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GAF Member: Arrest made at Coulter speech; Student arrested, charged with disorder

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Doth Togo


Arrest made at Coulter speech; Student arrested, charged with disorderly conduct after offensive question
Wed May 04 2005 11:57:58 ET

Incessant heckling and shouting culminated in an arrest Tuesday night during a speech by controversialist Ann Coulter at the University of Texas at Austin.

THE TEXAN reports: Shouts became so pervasive during the question-and-answer session that Coulter informed the organizers she would no longer take questions if the hecklers were not silenced. For a time, the shouts were considerably lessened, until the issue of gay marriage was broached.

Coulter said she supported the definition of marriage as between a man and a woman on the basis that a good woman civilizes and inspires a man to strive for something better, leading to a question that was met with a stunned silence.

"You say that you believe in the sanctity of marriage," said Ajai Raj, an English sophomore. "How do you feel about marriages where the man does nothing but f*@k his wife up the ass?"

UT Police officers approached Raj to arrest him, resulting in a mass exodus of protesters chanting, "Let him go."

"The person had been disruptive the entire event," said Matt Hardigree, former Student Events Center president. "He took the opportunity to say something lewd and offensive and then made masturbatory gestures as he exited."

Hardigree said that Cheryl Wood from the Office of the Dean of Students spoke with some of the protestors before the event, and assorted members of the Distinguished Speakers Committee asked them to sit in the back if they had signs and to leave quietly if they wanted to leave.

According to Jeffrey Stockerwell, a friend of Raj, officers violently seized Raj and illegally searched him after his question.

Police have charged Raj with disorderly conduct, a Class C misdemeanor.

Representatives of the Austin People's Legal Collective were taking statements from everyone at the scene, in case it should be taken to court.

The booing began early into Coulter's speech, when she issued a joke to pro-choice advocates.

"I wonder why those 'I Heart Partial-Birth Abortion' T-shirts aren't selling better," she said, followed by a combination of cheers and jeers.

One student asked Coulter why universities and institutions place microphones in front of Coulter when she advocates terrorism against liberals, prompting Coulter to mention the strength of her book sales. Coulter has had four New York Times best sellers.

The $30,000 event was co-sponsored by the Texas Union Student Events Center and Student Endowed Centennial Lectureship Committee.



These sorts of debates might go somewhere if panty-twisting liberals could keep from making crude and obviously antagonizing comments/questions. What animals... no wonder they can't get their candidate elected to office.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Zilch said:
These sorts of debates might go somewhere if panty-twisting liberals could keep from making crude and obviously antagonizing comments/questions. What animals... no wonder they can't get their candidate elected to office.

This is Ann Coulter we're talking about... these remarks were right on her level.


You can't be serious about having a debate with Coulter.

It's kinda like debating with a wall. That punches you.
Did anyone read the Time magazine wth AnnCoulter on the cover? It kind of hinted that she was really a comedian and her whole character was an act. Not sure if I beileve this, but it sure puts her outragous remarks into perspective.


Doth Togo said:
"The person had been disruptive the entire event," said Matt Hardigree, former Student Events Center president. "He took the opportunity to say something lewd and offensive and then made masturbatory gestures as he exited."

sounds like the person got what was coming to him. I can see why the UT police took him away, the school paid some big bucks for her to speak.


Strap on your hooker ...
Colleges are majority liberal anyway (both students and faculty), they're just asking for trouble by booking bitingly conservative guests like this in the first place. It's like inviting Ice Cube to a policeman's ball.


As much as I support being heard, it sounds like this guy was not really interested in any kind of intelligent responce from the speaker (not that she wouldve been capable of giving one).

galeninja, did you attend the speach?
galeninjapan said:
Did anyone read the Time magazine wth AnnCoulter on the cover? It kind of hinted that she was really a comedian and her whole character was an act. Not sure if I beileve this, but it sure puts her outragous remarks into perspective.

Well, duh. Doesn't mean her words don't carry weight with the fringe right, though. These people don't even realize they're being played... :lol


Shig said:
Colleges are majority liberal anyway (both students and faculty), they're just asking for trouble by booking bitingly conservative guests like this in the first place. It's like inviting Ice Cube to a policeman's ball.

In Austin, no less. I can't believe she would agree to speak there :lol
Boomer said:
In Austin, no less. I can't believe she would agree to speak there :lol

Yeah, definitely true. Austin was Kerry-land to the tune of some 70%. She's just looking for trouble there.


Coulter is a bitch. An ignorant one at that. As someone said, that comment was right as her level. When you play in the mud don't be suprised when some of it flies in your face. What I want to know is, what happened to good old-fashioned pies and eggs in the face? Is there any reason this woman isn't egged everywhere she goes? PEACE.


I consider myself a liberal and even I felt conservative while attending UTA. The environment makes for some great headlines though. :lol


Pimpwerx said:
Coulter is a bitch. An ignorant one at that. As someone said, that comment was right as her level. When you play in the mud don't be suprised when some of it flies in your face. What I want to know is, what happened to good old-fashioned pies and eggs in the face? Is there any reason this woman isn't egged everywhere she goes? PEACE.

I would definitely egg that bitch and I'm a republican


I imagine the point, if there was one, he was trying to make was that since some gay couples engage in anal sex, and since heterosexual couples may do the same exclusively if they chose to, how that fits under her idea of the sanctity of marriage. Or maybe he was just trying to be disruptive....either way, it's not surprising. I'm just hoping that at some point people stop booking this woman for college campus speeches, let alone anything else. Much as I enjoy watching Realtime w/Bill Maher when I'm able to catch it, her frequent appearances and apparent friendship with him on the show usually wind up throwing the discussions into the toilet.


Semi-related to egg throwing, what if somebody were to spit in the President's face? What kind of charge could be brought up?


Strap on your hooker ...
goodcow said:
Semi-related to egg throwing, what if somebody were to spit in the President's face? What kind of charge could be brought up?


Macam said:
I imagine the point, if there was one, he was trying to make was that since some gay couples engage in anal sex, and since heterosexual couples may do the same exclusively if they chose to, how that fits under her idea of the sanctity of marriage. Or maybe he was just trying to be disruptive....either way, it's not surprising. I'm just hoping that at some point people stop booking this woman for college campus speeches, let alone anything else. Much as I enjoy watching Realtime w/Bill Maher when I'm able to catch it, her frequent appearances and apparent friendship with him on the show usually wind up throwing the discussions into the toilet.

I think their point is that one arguement against gay marriage is that it disrupts the sanctity of marriage, while things such as buttfucking and divorce are happening with straight couples. I'm pretty sure buttfucking is illegal anyway so I don't get the point.

Justin Bailey

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It would be cool if, in like 5-10 years, Coulter writes her "final" book where she talks about how her whole schtick was a con just to get reactions out of people and that she doesn't really believe anything she says. She could point out that some people actually had thoughtful and informed opinions, but they were mostly ignored because the public wants to be entertained, not informed.

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
Zilch said:
These sorts of debates might go somewhere if panty-twisting liberals could keep from making crude and obviously antagonizing comments/questions. What animals... no wonder they can't get their candidate elected to office.

Yet more proof of the Nintendo fan/fringe conservative correlation! :lol


Pimpwerx said:
What I want to know is, what happened to good old-fashioned pies and eggs in the face? Is there any reason this woman isn't egged everywhere she goes? PEACE.

people going to jail for assault would be my guess.


First tragedy, then farce.
Not only was I there to see this event happen.. I know the guy who did it. Not super well or anything, more of a friend of a friend, but I see him at parties and such. At least Im pretty sure its the same guy, Im awaiting confirmation from my friend.

This man just got himself SO much tail.


Honorary Canadian.
I think you guys are missing the overall question:

what the fuck is someone fron England doing in Texas?

Unless they're referring to "english" as his major... but I doubt it. I've never seen a college newspaper cite somebody with their name and major, only name and home.


galeninjapan said:
Did anyone read the Time magazine wth AnnCoulter on the cover? It kind of hinted that she was really a comedian and her whole character was an act. Not sure if I beileve this, but it sure puts her outragous remarks into perspective.

Yup, I read what someone wrote that Ann Coulter is the greatest Satirist of our time, and I agree with them.


I think its hilarious that he's gonna ask a very rhetorical question that obviously would get a reaction, then resist leaving, crying wolf. He surely must have expected to get kicked out. The question was funny and Anne prolly laughed her arse off at it after the speech.


rastex said:
Yup, I read what someone wrote that Ann Coulter is the greatest Satirist of our time, and I agree with them.

Agreed. She's doing what ol' Mikey Moore makes a living on but liberals LOVE him to death.


Chipopo said:

Penny Arcade shirt. Dude probably does read the GAF.

Sweet hair. I dont know how he could have said that with a straight face... maybe he didnt' and just covered it with his hippie hair.


Here's the guy's statement regarding the question:

Open Letter to Anyone Who Gives a Shit About Justice

I'm writing this in response to the spectacle that occurred in the LBJ Library on Tuesday, May 3rd, 2005, when Ann Coulter, a diabolical, ignorant, but nevertheless charismatic right-wing pundit, came to speak at UT. Ms. Coulter- yes, Ms, I'd personally think such a vocal female conservative would be making Bubba a meatloaf instead of addressing a politically-minded collegiate audience, but whatever- is the author of relentlessly mendacious anti-liberal books, such as Slander: Liberal Lies About the American Right and Treason: Liberal Treachery From the Cold War to the War on Terrorism. She's famous for having an ass that stores so many lies it makes clown-car designers envious. Like her or not (and if you do, I'm surprised you can read) she's a Big Fucking Deal.

The title of the front-page story covering Ms. Coulter's in the Texan was "Arrest Made at Coulter Speech". You could also have caught it on CBS or in the Austin-American Statesman. The general idea is that some jackass made a scene, and Ann Coulter was also there.

I am Ajai Raj, and I am a jackass.

In his article, which I enjoyed and commend him for, Mr. Sampath quoted the former president of the Student Events Center, the organization which arranged the event. He wrote:
"The person had been disruptive the entire event," said Matt Hardigree, former Student Events Center president. "He took the opportunity to say something lewd and offensive and then made masturbatory gestures as he exited."
And what do I have to say in rebuttal? Not a goddamn thing.

Matt Hardigree got it spot-on! From the beginning I was yelling obscenities along with my friends, roaring at Ms. Coulter's right-wing bullshit festival the way no one else had the balls to. Mr. Sampath writes in his article that (and this is my take) the protestors were told to be good all along. They were told to sit in the back and hold their signs and leave quietly. No wonder hippies get such a bad rap nowadays; protestors today might as well be ornaments on the Rightmobile. When I want someone to know I'm pissed off, I'm going to throw down and give them a good shit-ruining. I wanted to show Ms. Coulter that people are down if she wants to hold a circle-jerk, but we're not gonna do it her way. Not me, at least.

So yes, the Q&A session came around, and it was pathetic. Her slack-jawed fans got up and licked her face so she could pat them on the head- one schmuck offered to be her bodyguard, and she smiled, doubtlessly making a mental note that she wouldn't touch his nether regions if she were King Midas; liberal protestors posed well-intentioned but woefully timid questions and got shot down in a hail of ignorant shitfire from the She-Dragon. Standing in line awaiting my turn, I watched her send a moderate Republican, who had questioned the sheer incendiary magnitude of her rhetoric, walk away in tears when she tore him apart for daring to question her.

So yes, I saw my "opportunity to say something lewd and offensive." And I took it.

She had just said something about gay marriage, the typical rightwing bullshit spiel that is still convincing people that the Bible is really the Constitution. Knowing that taking the time to say something insightful, specific, or even slightly critical would get me a lame comeback and a ticket back to my seat, I realized that the only way to win this battle was to fight fire with fire. Or bullshit with bullshit. So, as reported in yesterday's Texan, I fired:

"You say that you believe in the sanctity of marriage," said Ajai Raj, an English sophomore. "How do you feel about marriages where the man does nothing but fuck his wife up the ass?"

And the crowd fell silent. Ms. Coulter stood stunned atop her stage, unprepared for a jackass to say something so utterly crude and to the point. Her pompous and mean air is enough to stump questioners into timidity, I wasn't about to let her stop me. The audience members looked at me with raw disbelief; later, even friends who know me well admitted that they'd been surprised at how vulgar I'd been. The others in line for Q&A, mostly liberals, looked at me like I'd set their cause back forty years.

Did I give a shit? No. If I had a message, it's that the whole thing was a joke- hell, our whole political scene today is a fucking joke. Everyone's out to either pat themselves on the back for being right or whine about how they're being wronged without ever lifting a finger to fight for it.

So rather than dignify anyone else, I "made masturbatory gestures" as I exited. Again, bingo! I danced a jig and set my hand a-jerkin' at crotch-level, sneering for the crowd and letting them know I was ready to roll. I yelled to my friends that we were gonna split and made for the door.

Two cops approached me. I figured they were going to tell me I had to leave, so I said "You can't fire me, because I quit!"

"You're under arrest."

It was my turn to be shocked. I tried to ask them what for; saying "fuck her in the ass"" at a college isn't a crime, last time I checked. They apparently mistook my inquiries for aggression, and grabbed me roughly and slammed me into the door. Within seconds the backmost two or three rows was surging forward, following the scene as the cops dragged me out the door. They yelled and chanted; my friends were more outraged than I'd ever seen any of them before. As they pushed me into the car, I heard my good friend Jeffrey Stockwell scream, "THIS ISN'T A JUSTICE SYSTEM! YOU CALL THIS PROTECTING AND SERVING?!" The crowd took up a chant at the UTPD officers: "Shame! Shame! Shame!"

Shame is fucking right. When I asked the cops why they thought I needed cuffing, they told me that they didn't even see anything that happened, they were just doing as told.

As a good friend pointed out to me, it's a scary thought that people who are given weapons and the authority to forcibly detain people can act without knowledge of a situation.

I'm writing this at 7:15 A.M. Wednesday, having recouped over a few cigarettes and some coffee after being released from jail around 3 A.M. I had a party waiting for me- twenty or so friends and supporters, who showered me with gifts such as a card, sodas, cigarettes, food, and a Blondie CD (go figure). Several civil rights-interested associations approached me, offering pro bono legal representation and showing their support.

I have no regrets. Was I jackass? Yes. Oh Christ, yes. But here's the question people ought to ask themselves. Did I deserve to be arrested? Did the cops need to rough me up for saying bad words at what was at least masquerading as an open dialogue? Do the people of Texas- hell, of America- feel that "potty mouth" belongs on the list of punishable crimes along with "aggravated assault" and "armed robbery"?

As stated in the Texan article, I am charged with Disorderly Conduct, which is a Class C Misdemeanor. Other Class C Misdemeanors include DWIs, possession of drug paraphernalia, and speeding tickets. Without getting into the justification for all of those, were my naughty words and crude hand motions as imposing a danger?

This isn't about politics anymore, however it might have come about. Either you think it's an absurd outrage or you think swearing is a crime. Trey Parker and Matt Stone are Republicans, for Christ's sake. Raise your hand if you watch South Park.

This is about drawing a line in the sand. It made me proud to see people standing up and calling bullshit when bullshit needed to be called. All politics aside, people ought to ask themselves, how far should our representatives of "justice" be allowed to go? Do the American people believe in censorship rights for the rich and famous?

I know I didn't slay the insidious evil that is Ann Coulter, but I did give her pause. She can easily go to another college or hoedown or whatever and spew her tired rhetoric without worrying about me. But I'm not the only one who feels this way. Other people will call her on her shit.

And hey, Ann, don't come back to UT. We're better than your bullshit here. And I can think of at least one jackass here who can dish it out better than you.


Setec Astronomer
Jdw40223 said:
Agreed. She's doing what ol' Mikey Moore makes a living on but liberals LOVE him to death.
I've seen Michael Moore. I've seen Ann Coulter. You cannot HONESTLY say that she's only doing what he does.

Then again, maybe Rush Limbaugh, Pat Robertson, John Ashcroft, Tom DeLay, Jerry Falwell, and and that Santorum guy are all satirists too. BIGGEST SATIRE IN HISTORY, GET IT?


Hitokage said:
I've seen Michael Moore. I've seen Ann Coulter. You cannot HONESTLY say that she's only doing what he does.

(Admittedly, that's an exaggeratedly positive portrayal of Moore, but I think the point still stands).


First tragedy, then farce.
1) The guy is an English major... the Texan allways cites someone major.

2) There are alot of people from England who go to UT..
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