now with more having a seat right over ther. DON'T RUN!"


This is my big things with all this. Aside from Squid dude there doesn't appears to be any direct evidence of pedophilia.

Here's the thing, you don't actually have to stick your cock in a kid to be a pedophile. For example, if your jacking off to gay porn as a virgin, guess what? You are gay. Just becuse you have not yet taken or given a cock does not make you straight. You're gay, that makes you gay.

If you have a lot of sexually explicit images of children and defend that "it's just 2D pictures" then you're a pedo.


I wonder why those gaming outlets aren’t reporting it. Especially that cunt called Jason. Oh I know why, they all have the same politics fuckery so let’s cover their ass
You know that silence of them tells us a lot. Time for them to grow some pair and honour the jounalist part of the job. You know by asking the questions.


Neo Member
SJWs thinking they are always right and after that stuff they keep thinking they are always right. Damn, that was unexpected, huh.
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I wonder why those gaming outlets aren’t reporting it. Especially that cunt called Jason. Oh I know why, they all have the same politics fuckery so let’s cover their ass
Do you want the truth?

The media at large swings left. The left is much more protected when it comes to saying hideous shit whereas centrist/right leaning people are not.

Look at the screenshots I posted above. Resetera has been spouting death threats and anti-white hatred since day 1 yet have confirmed industry people from Microsoft or Amazon cut ties with them? Nope. They protect their own.
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Before I became a member here I used to just read the neogaf forums on and off for years. I remember watching how this place was slowly taken over and held hostage by those moral authoritarians.

It was a bit scary to watch. How you'd see people banned every day and how it sent a message of which narratives were acceptable. An ever increasing number of normal opinions and interactions were becoming a version of hate speech and the bans just kept increasing in frequency. It was slowly turning this place into an echo chamber where everyone had to think the same way.

What drives someone to want to control what others can think and say? I guess it's because many of the narratives they hold to be true would fall apart if opposing ides were allowed to be discussed and examined. Just label everything else as hate and enforce an authoritarian safe space.

Then the best thing that could have happened, did. The crazies became so insane they just couldn't handle being among normal people anymore and split off. And thankfully that happened because from an outsiders perspective this place was completely taken over by the worst kind of SJWs.

It's the only reason I'm here now.
I just got my 15 years of service (!!!) achievement. Imagine how I felt watching that nonsense happen.
Is it still ok for me to make more silly and moderately amusing jokes at Reset Era's expense...even though I've done it quite a bit so far and people seemed to like it?

Pwetty pwease? :messenger_poop::messenger_poop::messenger_heart::messenger_heart:🧡💛💚💙💜🖤

HOLY SHIT I didn't know there were so many categories of emoticons. I just stuck to the first group and never scrolled down. Im an idiotard.
  • LOL
Reactions: TLZ
Do you want the truth?

The media at large swings left. The left is much more protected when it comes to saying hideous shit whereas centrist/right leaning people are not.

Look at the screenshots I posted above. Resetera has been spouting death threats and anti-white hatred since day 1 yet have confirmed industry people from Microsoft or Amazon cut ties with them? Nope. They protect their own.
As of now, whether like him or not, Ian Miles Cheong wants to report this now



Neo Member
It's clear that REE has it's vast tentacles around many websites and organizations. What can we do to fight this scourge?
It's clear that REE has it's vast tentacles around many websites and organizations. What can we do to fight this scourge?
I don't think that's "clear". It's just suspicious. Don't underestimate the desire for an internet stranger to speak up as an authority on a hot topic. Most of the drive-bys on other websites appear to be people who want attention for being "in the know". Granted, I am not denying that ERA-sympathetic users may be spreading FUD on purpose. Both can be true at the same time.

GAF doesn't need to become some sort of underground #reeeesistance fighting for truth and justice against the "compromised" internet. Such a notion will do more to isolate GAF than to uncover any wrongdoing.

Thanks for signing up for GAF.


the reason this wont get picked up is simple.

the evidence is lacking and conflating users with a whole forum is just weird and kinda petty. Amirox was a pedo and part of this board. Opiate was. SO this board should be called a den of pedos now? This is what some people here are basically doin.

and no, i dont have a account there. and my posthistory should speak for itself what i think about that place.

its the same shit that happened with THQN. Media didnt pick it up, because guilty by association is a farce and goes no way. Its petty and shines a bad light on some users here. just because resetera does it, doesnt mean we should do it.

i do agree that some of the users should be investigated. but thats not our job.

and it is concerning that the user delivering all this, only did so after she was banned. it feels like a vandetta that uses the social media outragemachine. I get that this board laps this up, looking at the past and all. but come on.

use some common sense please.

just my 2 cents.
He needs to be careful tweeting stuff like that.

As someone who is taking great enjoyment in watching ResetEra be hoisted by its own petard, there's a pretty big difference between turning a blind eye to some dodgy characters on your platform and being an actual deviant.
I also thought of Colin Moriarty, he always thought that ERA been cancerous for the gaming industry.


Great, thanks Raph. Was actually a music festival. Saw Tool finally. Can't walk now. Great success.

Gonna uhhh, do a little light reading now I'm back.

No problem ! Was ending up being curious where were you, but you seem to have had a good time, glad you enjoyed it !

Now obviously, since you’re late, there’s a shitload of reading time that awaits you if you want to know what is basically happening with PedoERA.


Do you want the truth?

The media at large swings left. The left is much more protected when it comes to saying hideous shit whereas centrist/right leaning people are not.

Look at the screenshots I posted above. Resetera has been spouting death threats and anti-white hatred since day 1 yet have confirmed industry people from Microsoft or Amazon cut ties with them? Nope. They protect their own.
Can’t disagree with what you said. Their silence just proves that we weren’t accusing anyone with false accusations


So uh should I read the pages 3-42 in this topic or did the end and beginning hit all the juicy stuff worth reading?


Gold Member
I also thought of Colin Moriarty, he always thought that ERA been cancerous for the gaming industry.

He's too professional and too sensible to get involved with those cretins.

The only way to deal with Resetera and the legions of Twitter ghouls is to categorically ignore them. Do not engage. You can never appease them or reach any sort of agreement. They are zealots that should be treated in the same way as street preachers.
You owe an apology though. You doubted.
Your logic on the tattoo was flimsy at best. What the other guy posted is 10000 times more convincing. He didn't doubt over what that guy posted but what YOU posted. You must admit an admission is way better than making a judgement off a cartoon tattoo.

EDIT: I want to be clear too and point out how I even agreed the tattoo was creepy, but was just pointing out how it didn't mean as much as you claimed because I understood the games where as you were clearly ignorant of them. A discussion like this CANNOT be plagued by ignorance or bias.
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I won't name who it is since I don't wanna get accused of making baseless accusations, I never thought of taking a ton of screenshots, but I can assure you Squiddo isn't the only diehard Splatoon/Nintendo fanboy with pedo tendencies. Let's just say it's an open secret on a certain Era Discord server.


I won't name who it is since I don't wanna get accused of making baseless accusations, I never thought of taking a ton of screenshots, but I can assure you Squiddo isn't the only diehard Splatoon/Nintendo fanboy with pedo tendencies. Let's just say it's an open secret on a certain Era Discord server.

I don’t like how elusive you’re trying to be. Now that you posted your thoughts, you’re gonna have to tell us more about what you’re saying, with legit proof.
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I won't name who it is since I don't wanna get accused of making baseless accusations, I never thought of taking a ton of screenshots, but I can assure you Squiddo isn't the only diehard Splatoon/Nintendo fanboy with pedo tendencies. Let's just say it's an open secret on a certain Era Discord server.
Just to be clear you're using that to describe a specific poster with thoses traits, and not say those two traits are linked right? I fear people making this into a "Splatoon fan" problem rather than an "Era" problem.
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Just to be clear you're using that to describe a specific poster with thoses traits, and not say those two traits are linked right? I fear people making this into a "Splatoon fan" problem rather than an "Era" problem.
Oh yeah, not trying to conflate pedos and Splatoon fans.

I think you guys can put two and two together.
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Seems the effort to stifle discussion about this is in full effect. Someone seems to be using DDoS attacks on smaller forums and other dirty tactics.
A certain forum webiste which I stumbled upon two days ago where people who have accounts here and on RE are discussing things that happen on those platforms is down since early today. It just says 504 bad gateway tiime-out whenever I try to access it. Alot of interesting things were on this forum and a ton of the names that were named by OP appear on this site aswell, not in a good way.
Just a coincidence.

Just a coincidence.

You all already posted this but I can't stress enough how great of a take this is.

He shared some of my concerns with some of the OPs statements too. Still one reaching statement or not, her and the other users of this thread have done excellent work!
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